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Forum connectivity or performance issues

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  • RMweb Premium

The last few days, "Load more activity" has become slower and slower.

This afternoon I was particularly annoyed by an advert below it that kept flashing different colours to the point that I pressed the cancel "x" in the top right corner of the ad.  The load more activity reacted immediately.  I have tested this a couple of times since with the same result.  It seems for me at least that the adverts are in part a cause of poor performance.

Since we have been told today how little they contribute to the site, perhaps turning them off (at least until a lasting solution can be found) might improve site performance.

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28 minutes ago, John M Upton said:

Utterly awful this afternoon bordering on useless.


I shouldn't have been as restrained with my earlier post 


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On 29/12/2019 at 14:48, Harlequin said:

That's largely supposition and assumption and I don't agree with it at all, I'm afraid.


I think the new software is clearly superior in most respects and obviously fit for purpose. There's just a bug in it that needs to be fixed.


Some bugs are more difficult to fix than others, especially if they occur apparently randomly and/or only in specific configurations. To track it down will need persistance, meticulousness and patience...



I would agree that the slow running and occasional error messages, etc. are probably a bug,

and will be difficult to track down and correct.

But my opinion is that this software only seems to have the advantage of security at the expense

of features, eg no post numbers (excuse given that it upsets the flow if a post is deleted)

it used to have page numbers, which meant you could find threads/posts relatively easily, now

you are constantly scrolling down and re-loading, that is if it will let you without jumping back

and missing 2 months worth. But if you want to go back more than 2 or 3 days it will tell you that

there is no more! Then, if you do manage to go back to where you want, read the thread/topic you

wanted to, when you go 'page back' to the 'view new content' page, it always only goes as far as 

1 day.

This was on my old laptop/netbook, I then upgraded to a Chromebook and got a tablet, the same

thing on all of them, that is why I am unimpressed with this software, I had considered getting the

Gold package, but I don't see the point of paying for something that does less than the old version.

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Judging by the lack of posts here I'd say things are working as they should for the majority. A little bit of juggling on cache clearance processes between our hosts and our IT department seems to be having the desired effect. I was keen to pull things together before we face a busy week next week so it couldn't really wait until I was back at the desk.

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  • RMweb Gold

Had slow performance this morning at 09:49 - 09:52, it also seemed slow when first connecting around 09:40 but I put that down to my Internet / local cache


Weirdly I posted a comment and went in to edit it as I'd accidentally deleted a bit of text. The save button would not work, no matter how hard I clicked it ;), cancel was fine. I re-edited and all was fine but took about 30 seconds to save (a couple of lines of text and a web link)

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  • RMweb Gold

I've had several significant slow downs today - including just now. I've checked my connectioin by loading other sites which are all loading quickly.


Not complaining but for your info Andy.

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  • RMweb Premium
24 minutes ago, beast66606 said:

I've had several significant slow downs today - including just now. I've checked my connectioin by loading other sites which are all loading quickly.


Not complaining but for your info Andy.


Not just a one-off - and seems to coincide with rapidly changing 'flash' images in the RH advertisement panel.


To my non-digital mind, it stands to reason that if my PC is busy downloading multiple complex advertisement images, it's going to be inhibited in its ability to download group content.


I await a technical explanation as to why my 'simplistic' logic is flawed. (Of course, the acid test would be to switch off the ads for 24 hours - but that ain't going to happen, as the results might be too revealing .......).



John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ads have nothing to do with the slow downs I've seen as there aren't any ads on the screens in question so while there may be something in that, it's certainly nowhere near conclusive.



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I'm not sure which part of the thread I should have placed this but here goes:


Bizarrely, I've just added a comment in a thread in DCC and it's attributed my reply as being in another unconnected thread. I clicked on the newly attributed thread and my reply has not appeared in there (otherwise others are likely to react with 'WUT?'.


I don't know if it's a glitch, but something is not pointing correctly.


Just thought I'd mention it.






Edit: The topic to which I replied was 'DCC starting out - I'm not .....' (topic no 148475) and on the front page of RMweb it was showing me having placed a reply in 'Kato points witing (sic)' (topic no 150737). Weird or what particularly as I've never visited that site (except just now to check)?

Edited by Philou
Topic details added.
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23 minutes ago, Philou said:

I'm not sure which part of the thread I should have placed this but here goes:


Bizarrely, I've just added a comment in a thread in DCC and it's attributed my reply as being in another unconnected thread. I clicked on the newly attributed thread and my reply has not appeared in there (otherwise others are likely to react with 'WUT?'.


I don't know if it's a glitch, but something is not pointing correctly.


Just thought I'd mention it.






Edit: The topic to which I replied was 'DCC starting out - I'm not .....' (topic no 148475) and on the front page of RMweb it was showing me having placed a reply in 'Kato points witing (sic)' (topic no 150737). Weird or what particularly as I've never visited that site (except just now to check)?


I can see a post from you in the correct topic here -https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/148475-dcc-starting-out-im-not-a-techy-but-so-far-its-been-worth-it/&do=findComment&comment=3800799



The last post I can see in the Kato topic is this https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/150737-kato-points-witing/&do=findComment&comment=3800817 with no subsequent posts or deletions so Im at a bit of loss as to why you are seeing that aberration.



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Hello Andy,


I don't know either - however, the time I made the comment here and then edited, the attribution in the Kato thread on the front page then pointed at WMorrison. Is it just possible that he and I happened to press 'submit reply' at a precise moment in our respective threads and it just caused a temporary glitch? Computers eh? Who'd have 'em?





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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to open old wounds but the forum has been sporadically slow again for the past few days. I had Cloudflare kick in a few times and serve cached pages.


I didn't report before through laziness and not wanting to be a constant whinger but it gets a bit frustrating and I wish it could be fixed.


Whenever I catch a slow page in the Chrome debugger it's always the same pattern: the first http request is slow and all the subsequent requests for graphics, style sheets and everything else arrive quite fast.


Edited by Harlequin
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  • RMweb Premium

I got a couple of 522 Cloudflare errors earlier completely at random and some very sluggish performance on and off at various points.  Something seems to be seriously amiss somewhere.

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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, John M Upton said:

I got a couple of 522 Cloudflare errors earlier completely at random and some very sluggish performance on and off at various points.  Something seems to be seriously amiss somewhere.


I'll no doubt be accused of unnecessary posting - but I wish to emphasise that this is not a localised problem.


Surely it is not beyond the whit of man to isolate the cause of the problem?


..... or is the cause known, and the solution not acceptable to the list-owners?


Whatever, it would be nice to know what is being done to resolve a problem which seriously undermines the value of this once reliable resource.



John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold

If it's frustrating for us, it must be a real headache for Andy York and others.


Unusually for me I have now reached the point where at the first sign of sluggish performance I just go and do something else with my time rather than sit and wait for the forum software.


Hope you can get to the bottom of it Andy and get it fixed once and for all.


Regards Colin

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