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GMRC Series 2 - Episode 3 - 'Best of British'

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Friday 27 September 2019:  8pm - 9:15pm Channel 5


From Radio Times:




Stereotypes begone: this week sees the first all-female team to compete on the series, as the Loco Ladies – led by captain Carol – offer their take on the theme of bucolic Britain.

Carol is justly proud of one detail of their layout nobody else has attempted – crocheted trees. But boy, they’re up against strong opposition: both the Cambrian Coasters (all blokes) and the Railmen of Kent (all blokes, and from the same family) deploy staggering levels of detail and artistry.

There are miniature Henry Moore sculptures and pasty factories and a wagon hoist and a royal flypast. There’s even a giant Yorkshire pudding. Well, giant at the scale of the model – it’s all relative.



Three teams must create a landscape on the theme of the Best of British. Family team the Railmen of Kent recreate the 1951 Festival of Britain, including iconic trains and replicas of famous stations. The Loco Ladies draw inspiration from the countryside, complete with crocheted trees, while the Cambrian Coasters celebrate British food with a huge Yorkshire pudding and a cunning haggis delivery system. 





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Ah, now here's a theme I wouldn't have minded a crack at - to be honest, would have struggled a bit with either of the first two.


If the rest of the Railmen of Kent's layout looks half as good as the snippet above then this should be a good episode. Not that I haven't enjoyed watching the series so far, you understand...

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Ah, yes, the interrogator ........ 


The one on the left is Maddy from the production office, on the right is the assistant director who was in charge of all the head and shoulders interview shots at Fawley Hill.

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2 hours ago, whart57 said:

Ah, yes, the interrogator ........ 


The one on the left is Maddy from the production office, on the right is the assistant director who was in charge of all the head and shoulders interview shots at Fawley Hill.

You might want to look out for something that I said to the “interrogator” if you watch our Heat tomorrow. Her name is Suki - she was lovely really but........ 

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1 hour ago, LocoLadies CF said:

You might want to look out for something that I said to the “interrogator” if you watch our Heat tomorrow. Her name is Suki - she was lovely really but........ 


I'm hoping most of my footage with Suki ended up on the cutting room floor, as they said in pre-digital days. But I will watch tomorrow.


We met you guys briefly in the hotel car park btw, we were arriving for Heat 4 as you got back from Fawley.

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A funny story from when Suki and Shannon came to see us.


We were filming in our summer house that doubles as my railway room / workshop / man cave. It was a hot day and Suki wanted the door closed to control the natural light. Shannon was operating the camera and Suki sat next to her. About 10  minutes in, Shannon suddenly said "Can we stop for a minute, I feeling a bit fai.....


At that point she keeled over, collapsing and pushing the camera into Suki before falling into my arms! I guided her onto the floor and got her lying in the Recovery Position while Suki screamed, ran out of the room and around in circles in the garden! 


Shannon came around and after a sit down and some water was OK. Apparently the whole thing was caught on the camera and subsequently hidden from the editors in case it made the final cut!! This was mainly due to Suki's screaming than Shannon collapsing I gather...

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While I can see the funny side, it's not so much fun when you faint! :o


Many years ago, my mother was bathing one of my eyes, that had an infection...:blink:


Suddenly everything went black, and I came to on the floor with a sore head. I had hit the plastic bin on my way down! :wacko:


Luckily, no concussion, and I can now see the funny side....mother concerned, but also trying to see the funny side, once she knew that I was more or less alright...:rolleyes:


It hasn't affected me at all... :crazy_mini:


And the moral of this story?


Watch what you are doing with make up and your eyes!  It's a very good idea to cleanse...get the make up off before sleeping..


That will lessen the chance of infection...and thereby a quick trip to the floor!



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30 mins in tonight and it seems the judges are yearning for something outrageous. It seems this week is a little more conventional than the last two.


And no double entendres yet!

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Overall much more enjoyed the layouts in this episode from a modelling perspective. All the teams did really well and based off what we were shown the Kent Railwaymen did deserve their win.


Surprised about the tree comment when episide 1 involved 2 active volcanoes in the British countryside!

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11 hours ago, LocoLadies CF said:

Bit nervous now. Our Heat The Best of British is airing tonight.


Your enthusiasm was wonderful, I must say I was rooting for you tonight


Well done on showing this isn't just a male hobby



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1 hour ago, noiseboy72 said:

Well done all teams, 3 great layouts. I thought Kathy was very harsh on the trees, we all thought they were great!


1 hour ago, RLWP said:


Your enthusiasm was wonderful, I must say I was rooting for you tonight


Well done on showing this isn't just a male hobby



Thank you ... we were serious contenders and wanted to show what we could do. The trees seem to have been very popular though. More than Kathy thought they would be maybe ...... 


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I think the problem with the trees was, you'd limited them to a single forest


If you had (somehow*) extended the crochet theme across the whole railway you may have done better. Or totally alienated the judges, I'm not sure which


Either way, hopefully you have lost your free 'chauffeur' entry at exhibitions - you deserve better than that




*I have no idea too

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