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HS2 under review

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Interesting piece of gossip in today's London Standard.


The Chancellor, speaking from the site of a new 18-platform metro/HS terminus being built in Hong Kong, is reported as saying:


“I’m thinking that maybe we should go for a really big re-development of Euston” ...


“There is a really big opportunity for jobs and for housing in the area. Let’s face it - Euston is not one of the prettiest of the London stations. It was last redeveloped in the middle part of the last century.”



Edited by Fenman
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Hi All

           It is hoped, that the remains of the Doric Arch,will be incorperated into the redevelopment of Euston Station.    .google Euston ,Doric Arch and try U-tube ,Dan Cruckshank _ Doric Arch.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well as predicted above HS2 has been dragged into the flooding argument.




Rather predictably an Aylesbury MP has said that HS2 will increase flood risk as the footprint is eqvuivalent to many houses.  I would suggest that a series of embankments across a flood plain would actually help absorb rain with very little impermeable surface.  Much less than a series of houses with drives and partially paved gardens plus the roads to get to them.



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  • RMweb Premium


Mr Lidington, the MP for Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire, said in a letter to Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin.....


I bet he's got a special folder for letters like this.


If flooding from HS2 is such a massive issue, why didn't they raise it before the recent floods? I sense a bandwaggon being jumped on.

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  • RMweb Gold

I bet he's got a special folder for letters like this.


If flooding from HS2 is such a massive issue, why didn't they raise it before the recent floods? I sense a bandwaggon being jumped on.

And why are many MPs in cahoots with councils who have allowed building, and developers who have built, on flood plains.  Our own MP was a consultant to the planning industry (sic) who managed to help bulldoze schemes through in the days before he and his mates  managed to 'pack' the selection meeting and so got him into a safe seat instead of the expected candidate (not an accusation, I was told about the meeting being 'packed' by the person who chaired it).


I'm sorry but what has vanished under concrete and tarmac has had far more impact that a railway embankment 40-50 feet wide is ever likely to have.

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  • RMweb Gold

Predictable stuff coming from a local MP worried about his seat. The rump of the objectors seem to be getting ever more desperate with uninformed and conjectural arguments and in many cases downright wrong and misleading statistics are used.


They've now lost all of their supreme court petitions and one of the councils have withdrawn support from one of the 'anti' groups (can't remember which one) and decided to put the public money that they were previously using to object, instead to mitigate the effects of the line in their areas when it is built.

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  • RMweb Premium

Predictable stuff coming from a local MP worried about his seat. The rump of the objectors seem to be getting ever more desperate with uninformed and conjectural arguments and in many cases downright wrong and misleading statistics are used.


Surely one of the key skills for a backbench MP is the ability to differentiate between issues that seriously impact their consitituents, and issues that a few of their consitituents are making a lot of noise about. The two aren't the same.


I suspect part of the issue is that HS2 will happen. Labour also back it (despite the attempts of the media to present every minor concern they raise as an attempt to kill of the scheme). So there will be more than enough MPs from all 3 parties to get the legislation through parliament. So Mr Backbnch MP feels the need to make as much noise as possible to 'prove' that he tried to stop the scheme.

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If flooding from HS2 is such a massive issue, why didn't they raise it before the recent floods? I sense a bandwaggon being jumped on.


Any construction or development will have to comply with whatever drainage regulations apply at the time.  These will be based on tried and tested criteria for flows at various return periods.  Whether or not these will change in reaction to recent events we don't know.


The M40 will also have been built in similar compliance.  Is that also being implicated for exacerbating floods in the Chilterns?

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  • RMweb Gold

Why are you sorry about that? Is it your fault? :)

Sorry to have seen it vanish under concrete and tarmac Martin.  Round here we have gone from the ridiculous to the ludicrous -  a noisy bunch of nimbys are objecting to a potential new housing site because its woodland where they happen to (illegally) walk their dogs despite there being an official dog-walking field barely 100 yards away, but they like the woods.  What they seem to be missing is that the side of the footpath where they live - opposite the woods - used to be fields until well into my lifetime.  The woods also happen to be one potential site for new housing which is above the flood plain!

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  • RMweb Premium

Something similar happened where my brother lives. the people who'd bought new houses objected to more new houses being built and spoiling their view. The extra houses were of course part of the original planning application, and some of the access roads and sewers had been put in at the same time as the first set of houses. So it shouldn't have come as a complete surprise.

Edited by pete_mcfarlane
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Our MP is Minister for Europe no back bencher and  is very attentive to his constituents,the latest request by BCC is for the tunnel to extend Missenden to Wendover why not extend it all the way ,no problem then .I now await the comments from many of you who do not live near the proposed route!

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  • RMweb Gold

Our MP is Minister for Europe no back bencher and  is very attentive to his constituents,the latest request by BCC is for the tunnel to extend Missenden to Wendover why not extend it all the way ,no problem then .I now await the comments from many of you who do not live near the proposed route!

The more tunnelling is asked for the more the cost rises - clever stuff from the objectors.  No I don't live near it but my view would be no different if the line was relatively near although I wouldn't like it at the end of my garden - noise intrusion from a railway is considerably less than from a motorway and the's no way on earth I'd like to be near one of them.

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  • RMweb Premium

The more tunnelling is asked for the more the cost rises - clever stuff from the objectors.  No I don't live near it but my view would be no different if the line was relatively near although I wouldn't like it at the end of my garden - noise intrusion from a railway is considerably less than from a motorway and the's no way on earth I'd like to be near one of them.

At the time when people in Kent were making similar objections to HS1 there were many high priced houses being built right by the ECML in the Grantham area. They all sold and that's next to a ;lione that still has a fair anount of diesel powered services.



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  • RMweb Gold

Extensive detailed flood modelling has been undertaken for hs2 and agreed with the EA. Lengths of viaducts, bridge opening, culverts sized so that the railway has no material impact on water levels upstream. In general, the works then do not encroach into floodplain. Where floodplain is encroached into by embankments areas of lowered ground are to be formed to provide compensation for loss of storage in the floodplain. All hs2 design takes into account climate change in accordance with ppg25 for developments, 20% for fluvial flow, 30% for rainfall. Outfalls from the railway drainage or other works are designed to limit outflows in 100 year event to no more than existing. Typically balancing ponds are provided to do this. There was specification requirement for water levels in 1000 year event to be no closer than 1m to rail level, to avoid floodwater contaminating ballast - very onerous and much more than say road drainage. I don't have knowledge of the route in the Chilterns, but based on what I have seen done, the argument hs2 will make flooding worse is complete rubbish and opportunistic scaremongering.

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I agree that the line should not be drawn into the flooding debate we have a viaduct planned near us and from the pictures it will be low level as will the embankments the engineering will be to a high standard and possibly will absorb excess water.If the planned improvements alongside the line around here are carried out many people will be on side with the project.Will the treasury start to cut back as all large projects are eventualy as to expanding Euston that will be pie in the sky chancellors like making big statements when the press are present.I wait to see how things proceed but am still uncertain about if we need it.

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Our MP is Minister for Europe no back bencher and  is very attentive to his constituents,the latest request by BCC is for the tunnel to extend Missenden to Wendover why not extend it all the way ,no problem then .I now await the comments from many of you who do not live near the proposed route!


Fair enough, as long as every single mile of motorway is similarly covered over.


Given the choice between a motorway carrying a never-ending flow of polluting vehicles, or a double-track electrified railway near my home, I know which I would rather have.

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  • RMweb Gold

Birmingham HS2 Curzon station plans unveiled



Interesting tram-trains they are going to have on their bit of HS2 :jester:   However more seriously I can remember us all being told throughout Britain how things were improving because all the trains serving Birmingham were going to be concentrated onto one central station - it would now appear that 'three stations bad, one station good' is gradually being replaced by 'one station good, four stations better' - odd how it all comes around again!

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  • RMweb Premium

Interesting tram-trains they are going to have on their bit of HS2 :jester:  

Interestingly Centro have their roadshow promoting the Eastside Metro extension starting today, which would also serve the HS2 station when it arrives.



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