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Cancelled due to vandalism- Stamford show 18th May


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6 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


Probably most of the donors are non-hobbyists, just normal folk who will be appalled at what they have seen and wishing to support those affected; that's actually more gratifying than if it were just us enthusiasts.

One of my neighbours, who went to the same school as me many years ago, stopped me in the street this afternoon to say how appalled and horrified he was. Shows how far the shock has spread.

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4 minutes ago, SR71 said:

Like all reading this I am deeply saddened to see this happen. I will add my support to the fund even if it won't get back someone's years of time and involvement. I would add (and sorry if this point has been made, I tried to read every post) for those local to those effected please keep a eye on your fellow modellers in the coming months. Many of us are not able to express ourselves as well as we should and modelling is a form of escape from the problems of the 'real' world. To have that interrupted and many years of work lost could lead to wider issues and so it is important that people look out for each other.

Completely agree, I am one who uses it for an escape, having the layout to work on, stock etc or even just operate, I can just switch off from issues for an hour or 2 and mentally recharge. If someone came along and destroyed that for fun, well I cannot say how I would feel towards the individual (s) until in that situation (which I hope never happens). Put it this way I am absolutely gutted for the victims of these idiots.

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2 hours ago, newbryford said:


Exhibition insurance is already widely available  - most clubs seem to do it through CMRA and Magnet.

You can get various amounts of cover from loss/damage, public liability etc. up to recompense for cancellation of a show and loss of income.


The show premium will also vary with the insured value of the layouts/stock - I will bet that many exhibitors are now increasing their stock/layout values, thus pushing up insurance premiums. This cost will have to be born somewhere.





In my experience many layout owners tend to undervalue their layouts and stock for insurance purposes. When claims have been made and settled we will be able to reassess any financial help required.

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Deepest sympathy for those who have lost layouts etc in this nasty crime. It maybe too early to say but are there any details of how the perpetrators broke in that can be shared so òther shows can be wary of? It looks like the venue is part of a leisure centre, so I guess security is harder to manage if fire doors etc can't be secured?


Alongside a fire, this type of attack has always been at the back of my mind at 2 day shows when leaving my layout up, I will always take the stock off from now on but can't dismantle the layout just for one night. I know at Cheltenham Mike has historically let people sleep inside the hall which always gave me peace of mind. I get it is not everyone's cup of tea and not always feasible but personally I wouldn't have a problem doing it at the rare shows I stay away overnight.

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2 hours ago, dibber25 said:

Like everyone on here, I'm horrified by what happened just a few minutes up the road from here on Friday night. I hope that, once the shock is over and those caught up in this have had a chance to get their breath, that there will be things which the wider hobby can do to help and that, perhaps, some reconstruction of damaged models will be possible. I've also noticed the expressions of concern about future willingness to exhibit, risk and cost of insurances etc. May I suggest a step back from these concerns for a moment? In 56 years of professional involvement in the hobby, I cannot recall another instance of this type or magnitude. Yes, the odd clubhouse break-in and theft or vandalism, the odd theft from a show, but not a pre-show overnight break-in and gratuitous destruction on this scale. I do wonder if there was more to this than meets the eye, with kids of exam age, a hall that was probably about to be used for exams and a possible motive that would have had nothing to do with wrecking model railways. We must wait and see. I think - and certainly hope - it is a dreadful one-off. (CJL)

Our club Basildon suffered a disaster of similar sort about 22 years ago when we lost everything in a fire that destroyed the premises where we held our meetings. Fortunately the club recovered but it took a lot of hard work on the part of the committee and members to do so. 

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I heard about this earlier today and quite frankly I was speechless. Mrs SM42 was also speechless


Having read through the various reports and this thread, I sat here in what we call "the offIce" surrounded by the fruits of my modelling endeavours and wondered just how I would feel if I were affected.


Whilst all the models are, in the grand scheme of things, of no importance and mere chattels, I realised that I am very attached to them and their sudden and unexpected  loss would have a very profound effect on me.

They are part of me, part of me has been invested in them and I can only imagine the emotions that those affected are going through.


Both of us wish them all well and they are in our thoughts at this distressing time.





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Truly awful news.   My sympathy to all those affected.  Terrible!  I was in the middle of some writing when Julie shouted through the news, and the wind has gone out of my sails. Speechless. I believe the news is now in the top 10 most read BBC items.


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25 minutes ago, Pete Goss said:

Truly awful news.   My sympathy to all those affected.  Terrible!  I was in the middle of some writing when Julie shouted through the news, and the wind has gone out of my sails. Speechless. I believe the news is now in the top 10 most read BBC items.



It's on the national text pages.

Problem is the little b*ggers will be basking in the fame now.

22k in the pot now, it really has struck a chord.

Edited by melmerby
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9 minutes ago, Roy Langridge said:

Andy, would it be possible for you to put the link to the just giving page at the start of this topic?


It may not be obvious but the recommended post at the top of each page in the topic does contain the link. I will be doing some other stuff tomorrow when I'm back on the desktop.

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This is a heartbreaking incident. The mindlessness and destruction stand in stark opposition to what the hobby is about, a community of inventive and engaged creatives. 


I hope every modeller involved in this doesn't wait too long to get back to the modelling bench and keep doing what they love. 

Edited by westernviscount
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3 minutes ago, Damo666 said:

Clearly there is a lot of support and sympathy for our hobby.


The humanity of others in this world is far greater then what 4 imbeciles may do.

Here here. A consolation perhaps that said imbeciles have taken a path of meaninglessness thankfully we cannot even comprehend.

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Given the high profile of the recent events at Stamford, would now be an opportune time for the specialist insurers of model railway equipment to give their thoughts on this specialist insurance for the benefit of the railway modelling community. 


I am think of such topics as (1) how we should put a realistic value on our models and our layouts (2) thoughts and advice for exhibition managers (3) the valuations on scratchbuilt models - not just rolling stock but also buildings and similar structures and how these values can vary from mass produced models (4) how we can account for the unpaid hours put into building models (5) thoughts on security (5) the value of mass produced models no longer in production (6) mass produced models which have ben modified.  I could go on!


I am not thinking of a code of practice, but a plain English guide on the various aspects of this specialist insurance.


Finally having been an exhibitor / operator of many layouts at a number of shows over the years I do not recall ever being shown a copy of the insurance document for the evemt held by the exhibition manager.  Also how this exhibition insurance relates to my own model railway insurance.   I understand that you cannot insurance the same item with two insurers.       


Maybe Andy Y might consider this topic as a separate thread? (AM)

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Agree with your comments, with regards insuring twice I believe you are right. If done correctly, the host exhibition cover your layout door to door (from leaving till return) so once in the car/van its no longer under home/clubhouse insurance but the host exhibition insurance until unloaded back at its home, therefore it would not be insured twice unless you had your own cover for shows but then you could not claim from both insurance companies, again thats how I understood it.

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11 minutes ago, ardbealach said:

 I do not recall ever being shown a copy of the insurance document for the evemt held by the exhibition manager


If it's of any help here's a copy of Magnet's current policy.



Model Rail Exhibition Policy 2018.pdf

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I have just returned from Expo EM but echo the sentiments of comments on here.


Being an exhibition manager I put on the layout details form please don’t under estimate the insurance value of layout or stock, also we ask for a list of any single item over £1000. Money does not cover the real value of models or layouts but should be high enough for replacement cost.


I was a bit shocked at Expo this weekend I was able to walk through the rear loading doors on Friday setting up totally unchallenged when I first arrived, nobody was there either to sign me in or give me a pack or exhibitors badge. I could have easily lifted things off trade stands or layouts and walked out and no one would have noticed, in fact this happens most years at this show, I raised my concern later in the weekend with one of the organisers. 


We can’t stop people doing things if they are determined enough to carry something out but there are things that can be done to deter people and making a crime less easy to do. 



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There was much discussion about this at Bracknell since the news broke yesterday.  Perhaps the good thing about this is that many people are asking themselves a few questions about insurance liability at exhibitions. 

Perhaps this may need a new thread, but the questions raised so far are,

Do all exhibition organisers take out insurance? and is it adequate?

Layouts and stock on those layouts are entered onto forms so we assume that these are covered but...

What about traders? Do they take out insurance and will this cover goods left in a hall overnight?

What about demonstrators and society stands?


Finally I would warn against sleeping on site and patrols. Firstly as mentioned, the people involved may not be covered by the sites insurance and it puts those people into potential contact with the perpetrators of the crime. 


They are likely to be high on drugs and may well be armed. 

A guy I worked with once had a go at the young kids that were vandalising the bus stop outside his house. His funeral was a week later.

Although I would prefer to hear of no incidents as reported in the OP I would hate it more to read that someone died trying to stop them.


My sympathies are with all of those affected by this mindless criminal act. 


Lets hope that this is a one off event and that it remains that way.





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