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Railway Mania Podcast - On YouTube and all the Podcast Apps

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  • RMweb Gold



It thrills me to announce the launch of RAILWAY MANIA, a Podcast aimed at fans of Railways of all kinds. My aim is to provide enthusiasts with something entertaining and maybe even educational. Hopefully it's something you can pop on in the background whilst you are modelling, for example.

The focus is mainly going to be on the UK scene but will encompass the world when the subject demands it.


Railway Mania will cover everything from Model Railways to the Prototype, Mountain to Underground Railways and everything in between.

The main thing is that one should be able to pick it up and put it down at any time.


Episode Guide


1 - Railway Mania!



Episode 1 focuses on the real ‘Railway Mania’, the craze in 1840s Britain to build as many railways as possible, and the consequences when that bubble burst…





2 - Fairlie Good Idea


Things are getting a little... bendy as episode 2 focuses on the dawn of articulated locomotives and two types in particular - the Meyer and the Fairlie.





3 - Coming In, Coming Out (with Pat James)



Episode 3 of Railway Mania features an interview with Pat James, who came in to the hobby as an adult without having had a model railway as a child. The second half focuses on the challenge of coming out to your friends and family as a railway enthusiast, and why some people find it hard to do so.





4 - The Longest Day Return




WAR. Conflict is at the heart of this episode, which focuses on the US Army Transportation Corps and the War Department's railways during the build up to the invasion of Normandy in 1944, and the challenge of how to land hundreds of trains in hostile territory, ready to roll.





5 - Edward Thompson, Hero or Villain? (with Simon A.C. Martin)




Every story from history has its 'goodies' and 'baddies', but how much of our perception of these events is influenced by the storytellers? Today I'm joined by Simon A.C. Martin, who is working on a book about the engineer Edward Thompson, who took over from Sir Nigel Gresley as Chief Mechanical Engineer on the London and North Eastern Railway at the height of World War Two. Thompson has often been criticised for his designs and decisions, but how much of this is justified? Simon is looking to set the record straight using contemporary reference material.





6 - 100mph Tornado (with Huw Parker)





In 2017, 60163 Tornado made history by being the first steam locomotive to officially hit 100mph in the UK since 1968. Huw Parker of the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust tells how this came about, what it was like on the night, and what's been going on since the speed run.






Most of all, I hope it is enjoyable.


I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped me get the first few tests under way and for giving me honest feedback.

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G'day Corbs


I have just listened to the first podcast and have a few (positive) comments.


First thing that grabbed my attention is your measured and well enunciated narrative. In the past I have listened to a number of podcasts (and videos) in which it was next to impossible to understand the presenter, let alone comprehend the subject matter.


The choice of the Railway Mania as the first subject was one that grabbed my attention straight away. I have collected a fair amount of references for this early period of railway expansion so I do have a good working knowledge of the trials and tribulations involved and of the fortunes won and lost by the public and the promoters. I quite like the way you made use of modern analogies to help explain some of the concepts - the Simpson's monorail example made me laugh. You could talk for hours on the subject of the Mania although the podcast contained enough details to inform the listeners and, hopefully, encourage them to conduct further research of their own into the subject.


All up I think this is a great first effort and I look forward to future editions.


Dave R.   



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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, Corbs said:



It thrills me to announce the launch of RAILWAY MANIA, a Podcast aimed at fans of Railways of all kinds. My aim is to provide enthusiasts with something entertaining and maybe even educational. Hopefully it's something you can pop on in the background whilst you are modelling, for example.

The focus is mainly going to be on the UK scene but will encompass the world when the subject demands it.


Railway Mania will cover everything from Model Railways to the Prototype, Mountain to Underground Railways and everything in between.


Episode 1 is around the 12 minute mark to give a light introduction, future episodes will likely grow in length. The main thing is that one should be able to pick it up and put it down at any time.


Click here to go to the first episode on AudioBoom, where there is also the option to subscribe on Apple Podcasts so that it appears on your phone.




Episode 1 focuses on the real ‘Railway Mania’, the craze in 1840s Britain to build as many railways as possible, and the consequences when that bubble burst…


If you would prefer a YouTube link to subscribe to or watch on a one-off, here's the Railway Mania channel


Most of all, I hope it is enjoyable.


I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped me get the first few tests under way and for giving me honest feedback.

My very best wishes for the success of your Podcast, Corwin,


I've just listened to the first one, and your clear and measured tones, correct in diction and emphasis, have come across very well. Having tried to watch a modern film the other day, what a difference in the 'annunciation'. All that contained was mumbling! 


It was very good to meet you at the Bristol Show, and thank you for your offer of 'editing' future Little Bytham clips. I'll also be delighted to contribute to your Podcast (thank you for explaining what one is). I'm sure it'll be a success, even with my comments on it. 





Edited by Tony Wright
typo error
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  • RMweb Gold

Dave and Tony, thank you firstly for listening in and for your kind comments.


Dave - I completely agree, the more I delved into it all the more fascinated I became! I had to try and cut it down to make it more manageable but if it all provides more fodder for future episodes then that can only be a good thing.


I had to do quite a few test runs to get the pacing right, and here I must thank the people who tested it out for me when it was at a very rough and a much more garbled stage!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks William, early days yet but I am hoping to do some more modelling-orientated ones soon.


Something that made me very happy was that the podcast was approved by Apple podcasts, so if you have an iPhone and use the Podcast App, you can search for Railway Mania and it will appear :)

Meanwhile, things are getting a little... bendy as episode 2 focuses on the dawn of articulated locomotives and two types in particular - the Meyer and the Fairlie.


Click HERE to listen to the episode on Audioboom


Alternatively click HERE to access the YouTube version






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  • RMweb Gold

'evenin all

In between podcast releases I'd like to fill up the gaps with more videos.This one's actually a re-release but I hope if you haven't seen it before, you enjoy it! It's from back in 2014 at The Great Goodbye in Shildon. 

I mixed a bit of classical music in with Joe Duddington's retelling of the steam speed record attempt.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks dude!


Episode 3 of Railway Mania features an interview with Pat James, who came in to the hobby as an adult without having had a model railway as a child. The second half focuses on the challenge of coming out to your friends and family as a railway enthusiast, and why some people find it hard to do so.


Click here to listen to Episode 3 on Audioboom


Here's the link to Episode 3 on YouTube




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  • RMweb Gold
On 27/05/2019 at 19:46, Ian Simpson said:

Just caught podcast 1 - brilliant topic, very well scripted and covered a lot of interesting material in a few minutes. Really well done, looking forward to playing the other podcasts now!

Thanks so much for the kind comments Ian!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Mike :)


Episode 4 is out now!


WAR. Conflict is at the heart of this episode, which focuses on the US Army Transportation Corps and the War Department's railways during the build up to the invasion of Normandy in 1944, and the challenge of how to land hundreds of trains in hostile territory, ready to roll.


Click HERE to listen to Episode 4 on Audioboom


Click HERE to watch Episode 4 on YouTube


For the first time I have added imagery to the YouTube version as a visual aid for those who prefer watching on that channel.



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Episode 5

Edward Thompson, Hero or Villain?


Every story from history has its 'goodies' and 'baddies', but how much of our perception of these events is influenced by the storytellers? Today I'm joined by Simon A.C. Martin, who is working on a book about the engineer Edward Thompson, who took over from Sir Nigel Gresley as Chief Mechanical Engineer on the London and North Eastern Railway at the height of World War Two. Thompson has often been criticised for his designs and decisions, but how much of this is justified? Simon is looking to set the record straight using contemporary reference material.




Click HERE for Audioboom link


Click HERE for YouTube (has the added extra of images to show what we're talking about)


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Very interesting episode about Thompson, and I have to agree that he's not the villain of the piece. In my experience engineers generally can't be bothered with machiavellian one-upmanship, and just want to make things that work. In fact, I can see a lot of myself in Thompson, both the good and the bad. Perhaps his de novo designs weren't as polished as some other engineers - but then during his time as CME, building new locomotives from scratch wasn't the top priority.

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  • RMweb Gold

Episode 6

100mph Tornado (with Huw Parker)



In 2017, 60163 Tornado made history by being the first steam locomotive to officially hit 100mph in the UK since 1967. Huw Parker of the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust tells how this came about, what it was like on the night, and what's been going on since the speed run.




Click HERE for AudioBoom audio-only version

Click HERE to watch on YouTube

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  • RMweb Gold

Episode 7


Best Job in the World? (with Will Stratford)


Steam railways are often run by armies of volunteers, but some people can be paid for it! Today we're talking to Will Stratford, who has been working on the Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways (often branded as 'best railway in the world') on his day-to-day experiences.


Click HERE to watch the enhanced version on YouTube:


Alternatively click HERE to listen to the audio-only version on AudioBoom


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