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RMweb Gold - a new premium membership

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  • RMweb Premium

I think this sounds a good idea.

Since I started reading RMweb I have stopped buying the publication that supports it, as well as other similar magazines I used to buy.

If lots of people do this then the income that supports the forum would disappear.

I am tempted to join, party as I see it as a giving a long term viability to the forum. I am not sure how much I would gain from doing so apart from one kit I plan to sell in the not too distant future that I have started a scratch build of.

I had better check the bank account and see if it matches my principles. I worry it might not right now, or that my principles are weaker than I would like them to be.

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2 minutes ago, Jamiel said:

I had better check the bank account and see if it matches my principles. I worry it might not right now, or that my principles are weaker than I would like them to be.


Am I right in understanding that if you buy the printed issue then you have the printed issue on your shelf for life, but with the new 'gold membership' that gives you access to the back catalogue as well as the ones you 'buy' each month you are a member, once you cancel your ongoing subscription you lose access to everything you have 'paid for' during that time rather than simply stopping access to new issues after you stop paying?

Edited by cromptonnut
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  • RMweb Gold
1 minute ago, Gary J said:

Other Modelling forums are available..........





I know it's a case of the proof of the pudding etc but from what has been said the forum won't change for any member, just some will be buying into extra facilities - buying into the digital edition of BRM shouldn't affect their forum use.

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17 minutes ago, cromptonnut said:


Am I right in understanding that if you buy the printed issue then you have the printed issue on your shelf for life, but with the new 'gold membership' that gives you access to the back catalogue as well as the ones you 'buy' each month you are a member, once you cancel your ongoing subscription you lose access to everything you have 'paid for' during that time rather than simply stopping access to new issues after you stop paying?



See response to my earlier question: https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/143518-rmweb-gold-a-new-premium-membership/&do=findComment&comment=3514410

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2 minutes ago, rovex said:

Will it allow me to access the version of RMweb that existed before the upgrade. I'm not coping with this new one.


No. As explained many times the old software was out of date, had security patches over numerous holes and could not fully comply with regulations.

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5 minutes ago, AY Mod said:


No. As explained many times the old software was out of date, had security patches over numerous holes and could not fully comply with regulations.

I won't bother then ☺

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3 hours ago, Gwiwer said:



While the gestation period might have been quite some time and the original post composed and dated somewhat suspiciously on April 1st to my mind the basics need fixing before we are invited to pay for luxuries.


I struggle with the new version.  I receive far too many emails for each topic reply.  It used to be one; it is now up to five spaced minutes or even hours apart.  My inbox overflows.  I have had some difficulty relocating topics I am interested in and the relevant buttons to direct me around the site.  Posts take far too long to open causing time-out errors and wasting battery life, and my new posts take ages to upload and appear in a topic typically between 2 - 3 minutes.  It always was much better than this.  No other site has slowed down to this extent; my computer might be old but my other devices are recent and all respond in the same geriatric and uncertain way.  


I have reservations about a part-paid site or a "member's area" under any guise.  I have found it divisive and elitist elsewhere despite assurances.  In a commercial environment Warners have to make decisions as to how best to fund things and the internet is not free.  So I shall not be joining the Gold Class but hope my fears prove groundless and that we can return to the level of service across the entire site for everyone which we had become accustomed to until the recent "upgrade".



Never noticed any of that on my devices. If anything, the option to upload images directly rather than from a third party site has speeded things up immensely.

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49 minutes ago, Gary J said:

Other Modelling forums are available.......... 




45 minutes ago, BoD said:



I know it's a case of the proof of the pudding etc but from what has been said the forum won't change for any member, just some will be buying into extra facilities - buying into the digital edition of BRM shouldn't affect their forum use.


Every time there is a change to RMweb, we get people saying "I'll go to other forums then." Every. Single. Time.


As BoD says, if you don't want Gold, don't sign up for it. RMweb will work just as well as it did ten minutes earlier, and it will continue to do so. You'll find the same people, the same modelling, the same bad jokes and the same whinges. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Sounds interesting and will definitely sign up


Selling a few wagons on Ebay over the last couple of weeks and already I owe £43 in fees. I sold several lots of things with the old ‘buy&sell’ site, both me and the buyer benefited by spliting the saving in selling costs


Add to that the access the past magazines and free exhibition ticket and it seems, for me, like a no brainer


(Giving a few quid to this site which provides me with so much inspiration & ideas also seems fair?)

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, AY Mod said:

I'm rarely experiencing any speed issues now unless I'm doing something complex in the back-end.


Yeah I can't get a decent signal in the bathroom either...

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  • RMweb Gold

I would sign up and cancel my print subscription (is the DVD content in the digital edition?) but I don't think I will while that medallion features.  It really offers nothing. Gold Members know they've paid and, apart from the picture limit, what they gain are individual benefits, so why do they need to be differentiated?


I suppose if we reached herd immunity with the badge, I'd sign up then, but I'd prefer it tweaked into oblivion. Please Andy? 

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6 minutes ago, Buhar said:

I would sign up and cancel my print subscription (is the DVD content in the digital edition?) but I don't think I will while that medallion features.  It really offers nothing. Gold Members know they've paid and, apart from the picture limit, what they gain are individual benefits, so why do they need to be differentiated?


The medallion reminds people that Gold membership exists and hopefully encourages more to sign up. Like the "Pro" on Flickr, it's a nod of thanks to those who help fund the site. No-one is forcing anyone to take it up, but obviously, we'd like as many members as possible.


We could replace it perhaps with an extra block of adverts on all the pages, or maybe a pop-up that you see every time you load a new page, would that be better? 

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Well, for my two penn'th worth, gold ain't for me.


My subscription to bRM lapsed a few years ago (the capitalisation is deliberate as I major in European outline!)


For what it's worth, the thing I REALLY miss about the new format is the ?view=getnewpost which could be built into my bookmark for any threads I was following. Getting there now depends on how recently the thread was last updated, searching for it from a list then selecting it. Previously, I went straight there with one click on my bookmark.


Change is always hard and may take some getting used to.

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2 hours ago, Phil Parker said:


My take is that the world is moving to subscription services for music, TV and computer software. There is a logic that publications could go the same way and if we want to still have jobs in a few years time, BRM needs to move with the times. On-line advertising returns are pitiful, certainly not enough to run a website of any size, so other funding models are required. The key here is to make sure the extras justify the cost, but keep them as extras. Talking to Andy, there are a few ideas floating around for things we'd like to do but let's see how this goes.



 I'm not quite sure  - or at least I think it's a lot more complex.


I'm old enough to remember when TV was a subscription service - the subscription being a licence bought at the Post Office. Until the mid 80s there was no means to record - you saw it when it was broadcast or not at all. The same went for cinema - if it wasn't on at the local cinema you couldn't watch it. DVDs are therefore a novelty, and a lot of people could live without them. But I certainly don't think they will disappear completely


Similarly, for most people up until the advent of cheap cassette tape, music was subscription only - it was on the radio. But  many had a record player and some records. Again I'm not convinced that physical ownership of music will disappear, though it might well become much more of a niche. The hi-fi shops still seem to be in business, so there would seem to be a continuing demand for high-end kit to play physical media


But given the problem that many face , of an ever proliferating pile of unindexed modelling magazines, an online archive on subscription might well be a very convenient format for many of us. "Where am I going to put it?" is a genuine disincentive to my subscribing to BRM

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  • Administrators
3 hours ago, AY Mod said:


I'm rarely experiencing any speed issues now unless I'm doing something complex in the back-end.


Spoke too soon, last 30 mins have been v poor.

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