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'Oh bullocks'


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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick update tonight folks to show how the footpath is progressing and I've added a bit more undergrowth along the fence line.

The foliage is made from sea foam with various scatters and wire wool. I have included the view along the path again so you can see the difference a little paint can add, plus an overhead shot to show how the undergrowth has grown through the fence.


Still no track arrived from C & L Finescale as yet, very annoying as its holding up my P4 project as well as my CBC.

Next steps will be having a go at painting some figures including the aforementioned and very angry Farmer Giles.


All the best




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On 03/02/2019 at 18:29, Bill Matters said:

Excellent. Are there any plastic 00 cattle wagon kits that have poseable doors you can have open, rather than having to carve-up the moulding into two doors and a ramp?

The Airfix/Dapol BR standard cattle wagon has opening doors, but I very much doubt that Farmer Giles would be happy to see his prize animals slumming it in one of those rather than the very Gucci GWR 'prize cattle wagon' with its central compartment for a cowman attendant.  I also think that the idea of the cowman hiding from his irate boss tells a better story.

It is a shame though that the wagon side is so closely slatted that you can't see any bullocks inside.

Edited by Dickon
lower case i on it at start of last sentence
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm glad to report that my P4 gauge track components from C & L Finescale finally arrived in the post and so I have been busy assembling all 8" worth of track.

Even that short length of track takes a while with 40 chairs to fettle about with before they can be pushed onto the rail and then finally gluing to the sleepers. I did wonder why I had chosen P4 half way through, but I persevered and got through it. Thankfully my next project, although P4, is only going to be a micro layout, otherwise I may go insane if I had to lay any more than about 8ft of track in total.


For those of you interested, I stuck the sleepers onto a paper template of a GWR 60ft track panel as I wasn't sure of the sleeper spacing's. Still not sure if it's correct but it looks OK.

I will use some Woodland Scenics medium cinders for ballasting. Here's a couple of photos showing the track.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening folks,

Well I have started to ballast the track, weeds an all, and finally manged to finish putting the fence rails in along the footpath.

There's a plumbed in stand pipe with lagging and the addition of one of the two water troughs.

With still no sign of the train, the waiting continues which gives me some time to get a story together as to the reason for the delay and hopefully Farmer Giles will buy it and calm down before he aggravates his medical condition. All that stomping about on the platform is going to cost him later, after all he did sit on that cold damp wall earlier which didn't help. I just hope he has remembered to bring his ointment, time will tell.


Some progress photos for you.

Regards Mark.






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Let's hope that the cowman hasn't got at Giles' ointment.  I remember a racing yachtsman who used to drop his trousers and anoint a painful condition just before leaving his mooring.  After a few days of suffering this exhibition and a good regatta dinner, his crew laced the ointment with chilli powder..........

Edited by Dickon
substituted'mooring' for 'buoy'
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  • RMweb Premium
On 18/02/2019 at 09:17, Dickon said:

Let's hope that the cowman hasn't got at Giles' ointment.  I remember a racing yachtsman who used to drop his trousers and anoint a painful condition just before leaving his mooring.  After a few days of suffering this exhibition and a good regatta dinner, his crew laced the ointment with chilli powder..........


Ouch!!, lesson learned for the unfortunate yachtsman, not so much 'shiver me timbers' more like 'chilli me blains'. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Its time to introduce some characters who will eventually make an appearance onto the scene.

So far we have only partly seen  'Drover Dan' , he is the cowman cowering in the cattle van, out of the way of the very angry Farmer Giles. Up to now Farmer Giles has only been mentioned by name, but here he is, don't get too excited he is still in the bag and looking too aggressive to let out yet. The other fellow is the Station Master who will be at the receiving end of a lot of 'Oh Bullocks' expletives due to train being late, prize cattle being involved and an aggravated medical condition which I may have alluded to in previous posts.


Later still we may have an appearance of a yardman or two doing a bit of washing down and clearing up.


All the best


ModelU figures.jpg

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  • RMweb Premium
23 hours ago, Keith Addenbrooke said:

I keep coming back for another look at this photo, and then another look again: an all-in-one (left to right) ballasting tutorial. Fantastic modelling, so well documented, thank you.


Hi Keith

Its very rewarding to receive such great comments - Thank you. 

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  • RMweb Premium
Just now, OOman said:

Hi Mark I have just caught up reading about your cakebox entry. The modelling and detailing are very good.


Thanks OO man, glad you like it, always a good thing to get positive comments.


All the best


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  • RMweb Gold

Just love that stand-pipe, such a simple thing but so well modelled.


I keep having to remind myself that this is 4mm, you've managed to add such detail that it could easily be 7mm.


Brilliant mate,



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On 21/02/2019 at 19:22, Alister_G said:

Just love that stand-pipe, such a simple thing but so well modelled.


I keep having to remind myself that this is 4mm, you've managed to add such detail that it could easily be 7mm.


Brilliant mate,




Thanks Al, really appreciate your comments.

The standpipe is actually included in the Ratio cattle dock kit, you get 2 or 3 of them included. However, I thought it would benefit from some pipe lagging which I represented by wrapping and gluing in place tissue paper around the pipe and then carefully wrapping 5a fuse wire around it to look like wire holding the lagging in place. I'm glad on the final result but you need Eagle eyes to spot it, so a bit over the top for a normal layout but OK for a CBC with close up views.


All the best


Edited by MAP66
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On 23/02/2019 at 01:45, NHY 581 said:

Great stuff. Loving the gradual decay being brought into the model. 





Thanks for your comments Rob, still more decay and general grubbiness to come. But also plenty of life still to come as well.


All the best


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  • RMweb Premium

Well here he is, Farmer Giles AKA angry man. 

He is almost fully painted and I have dropped him onto scene to see how he might look. This Modelu figure is the only character I could find who looked like he had a point to make, with hands on hips he does look a bit menacing. Trouble is I didn't realize how much he is looking downwards so I will need to think of a way for him to be looking directly at the station master, I have a couple of ideas to try out. I am slightly disappointed with the quality of this figure as the hands and some other parts are very badly printed. Everything else I've ordered through Modelu has always been pretty good.


I've included another image of the track as I am trying to represent washed away ballast from the constant washing down of the animal waste which overflows from the gulley and ends up on the track bed.


All the best




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  • RMweb Premium
10 hours ago, MAP66 said:

Trouble is I didn't realize how much he is looking downwards so I will need to think of a way for him to be looking directly at the station master, I have a couple of ideas to try out.



Could he be standing on the dock with the SM at ground level?

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Thanks for the suggestions guys, there are a set of steps which come withe cattle dock so one idea I have is to have the SM on the bottom step looking up.

Failing that I like Stubbies suggestion of decapitating him and sticking his head back on at a different angle. Sometimes the radical approach is best.


Anyway while I was pondering this I made a padlock and chain for one of the gates.


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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst I fully admire the craftsmanship  in making the padlock and chain, I find myself asking why is it needed?


No-one would willingly go into an empty pen unless they were cleaning it, and I can't see stock being left in there without a herdsman around, even in the unlikely event of an overnight stay.

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Well Farmer Giles finally lost his head, but he's still up for a fight. "come back here and take what's coming to yer, I'll bite yer legs off" Always good to throw in a quote from Monty Pythons Holy Grail.



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  • RMweb Premium

Farmer Giles is now back from surgery, head removed with razor saw and then re-attached with super glue at different angle and then a spot of model filler as without this he looked a bit like Bruce Forsyth with elongated chin.

Thanks again Stubby for the head removing suggestion.


So here's a photo of the refit and he looks none the worse for it. 


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  • RMweb Gold
20 hours ago, Dickon said:

Glad to hear that he's recovered. He does, however, still look a bit white......



Given the radical surgery, I think anyone would look pale after that!


at least he's upright...





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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, Alister_G said:


Given the radical surgery, I think anyone would look pale after that!


at least he's upright...






Another piece of impressive modelling - try as I might, you can't see the join.


I think I've heard that before somewhere...

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