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Modelling resolutions 2019


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  • RMweb Premium


So 2018 is nearly behind us. Do you have any modelling resolutions for 2018? (Seems traditional that I start this topic). 


Modelling resolutions

In the next 12 months:

- I hope to get Coombe Viaduct running in its new home.

- I would like to see a train run on Avonwick again.

- I might start to lay a bit of track to run some of my O gauge stock on.

- I will build a small layout for my sons to run their Thomas stock on.


You never know some of this might come true! 


Non modelling, I must knock the dust of my kayaks and canoe and get back on the water. (I think I have said this before). 


So, I've shared mine, what are yours?

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I think my main modelling resolution is to spend more time actually modelling rather than talking about modelling or thinking about modelling!


I actually had a good end to 2018, with a particularly productive December on the modelling front. So I want that to continue into the new year. My short term target is to get the basic scenery in place and the track laid on what is now (hopefully!) the final form of the W&U themed layout that will be home to my pair of J70s that are on order. And by the end of the year, I'd like to have that project essentially complete.


On a wider note, I'm still eyeing up getting the loft converted to make space for the big roundy-roundy that I've always promised myself. But my wife is eyeing up a new kitchen, and my finances won't stretch to both!

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  • RMweb Gold

As promised I have to copy and paste my 2018 resolution.

Having moved house in 2017 and with my layout in storage my modelling resolutions for 2018 are as follows;

1) Get the shed ready for commencing the model railway by the end of April

2) Get all (or most) of the baseboards compete and "something running" before Christmas.

I'll let you know how I get on. :)

Progress on the shed is good so I might even achieve my plan this year.

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  • RMweb Gold

having moved house in 2018, and now with a much better-sized properly-done loft room than I had before, my resolution for 2019 is to start building this:




and get back to some modelling...!


happy new year,


all the best,














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Mine is actually quite simple, get the baseboards finished so I can run some of the trains I have collected over the last 38 years (I need to see what I have actually collected over the years as well), oh and if there is time do some proper modelling.

Edited by royaloak
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Catte Lane: Get the latest boxes to a more or less finished state.


Rectory Farm Sidings: Advance to an exhibitable if not finished state.


Make a start on the next German layout, working title, Hammer Strasse.



Edited by steve1
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  • RMweb Gold

Don’t get too distracted with projects which are not needed for either layout (says he who currently has a 1990s TPO on the workbench and is about to start on another HST


Build my 1947 TPO


Get the double slip rebuilt on Brent so that it actually works,


Finish track testing on Brent and get it painted


Build the fiddleyard for the Kingsbridge branch at least as a simple runaround loop


Keep the painting backlog low: currently the TPO 1998, 2 Toplights, 1 Centenary, 1 LMS and 1 cattle van plus a lot of roofs


Finish Wheal Imogen (including a fiddleyard), kind of have to given it has two invites in the year...


By the end of the year I want to be able to complete an express passenger train in each direction, a local freight train in one direction, and run a train from Kingsbridge into Brent and then back to Kingsbridge (meaning both double slips need to work!)

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- I think my main one would be to stop acquiring items for projects that never go anywhere. I have several projects where I acquired everything I needed to get them off the ground, then either got daunted or distracted. So I guess another way of putting it would be, finish the projects I started.


- I'd like to get started in scratchbuilding. I've done some simple stuff in 009, but I'd like to go further.

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