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Blog- Ullypug's tales from the tinking table - Ivatt 2MT Tank in P4 - Part 1 chassis

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As it's been too cold and wet to go to the garage this weekend, I've shuffled up to the work bench and turned my attention to another loco for Cheddar.
This one's an Ivatt 2-6-2 2MT tank which were a regular feature of the Cheddar Valley branch. No idea what number it'll be yet.
The basis is the Bachmann body with a Comet chassis to go underneath, Gibson wheels, High Level horn blocks and gearbox and fully sprung with CSB's, as is my usual these days.
The chassis side frames were assembled and spacers added. The benefit of P4 means I can get a Mashima 1420 motor well down in-between the frames so it doesn't really matter what gear box I choose. It's a Road Runner Compact Plus if anyone's remotely interested, with a 54:1 reduction. The rear horn blocks are the space saver variety.
CSB's are made with Markits WD handrail knobs and the useful High Level jig for positioned the anchors. Happily quartering worked first time with my usual NWSL jig.
All seems to fit on the body, though the front end may be a tad high. Next it'll be the intricacies of Walschaerts valve gear which will be a first.

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