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Blog- The Fatadder's Modern Workbench - Modernising the Bachmann TPO pt4: more winodow filling

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Another evening's work on the TPO, and it is finally starting to be transformed into its new more modern identity.


First up a little more plastic removal, after changing between diagrams in order to be able to work from a photo of an actual coach, I needed to move the post box from the left panel onto the right. The plastic tooling was carefully carved off with a scalple, then the lettering removed with microsol. While I was at it I also removed the yellow numbers of its old identity / NSX which will be replaced with the new number and NSA (T) branding in white.


Then it was on to the windows,


The first task was to mark up the model for the inner windows (which do not match the location of the existing windows). This required the removal of one window piller on each side. New blanks were then chopped from my 5.6m strip (8mm for the 3 standard blanks, and cut to length for the inner blanks). The corners were rounded off before gluing into position.




As a test I used some 40tho square Evergreen strip cut to 8mm lengths to test the approach for the new windows, gluing a length onto the top and bottom edge of the existing window hole.


While they dried, attention turned to the other side of the coach, again 40thou plasticard was cut to size for the window plating on the central doors and glued into position. Given the larger size of the window these were a bit more tricky as there is a curved profile to the panel (more on which later)


By this point the glue was dry on the other side, so it could be given a quick skim of Squadron White filler and then sanded back smooth. The first of the window frames was then glued into position as a test. it needs a final sanding down with a fine emery board to remove the damage to the edges from cutting, but looks pretty good. As an aside I deliberately didn't include the grill area on this, as it would look to flush. I have a few ideas as to how I will tackle this, potentially after glazing...


It now needs the remaining 4 windows adding (first the 40thou strip, half an hours drying time, filler and sand, before finally adding the frames.


Talking of drying, the final job for the moment was to glue together the two halves of the new door panels. Once dry they will need to be tidied up, test fitted and finally fitted with the new window frames. After that they can be fitted into the side and I am onto the home straight.

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