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Blog- Paternosterrow - Carlisle Citadel North Screen

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The latest effort is a plan to recreate a part of the great Carlisle Citadel Station for my collection of steam locos. I want a half station scene with a mirror doubling up the length on the internal section. It'll be another one of my wire roof schemes. The tracks beyond a middle platform with act as a run through so that the station can be linked up to a future run around planned for my loft space. Station buildings on the middle platform will hide the hole in the mirror. However, I figured that if I couldn't make a half decent attempt of the magnificent neo Tudor Screen then it would all come to nought.


I used a blown up photocopy of a picture from Denis Perriam and David Ramshaw's book as a template. This was pasted to card and the windows cut out.


The smaller windows were drawn out and then cut.


The middle section of the North Screen as per pictures in the book.


The window bars were painted directly on to a piece of 2mm perspex.


The finished article. Detailing was achieved using strips of Evergreen and whatever else came to hand. Althougth the original was painted white (or Cream) it was very dirty from smoke etc. My weathering is not yet finished as it needs a little more soot above the track positions. The weathering helps hide a lot of mistakes.




An old Lima Crab under the screen. The height is right as far as I can make out from pictures.


The book from which the model was copied.


I don't think it's a bad effort, but there's a few wobbly bits and areas where things don't line up quite right. The screen will never be viewed straight on when the layout is complete. However, there's a long way to go yet and, knowing how quickly I can get bored with a current project, the layout may never be completed.


An additional pic taken this morning after a few tweeks to the screen. I got really niggled by the line between the clock section and left hand section - you can see a distinct misalignment between the top arches. So I added a small 1.5mm wide strip of Evergreen along the bottom of the windows. This now lines up nicely. The eye forgives a lack of detail, but it always spots things that are out of true. The screen will also always been seen from this angle on the layout.

Attached thumbnail(s)
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