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KRModels announce a GT3 Model


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I for one would very much like to hear more from KR Models directly, holding off on my deposit as I’m really not comfortable paying at this point.


note: I’m not suggesting that anything iffy is going on here, but I haven’t been given enough confidence to hand over my money yet

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3 hours ago, AY Mod said:


Did they?


Parcel Force (use the correct name please) are charged with collecting import VAT on behalf of HMRC and they levy a handling/collection charge. See https://www.parcelforce.com/help-and-advice/receiving/how-are-customs-fees-calculated


Prospective purchasers should check with a business whether the trading entity is in the UK with VAT included in quoted prices or if the business is outside the UK with VAT on top collected at import.

Parcle farce , I will call them what I want. The reasion they get that name is because they are beyond a Joke . DHL and UPS provied a better service. Any way  thats not what we are talking about .
Yes I did get import tax it was about 2% then vat was added Not a large amount but still added . It was all on customes form . If I still had it I would put it up. It was the first time I had been hit with import tax as the value of the goods were above a certain amount and that was printed on the form  Clearling stating IMPORT tax .
I do understand how the Tax system works .
The reasion there are so many people holding off paying a despoit like me is the uncertainty . So if you know were KR models are based please do share as we would all like to know.

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12 minutes ago, oleander said:

Parcle farce , I will call them what I want.


No, when I make a polite and reasonable request and you choose to defy it your stay will be short. Your choice.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, oleander said:

I do understand how the Tax system works .


....... but not how to spell simple words or compose a sentence.


For a new member, you do have an offensive attitude.



John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes but at the same time he may take one look at the usual drivel of people that have nothing better to do than moan about people being schemers and cheats and no good and wanting to take peoples money. Every Person that says I’m keen but holding back my deposit couls be the one person that causes the project to collapse. What happened to having a little faith in people. 

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  • RMweb Premium
23 minutes ago, Hilux5972 said:

Yes but at the same time he may take one look at the usual drivel of people that have nothing better to do than moan about people being schemers and cheats and no good and wanting to take peoples money. Every Person that says I’m keen but holding back my deposit couls be the one person that causes the project to collapse. What happened to having a little faith in people. 


Crowdfunding comes with risks for those fronting up their hard earned cash. Those launching a crowdfunded project have to gain the trust of the potential backers. Most backers will require something more tangible than an intriguing and attractive prototype. This might take the form of personal reputation (Revolution) or a proven track record of delivery (Revolution, again). I wonder if DJ Models have to some extent poisoned the well with over promising and (so far) under delivering. I guess many will have followed the twists and turns in the plot and be more wary as a result.


I would counter the 'what happened to having a little faith in people' with what happened to 'a project launched in a professional manner' or 'having a sound business plan' or 'communicating in a clear and transparent manner with the potential customer base'?

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1 hour ago, Hilux5972 said:

Yes but at the same time he may take one look at the usual drivel of people that have nothing better to do than moan about people being schemers and cheats and no good and wanting to take peoples money. Every Person that says I’m keen but holding back my deposit couls be the one person that causes the project to collapse. What happened to having a little faith in people. 


To be fair, it’s up to the individual to decide what will satisfy them enough to pay their money, and there is nothing wrong in them letting KR Models know that in a respectful manner (which I hope I did earlier in the thread). I for one do not have the money to lose on a crowdfunding project that doesn’t succeed for whatever reason, so I’m hesitant about handing over the cash until I know a bit more.


in any case, it’s a good thing that KR is coming to RMWeb and I for one will be reading everything he puts on here in relation to this project to find something which will convince me to pay the deposit.

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  • RMweb Premium

I agree it’s definitely a good thing he’s coming to RMWeb. I would just hate for him to see some of the harsh and sometimes downright hurtful comments being said before he’s had a chance to explain things to us. 


Yes DJ may have somewhat damaged the crowdfunding movement by over promising and under delivering, but at the same time we have to look at Revolution. They have launched and successfully delivered several models using the crowdfunding plan and it has helped them greatly. 


Lets hope KR can shed some further light on the matter and hopefully increase the support on here. 

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I don't normally chime into these threads, but just couldn't help myself.


I for one have put down my £50 deposit for the GT3.  This guy is new to the business and has the stones to bring to market a model that none of the other manufacturers hasn't.  If he fails, then I've lost more down the pub on a Friday night.  It's real simple guys, if he doesn't come up with some evidence that the model is proceeding then he won't be getting my 2nd payment.  I'll assume that he'll be posting up updates as it moves forward.


Oh and what does it matter what he does in his private life??   What is this 'trial by social media' for wanting to start a new venture?  I say good on him, and show your support for the little guy !!!

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Roadrat69 said:

I for one have put down my £50 deposit for the GT3.  This guy is new to the business and has the stones to bring to market a model that none of the other manufacturers hasn't.  If he fails, then I've lost more down the pub on a Friday night.  It's real simple guys, if he doesn't come up with some evidence that the model is proceeding then he won't be getting my 2nd payment.  I'll assume that he'll be posting up updates as it moves forward.


Maybe the established manufacturers don't think there is a market for it.



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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, KR Models said:

I thought it was time I give my customers a bit of information about myself as there are some misunderstandings who I am.


Just on a final note.  The finished models will be shipped from the factory direct to the UK for distribution, therefore you will not need to collect yours from Canada as was previously suggested.  Nor will you be paying the import duty.  The VAT has already been added and will be deducted if you live outside of the EU.  There will be a full 12 warranty with the model.


Thank you for the reply, I think information on the project itself would have been more useful.


I note your paragraph about shipping being direct from China, but your website and costings don't actually include shipping charges.  As the project is in the order of £400,000 with complex calculations on pricing why haven't you included  it ? 


What is the cut off date for orders to keep your factory slot ? 


If at your initial cut off date there aren't enough orders,  will you be funding the shortfall yourself to keep to schedule ?


Will you be using deposits paid to fund work on CAD/tooling before the required number of deposits is achieved ? I ask this as it means should the project fail you will be liable for the return of deposits to funders.



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33 minutes ago, chris p bacon said:


Thank you for the reply, I think information on the project itself would have been more useful.


I note your paragraph about shipping being direct from China, but your website and costings don't actually include shipping charges.  As the project is in the order of £400,000 with complex calculations on pricing why haven't you included  it ? 


What is the cut off date for orders to keep your factory slot ? 


If at your initial cut off date there aren't enough orders,  will you be funding the shortfall yourself to keep to schedule ?


Will you be using deposits paid to fund work on CAD/tooling before the required number of deposits is achieved ? I ask this as it means should the project fail you will be liable for the return of deposits to funders.



I have not listed my costings, and won't.  


I don't have a cut off as it will be down to how many customers we will have.  I no factory will keep a slot open if the project doesn't materialise.  


No, the project will not proceed until there is sufficient funding to complete it.  


At the moment I am funding everything from my own pocket.  I am the only one who stands to lose everything at this point.

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  • RMweb Gold
15 minutes ago, KR Models said:

I have not listed my costings, and won't.  


I don't have a cut off as it will be down to how many customers we will have.  I no factory will keep a slot open if the project doesn't materialise.  


At the moment I am funding everything from my own pocket.  I am the only one who stands to lose everything at this point.


Many thanks for answering.


 I didn't actually ask for your costings just why shippng wasn't included. Without it no funder can receive their model, so surely it would be expected to be included.


The preliminary date for delivery on the website is December 2019, as this is just 8-9 months is this now achievable?  



No, the project will not proceed until there is sufficient funding to complete it.


 This to me means the December date is just a placeholder to elicit favourable responses and that the project is open ended with no clear indication as to whether it will ever fly.

Surely it would be better to put a final cut off date for EOI and deposits.

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6 hours ago, KR Models said:

There are plans to do other locos that have not been produced before.

If the GT3 appears and is well designed and manufactured, KR will have a track record.

What next? The other two gas turbines? 10800? Dare I say it? Even the F-F-F...

No, I don’t dare.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, chris p bacon said:



 I didn't actually ask for your costings just why shippng wasn't included. Without it no funder can receive their model, so surely it would be expected to be included.


I’m in New Zealand. Other customers will be in UK, Australia, USA, many other countries so having shipping included wouldn’t work because each country will be a different cost to ship to. 

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I myself have held-off placing an Expression of Interest so far, until rather more information becomes available.


But can I just suggest, Gentlemen, that now the project developer has joined this Website and appears willing to engage in some discussion about it, we should at least treat him with basic courtesy and politeness in asking our questions and seeking clarifications, rather than 'demanding' answers in  - it seems to me - a rather brusque manner?  There is a risk with any new-to-market entrepreneur that they become so discouraged, they conclude "Stuff 'em, then!", and take their ball home, and the whole exercise puts back the appearance of any model of the proposed subject for years more.

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I have decided to pay my £50 deposit for the GT3, as I think the fact that KR have joined the forum is a good sign and gave me a little more confidence. So I look forward to the project progressing in the coming months. 



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I will not be joining this crowd funding effort as I am not really willing to get involved in such schemes, BUT, I also hope that the project comes to fruition and delivers a nice model. My advice to KR for what it is worth is to very carefully study the other companies that have done crowdfunding and learn from them. Revolution do it very well and are an excellent positive model to study but there are just as many valuable lessons from others who don't. Two essentials, don't over promise and manage communication professionally. 

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  • RMweb Gold
5 hours ago, Hilux5972 said:

I’m in New Zealand. Other customers will be in UK, Australia, USA, many other countries so having shipping included wouldn’t work because each country will be a different cost to ship to. 


There are 3 different currencies involved (USD, CD, Sterling) which means a either a guess or calculation has been made of the final cost but not the shipping ? With it being odds on that the most funders will be in the UK there could at least be an indication of cost. 

Also should there be an issue with a model where would you be sending it back to ? China ? and at who's cost. All manufacturers/project managers have returns due to faulty models/packaging but coming direct from the factory how will this be dealt with.


2 hours ago, Willie Whizz said:

I myself have held-off placing an Expression of Interest so far, until rather more information becomes available.


But can I just suggest, Gentlemen, that now the project developer has joined this Website and appears willing to engage in some discussion about it, we should at least treat him with basic courtesy and politeness in asking our questions and seeking clarifications, rather than 'demanding' answers in  - it seems to me - a rather brusque manner?  There is a risk with any new-to-market entrepreneur that they become so discouraged, they conclude "Stuff 'em, then!", and take their ball home, and the whole exercise puts back the appearance of any model of the proposed subject for years more.


Bold - I rather hope this is not in reference to my questions.


As for throwing the toys out of the pram and walking away because of some stiff questions then better they do. Asking for money up front gives the funders a stake in the project,  if the originator wants to project manage without outside questioning then they should fund it privately.

As it stands at present I won't part with any money for this. There is just a website with no actual information about where you're sending your money. If, as suspected the owner is in Canada then good luck getting it back if it doesn't reach the numbers to bring it to fruition.

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