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Blog- The Fatadder's Modern Workbench - 37612 in DRS plus almost finished MkF RFB

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I have slowly been progressing with my model of 37612. First up the other end has been converted and is now ready for some paint repairs, I have also found the rest of the jumper cables (although they cannot be fitted until the painting is finished and nose numbers have been applied given that one jumper cable goes over the numbers.) With that complete I moved attention back to the body.


The fire control panels were picked out in red (while the buffer beams got another coat of red paint). As previously mentioned the loco is missing doors on one side, as a result my intention is to finish off the good side, and worry about the other side at a later stage once I hopefully find the missing doors. As such the next job was to apply the loco’s number, at which point I hit a slight issue. While holding up the transfer sheet against the window to try and identify which size transfer I required, I realised I had made a stupid mistake on the model




Yes, 612 doesn’t have the second body side window! At this point (on Sunday night) I put the model down to think about the next steps, either stripping the model down and respraying into a different livery that is more suitable for the current layout or fixing the window. Last night I made the decision to do the latter, so the window frame was carefully carved off, a blank was fitted from 60thou plasticard, and a thin skim of filler covered the whole area. This was then brush painted with Railmatch DRS blue (once I managed get the bottle open!) It now needs sanding back and a second coat of paint, and if that doesn’t work a quick dusting with the airbrush.


Once that’s done it needs an orange cantrail stripe and the rest of the transfers (plus of course something doing about those doors.) I am quite pleased with the model so far, it’s a little different having a non WIPAC DRS machine that doesn’t just have a bog standard nose… Eventually I would like to do a DRS branded triple grey, although this will mean doing another flush front loco and will of course require buying another donor loco.


While the red paint was out I have also taken the opportunity to mask and paint the red stripe on my Intercity Mk2F RFB, which is now ready for transfers (and some minor touch up repairs to the Intercity grey). Hopefully I have some Intercity First Class 1s…. I should have stripped it and sprayed in Virgin!

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