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Mutton Alley

Guest teacupteacup

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Guest teacupteacup
Welcome to Mutton Alley, an 7mm/O Gauge Inglenook set in pre-TOPS East End


The layout is being designed almost to the original Inglenook parameters, except that a fiddle yard represents the rest of the world.  This will be a slow burner, as Im slowly collecting the stock for the layout.  At the moment I have the motive power (Dapol 08 and an LLC Class 15) and a couple of wagons.


Currently Im working out the lengths of stock combinations to determine the length of the sidings, but they will be in the 5-3-3 SLU format of the original.  Once I've worked that out I can work out the length of the boards and overall size


This is my 3rd attempt at a 7mm scale layout, the first 2 didnt really get beyond the design stage and stock was bought and sold.  I've decided to give it a go again due to the increasing amount of RTR models being released.  The loco's will be sound fitted (the 15 already is) as I think sound works best in 7mm scale (just my personal thoughts)


I'll post more updates as an when things happen

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Guest teacupteacup

Sounds good, will Seething Lane in OO now be shelved, (if you'll pardon the pun)?

Hi Andy,


Seething Lane will continue as its my current build, the 7mm will take time to build.


BTW, you are partly responsible for me going sound in 7mm with your video of the Class 08 fitted with both types of Jintymans' speakers!!!

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Guest teacupteacup


Welcome to Mutton Alley, an 7mm/O Gauge Inglenook set in pre-TOPS East End
The layout is being designed almost to the original Inglenook parameters, except that a fiddle yard represents the rest of the world.  This will be a slow burner, as Im slowly collecting the stock for the layout.  At the moment I have the motive power (Dapol 08 and an LLC Class 15) and a couple of wagons.
Currently Im working out the lengths of stock combinations to determine the length of the sidings, but they will be in the 5-3-3 SLU format of the original.  Once I've worked that out I can work out the length of the boards and overall size
This is my 3rd attempt at a 7mm scale layout, the first 2 didnt really get beyond the design stage and stock was bought and sold.  I've decided to give it a go again due to the increasing amount of RTR models being released.  The loco's will be sound fitted (the 15 already is) as I think sound works best in 7mm scale (just my personal thoughts)
I'll post more updates as an when things happen


Forgot to include that Mutton Alley is taken from a real street name - Shoulder of Mutton Alley in Limehouse, East London

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Hi Andy,


Seething Lane will continue as its my current build, the 7mm will take time to build.


BTW, you are partly responsible for me going sound in 7mm with your video of the Class 08 fitted with both types of Jintymans' speakers!!!

Hahah, Thanks but I blame the Welsh Contingent of David / Jintyman, Craig / Muddys Blues and Martin / Gismorail.


Also George T of this Parish as well of course.


I hope you enjoy the change this time.

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Welcome to Mutton Alley, an 7mm/O Gauge Inglenook set in pre-TOPS East End
The layout is being designed almost to the original Inglenook parameters, except that a fiddle yard represents the rest of the world.  This will be a slow burner, as Im slowly collecting the stock for the layout.  At the moment I have the motive power (Dapol 08 and an LLC Class 15) and a couple of wagons.
Currently Im working out the lengths of stock combinations to determine the length of the sidings, but they will be in the 5-3-3 SLU format of the original.  Once I've worked that out I can work out the length of the boards and overall size



Looking forward to seeing this develop!


I measured my Inglenook layout to find the minimum length that it could be (it's actually 2750mm long) and came up with a nice, round 2000mm.




I can get the 5-3-3 sidings and shunter+3 in the headshunt in this length. I could probably carve 50 to 100mm off this length as the sidings are long enough for longer wagons (e.g. Lowmac), not just standard 17' wagons and vans.


post-2189-0-48626400-1540113887_thumb.jpg post-2189-0-40491400-1540113901_thumb.jpg


BTW, what;s SLU?

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Hahah, Thanks but I blame the Welsh Contingent of David / Jintyman, Craig / Muddys Blues and Martin / Gismorail.


Also George T of this Parish as well of course.


I hope you enjoy the change this time.



That's it blame us for your weaknesses!!!!!



Teacup, with 7mm, taking your time is obligatory, it is just so rewarding, the sheer mass of the stock, even a wagon can take some time to finish by adding and picking out all the little details on it.

Hope you enjoy your foray into 7mm, I was hooked straight away and my 4mm layout and stock just disappeared overnight!!!

Even Andy has to take his time and savour the journey, if his new layout was 4mm, it'd be finished now, with 7mm, it's taken a week and a half before ballasting has begun!!!  :jester:


Jinty ;)

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SLU = Standard Length Unit = 21 feet


Excellent! You learn something new and useful here every day.


My length 3 sidings are 58cm (to the point where the sidings get closer than the 6' way) so that's 3.9 SLU.


My length 5 siding is 90cm, so 6.1 SLU.

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Guest teacupteacup

Thanks for all your replies folks, Fastdax thats a nice layout you have there


Jintyman, I've just received the first invite for my 4mm layout and have been cracking on with the boards so thats definitely getting done first, but the 7mm will be burbling away underneath!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest teacupteacup

A quick update to a slow layout!


I've decided on a track plan, utilising the points I already have...




A very simple Inglenook-ish design that should allow some operating potential,  total size is 11ft by 20in wide over 3 baseboards


The arrival/departure siding should allow for a Class 15 + 5 SLU + BR 20 brake van, the fiddle yard is the same, the headshunt is large enough for a Class 08 + 5 SLU, and the sidings 4 SLU each


Mind you, I've probably made an airse of the measurements!


So thats as far as I've got, at the moment my time is being taken up getting stock ready for my 4mm layout, once the stock is ready, then I'll finish that layout, after that I can hopefully get started on Mutton Alley



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Looking forward to seeing this develop!


I measured my Inglenook layout to find the minimum length that it could be (it's actually 2750mm long) and came up with a nice, round 2000mm.


attachicon.gif2018-10-21 001.JPG


I can get the 5-3-3 sidings and shunter+3 in the headshunt in this length. I could probably carve 50 to 100mm off this length as the sidings are long enough for longer wagons (e.g. Lowmac), not just standard 17' wagons and vans.


attachicon.gif2018-10-21 004.JPG attachicon.gif2018-10-21 005.JPG


BTW, what;s SLU?


What points did you use, and what are the approximate lengths of plain track for the sidings? I'm having a bit of trouble drafting my own layout plans and seeing as yours works, I'd like to base my design on yours.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest teacupteacup

A quick update to a slow layout!


I've decided on a track plan, utilising the points I already have...


attachicon.gifmutton alley.jpg


A very simple Inglenook-ish design that should allow some operating potential,  total size is 11ft by 20in wide over 3 baseboards


The arrival/departure siding should allow for a Class 15 + 5 SLU + BR 20 brake van, the fiddle yard is the same, the headshunt is large enough for a Class 08 + 5 SLU, and the sidings 4 SLU each


Mind you, I've probably made an airse of the measurements!


So thats as far as I've got, at the moment my time is being taken up getting stock ready for my 4mm layout, once the stock is ready, then I'll finish that layout, after that I can hopefully get started on Mutton Alley

I've been tinkering with the plan and have come up with the below...




I think this plan suits an urban setting better, whilst the scenic section is 2/3rds of the total length, rather than full length on the original plan, I can develop this last 1/3rd at a later stage

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