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Three Attempts, Two Entries


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Well, I had a go. enjoyed the challenge and learned a lot from the advice and viewing other entries.

My three tries were Bet Bet Creek, Silo Art and Parcel Service

I am happy with two, both entered in the challenge.

Was not happy with Santa so did not enter it.






Hope everyone who had a go enjoyed themselves.

I have learned a lot from all of you, thanks for the advice.


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  • RMweb Gold

I'd agree with that assessment.


From what I can see, all 3 attempts look rather good - and would be likely to be well received by a lot of people.


I also very much doubt that they'd "cannibalize" each other's votes.


It goes without saying that they are your work (rather good work, actually) - the decision is yours - and you seem to be exercising an element of "quality control". However, if I'd built 3 credible attempts like these, I'd be entering them all.


Of course, this decision is not mine to make - it's yours - and there isn't really a lot more I can usefully say here … .






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I also very much doubt that they'd "cannibalize" each other's votes.


I did wonder about this aspect of it when I sent off my entries. I came to the conclusion that if, say, the one you choose not to enter is a voter's first choice, they are not really any more likely to vote for one of your other entries than they are to just choose a completely different one from someone else. I may have not thought this through properly though as I think others have raised concerns about multiple entries from the same builder taking votes from each other. I was thinking about it in terms of the diorama competing against all the others including other entries by the same person but I could be wrong. Does anyone have a particular view on this or does it, as I suspect, not really have much effect on things overall?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I gave in to preasure from she who must be obeyed. If you produced it then enter it and don't waste your time. also the encouragement from other competitors help with the decission.

Good luck to all competitors. two days to go till closing date

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  • RMweb Gold

I've put in three entries and I'm just about to submit a fourth.....


I'm not in it for anything as fantastical as a prize, just for the challenge of getting something done.  I think my main achievement is to have produced something in 4 modelling scales; 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 7mm and to have enjoyed the process.  Most of the things I've used have been to hand or were not bought with the Challenge in mind*.  Two of my attempts have used what amount to being "historic" toy trains that are well over 50 years old.


So the main thing anyone could take away from my efforts is "Never throw anything away"....


Good luck with your entries!



* A spider and some glitter....

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