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Leeds London Road one step forward.. Two steps back...

Barry O

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7 hours ago, Michael Edge said:

That was before we widened it by 18"1837183080_LeedsVictoriasmall.jpg.25a38398aec90f3c969dd2052b369e2b.jpg

I built three turntables for this layout and all are still in use, the 70ft one form the loco shed is now Upperby's turntable on the Carlisle layout, the 60ft one form Bradford is at Brunswick shed on Herculaneum Dock and the other one (actually 65ft) is earmarked for Bournemouth West.

Royds Hall Junction - that was it!

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On 1/28/2019 at 8:22 PM, Barry O said:

I have this one...




No track plan as far as I am aware as the last one I had was a hand drawn one.


Terminus to terminus it could get a bit scary at times as you may be controlling a train on the other side of the layout... which you couldn't see!



As well as St Enodoc's brown moustache, lurking in the gloom is the road bridge and station building that I built, based on Leeds Armley Canal Road station.


PS Just finishing another model of a road bridge, thinking I wish I still had the skills and eye-sight I had then.

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7 minutes ago, imorr101 said:

I dug out the model of "Leeds Victoria" as requested by Barry.WP_20190209_003.jpg.d0ed18ee13ae243420d6ddfdf5680691.jpg

Well done Ian.

Perhaps if we can get the space we should build it again in Oo ..or perhaps N?

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It's a long time since I've seen that! I didn't know it still existed, it's the only time I've ever made a model of a proposed layout but just to throw something else in...



We had a design competition before we built Victoria and this was one of the alternative suggestions - can't remember whose it was though.

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1 hour ago, Michael Edge said:

It's a long time since I've seen that! I didn't know it still existed, it's the only time I've ever made a model of a proposed layout but just to throw something else in...



We had a design competition before we built Victoria and this was one of the alternative suggestions - can't remember whose it was though.

Never seen that one before Mike. Rather too much hidden track for my taste and not being able to walk round the whole of the inside of the layout without ducking under would put me off too.


What was the "present layout" mentioned in note 6? North Wylam & Briegate?

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Yes it must have been referring to Briegate, that had been the club 00 gauge layout for quite a long time - certainly before Nick and I joined the club in 1972.

I dimly recall that there were three proposed plans for the new layout, I did one (not the one above though), Steve Roberts did one and I think the final plan was a synthesis of  two of them. All followed the basic principle of a complete end to end layout with no fiddle yards.

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Golly, now you are turning the clock back. I was a new member when the Briegate and North Wylam was about, in the Atkinson Street clubroom.  That was in the days of John Orson and his LNER Garrett, and Mike Cole and his hand-built diesels.  There was a dairy, with a tall chimney, on the branch part in which someone had installed a 'smoke' unit.  It smelt 'orrid and we used to put a cork in the top of the chimney if we were operating near it.


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  • 3 weeks later...
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No update on Barnbow East as I have been away for a while. Cork to be laid this week all being well..then track laying and wiring up ...



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I have found a few more photos I scanned from slides years ago. 




One of Lofty's famous bridges based on Canal Road in Leeds which is still there to this day. 




The hill up to Leeds Victoria - the trick on this was to transfer the trains from one operator to the other without stopping - No DDC then. 


All this does take me back but it also shows how we have moved on as a club with the layouts now being produced. 


When will we be having the first club visit to the loft for a running session?






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Running sessions to start late 2020 (or sooner) depending on my cricket and holiday schedules.:jester:


As for Father Christmas ...all sorts of people used to turn up at the Corn Exchange.



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That isn't died sawdust but it was very coarse. I think it came from the company based in the ground floor of 26A Dock Street. ..we were in the "penthouse"

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Another thread I've missed and a pretty spectacular one at that!


Where do you guys come up with these track plans? ....;)


Barry, when I first looked I was a bit taken aback as your loft conversion looked very familiar with the roof slope, radiators and Velux window, so I can totally empathise with the difficulties of height, staircase and other obstacles, let alone the access doors at low level.


Seriously, that's a cracking plan. Are those grid squares representing a foot or have you gone metric?  My first thought was around 14' square, but it could be 28'....


....and Andy is right, there are shades of Borchester there. 


I shall follow your build with interest and expect to see trains running in a few weeks time....:D

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Hi Gordon..they are a foot. I was supposed to get a room 25' long..then her indoors added a shower room and toilet...plus a pressurised water system cut into "my" space a lot. BUT I now have a special little work room all of my own.


As for stock..well I can run it BR(LMR) steam, BR(NE) steam, BR Green diesel or a mix of all.







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I have very little true LMS and LNER liveried locos and stock. I think I have a LMS maroon lined Flatiron, a weathered Silver A4 (used on Grantham),  a couple of LNWR locos and a NER fully lined green Class A.



it will be capable of dc or dcc as my diesels are sound fitted.




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Delay to construction...her indoors has a plasterer coming to plaster 3 of our "old" bedrooms during April. Layout room to revert to being a bedroom temporarily. 


I will get a control panel for the fiddle yard organised and get some cork laid ready for track laying. I also need to acquire a point for the loco yard...and a turntable...



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  • 2 months later...
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So here we are in May...and..the Plasterer has been and gone, painting completed and..the layout room is back to being the layout room!


Cork being laid on the fiddle yard. Extra bit of track purchased.


Now to prepare a control panel, buy some Cobalts and get some track laid.



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