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Die Ercallbahn - A childhood dream fulfilled (HO Märklin)


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  • RMweb Gold
11 hours ago, ian said:

@Woody C I can see it all - our heroic modeller labouring away at his basement mega-helix, the fiddle yard to end all fiddle yards, when he gets stuck.


His cries for help are unheard and his frantic attempts to free himself to no avail. He dies slowly and is then eaten by his cat.

ISTR many years ago someone in RM quoting a case in the US where a modeller became trapped in his complex under-baseboard wiring and needed the fire brigade to liberate him. DCC, of course, reduces the risk these days.....

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  • RMweb Gold

A little bit of support for some scenery has appeared.

The catenary wires have been removed temporarily to avoid me getting caught up in them - the masts fulfill that function quite well enough.

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Much as I rabbit on I can sum up my reaction simply as USB! Utterly superbly brilliantly!

I was wondering how you would get Kate Bush past the YouTube copyright system but you topped that and I will leave it there so others can enjoy!

You must have several scale miles of track on the layout now. That helix is a longer run then my whole layout or am I just being Dizzy as covered by Vic Reeves and the Wonderstuff?????  Maybe I should Run to the Hills where I can become The Fool On the Hill?

TTFN I have another gig to go to!

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  • RMweb Gold

The razor saw needed a rest so I thought a trial fit was in order.

There is still some work to do but it is looking promising.

In time it will become the Klinkerhoffen factory of Herr Rudyards Kuchen.

The top of the helix has gained some greenery. I want to plant some deciduous trees but the stockpile has only provided evergreens so these are by way of a gesture of intent.

Looking across from the centre of the helix towards Schonbllick. The three conifers shielding the view of the goods shed should be poplars...

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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst I was at it I test fitted the Esso depot at Billshaven. I slewed the siding so that it is now parallel with the loco fuel line to make a little extra space.

The grey plate on the left is the base for this rather complex tanker filling rig.

The Shell depot at Neustadt has a much simpler arrangement for filling tankers.

The Shell depot does have more facilities though. The rest of the Esso depot will only exist beyond the baseboard edge.

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  • RMweb Gold

Some period poplars came my way, so the conifers were for the chop.

I think I need the same again for the proper Lombardy Poplar effect.



As for the conifers...
Herr Rothe sees that nothing goes to waste.

The Esso tanker filling rig is proving to be a challenge. It would seem that its previous owners have snipped components of the sprues, looked at the instructions, scratched their heads and decided that the kit was above their pay grade.

Parts are missing, others broken and some of the plastic is showing its age as it has become brittle. Still, nil desperandum.

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On 15/12/2022 at 16:44, ian said:

What's Christmas without a blockbuster film release?


Dear Mr Spielberg, Thank you for your latest block buster film release. Even without the anticipated sharks, dinosaurs, visiting intergalactic travellers or discovery of lost antiquities in this latest release my Jaws were visibly grinding at the close encounter Andreas had got himself into and the dual that he seemed to be having with the station master. Maybe he should have been allowed to phone  home before the situation became a war of the world's? THat VW van is great although should it be painted in the colour purple?  Looking forward to your next release as I am hooked on your films! 


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  • RMweb Gold

Well, so much for 2022.


The year started with an idea - change the main line from 'moving scenery' to timetabled operation. This needed somewhere for tains to be made up, broken down and stored. Thus the idea for the helix was born = along with a lot of work.


The reverse loop at Neustadt was taken up and most of its baseboard removed, just leaving the branch line running along the back. The, as yet unconnected and unused, loops beneath the site for Maifeld became surplus to requirements and were removed. The temporary loop at Maifeld was removed as well.


As well as demolition there was construction.


The port and station at Billshaven were put in and proper control panels built for Schwarzfelsen, Klinkerhoffen, Schonblick and Billshaven. Plain blue backscenes were run along the entire scenic length (so far). Neustadt's wiring was reworked before it all became exceedingly dificult to access. The track and catenary was laid for the station at Maifeld. And, of course, the helix itself and the hidden sidings were created.

It doesn't sound much when you say it quickly, does it?


So what's the plan for 2023?


To build the missing baseboard link, connect Maifeld to the helix (via yet another station) and add the shunting yard. That will just about complete the track laying so after a little bit of wiring full train-playing mode can commence.

There may also be a few scenic bits added and, just maybe, a video or two.


I wish you all a happy new year - have a good 2023.

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Hello Ian,


I don't think any of us can say that 2022 let alone any of the past three years have been the greatest in terms of the outside World. However, whether you see it like this or not, you have provided, via the wonders of the internet, quite a few of us from your Republic of Telford garage with the relief of an alternative sane (or maybe insane but in a nice way) World where you share with us your skills, developments, (who can forget the ski run or the helix) sense of humour (well you have to have one of those if you ever had me as a customer in the your shop)  and some great stories involving crates of beer, sunbathing ladies, Blitz the crime solving Police Dog (although he never did solve anything!) and incompetent maintenance engineers! You have achieved a lot on your layout but also a great deal in entertaining us! Thank you from me and no doubt everyone else.


Hoping that 2023 is this time a better one and that we are all here this time next year in good health to agree or indeed disagree on this!


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  • RMweb Gold

The first of the Billshaven harbour scenics have been fixed in place. Mind you, scenic is not usually the word that people associate with the area.

Yes, of course there are lights!

The Esso depot has a fence and gate to stop people wandering in.

The gate works - but I think I'll leave it open as I don't think it will stand up to much use. The barrier behind the tanker is to stop drivers reversing into it.

Outside the fence is the loco fuel tank for the dock shunter. At least the driver doesn't have to worry about the price per litre!

I am thinking of having a tanker train in the schedule. Wilhelmshaven is the major oil port in the country so a train from there could bring oil traffic for the Shell depot at Neustadt, Aral loco fuel for the refueling points, Esso for Billshaven and BP for Konigsoog (the island served by the train ferry). Being a railway train rather than a company one the mix of tankers can be justified. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

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  • RMweb Gold

Our local was Bates & Hunt who were Esso distributors with a depot on the old Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Abbey Station - used to pass by on my way to and from school (and into town in the holidays) and only ever saw their own, Esso branded, vehicles. Of course oil company owned depots and German ones may have moved to a different beat.


Still, my railway, my rules and it makes for a colourful train.

Edited by ian
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  • RMweb Gold
On 02/01/2023 at 22:39, Woody C said:

And there I was thinking all that security at this ESSO depot was to keep the tiger in the tank.............

You really shouldn't say things like that!



Through the ages many places have relied on cats to keep rodents under control. The Esso depot at Billshaven seems to have taken this to an extreme!


Which reminds me of the story of the EEC Cat Mountain...

Edited by ian
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