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Sorry Annie! I used it because I think people can work out how big other stock is next to it!


Is this better?



Meanwhile other stuff is happening. Lorry arrived at 7:00am with a load of timber, insulation boards and other goodies.


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Yep, those are the ones. I cannot claim to have built them, much as I'd love to be able to do brass kits to this level. These were built for me by my friend Frank.

I have got some Shirescenes brass sides to convert a Ratio 4-wheeler and will attempt this as my first foray into brass kit building. No doubt my progress reports when I get to that will cause much merriment.

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  • RMweb Gold


I've got to defend my home town's honour ;)


The complexity of this layout is such that it could represent a light railway running from Weston to Cleveland..


PS: Only found this thread today. What a great project.

Edited by Joseph_Pestell
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All sorts of good things are going on here I am happy to report.


Day 3 of the interior carpentry and insulation work:



While on the workbench the WELR's only brake van is taking shape:


The next project is a gas tank wagon. Wish me luck, I've not attempted a white metal kit since the 80s. At least this one comes with clear and concise instructions! Wish I'd bought it in the mid-60s when Wills made these - would only have cost me 9/6d:



And this morning a massive "wodge" of transfers arrived from Fox at Kibworth. These are the company initials and crests for my loco tenders, tank sides and coaches so now I can begin the loco and coach repainting in earnest.



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*twiddles thumbs and warily eyes the 4 clerestory coaches sitting smugly in grey primer whispering "spray paint us you amateur - we dare you!" *


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What do people use to mask off areas of coach sides when spraying? I need to do the cream above the waist and green/blue below (that's two different liveries for those who think that mix might be a bit avant garde).


When spraying underframe dirt on wagons for weathering I just wrap the body in sellotape. Seems to work. But I'm worried that the tape may drag off the grey primer (or even worse the opposing colour, once that's done).

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Nice brake van Martin, looks like a familiar type lol.


Masking tape will help, I have never got on with maskol liquid. Worth waiting a couple of days for any colour coats to really harden off before putting masking tape on them just in case (if you can wait). I think rattle cans tend to spray heavy and I have experienced paint creeping under the masking.


A tip I picked up from the BRM mags and Phil Parker is to use the making tape in conjunction with kitchen foil. Stick the half the tape where you need to mask and the foil under the other half so it can wrap the rest of the model rather than taping everything from waist down. Something like this (although I used cling film here);



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I have done the cream on the coaches and am fretting with impatience for 2 to 3 days to let the paint harden!


However, in the interim, things are happening a-pace in the garage. Close of play on day four. Wall studding and Celotex insulation all done as far as the existing garage allows, plus floor battens, insulation and sheet flooring. False ceiling joists in as well. Tomorrow the 1.2m extension walls and roof arrive.


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And in the rolling stock box, something stirs. Some interesting reddish-pink tones have been applied to this:


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I wanted a wine-red main colour on the WELR stock but didn't want to use Crimson Lake or BR Maroon. The above colour is EWS Maroon and its pinkness shocked me when I applied it. My immediate reaction was "Oh cr*p, what have I done?" but after a day to let it harden and while staring at it on my desk the colour grew on me. It will be dulled/darkened by weathering and it is distinctive, which is what I wanted. There is one thing and that is creating fictional railway companies leads you down some fun avenues.


Plus this:




Being born of parents from Rotherham and Doncaster I refuse to throw anything away and hate wasting money. The centre chunk from the Hornby clerestory brake coach is going to be turned into... something. I have blanked off the end-most door and filed flat its outline and hinges. A ducket will be fabricated to cover the two panels to the right of the left hand doors and I'll cobble some ends and solebars/floor from somewhere. My WELR will have two branch passenger trains. This will be the luggage brake van for the second one.

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I think that maroon will look fine once it’s got some black with it, although you might want to consider undercoating with red-oxide first next time to reduce the brightness. It’s more crimson than maroon isn’t it?

Edited by Nearholmer
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Three busy days have gone by. Here is the state of play in the garage railway room as of this afternoon.

Day 7. Internal studding and Celotex all in place except around the old electrics. 4ft extension finished. Fibre insulation rolls in place above the new rafters. Roof of extension is on except for the ridge panel and plastic gable end fascia. A few days break now until Tuesday when the electrician will arrive. After him the windows and door go in and then the plasterboard to be fitted over the studding, and the false ceiling put up. Lights will be 4x 36watt 1200mm x 300mm daylight LED panels at a colour temperature of 4000K on a dimmer switch. Finally an air-con/heating unit will go in and then a lick of paint internally before we begin building... a model railway. Woot.


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On the modelling side the GNSR luggage brake has been recovered from looking like a block of frozen raspberry sorbet. With the running boards and underframe in grey-black and the roof in its base grey colour it's already looking better.




The other item I've been hacking about recently is a Midland Railway coke wagon that I'm converting to a provender wagon with GSR livery of warm red-brown. I've bent the sides out of shape so that they are bulging with age, something very often seen in old wagons but very hard to model with the over scale sides that are too strong and difficult to bend out of shape.


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And the 4 kitbashed Hornby clerestories suffered at my hands with some cream paint 3 days ago, then drying (impatient!!! aagh!!!) I have given one pair a spray of LNER Doncaster green today, and the other pair a Prussian blue spray. At this point I was pretty nervous...


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But when the tape and paper was ripped off I think things are not as bad as I expected. Now to tidy up with transfers and a bit of hand brushing to hide the smears where things join.







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  • RMweb Premium

Wow that is going to be a railway room of near legendary status Martin.  Glad to see that your vision is coming together and is well on the way to reality.


I particularly like the green and cream coach livery by the way.

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