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Real Earth/Dirt For Ground Cover

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Hi all,


I did a search but could not really find an answer. I seem to remember reading on RMWeb about using real earth and dirt for ground covering on layouts but there was some preparation needed before the dirt could be graded for use. The dirt had to be heated first and that is all I can remember about it.


If anyone can tell me how I go about this I would be very grateful.




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Works very well.  I have used it for a while and got the idea from "Whats Neat" u-tube video.  Basically you put the earth in an oven and bake it for about 4 hours at 400F.  I did it in the the little mini oven and my wife couldn't understand what the smell was in the kitchen.  Eventually told her and she wasn't too impressed so the motto is do it first and ask for forgiveness later.  Will need sieving to get the appropriate size.  I used kitchen strainers.  These I did but rather than use SHWMBO

Edited by Theakerr
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I use it a lot.


I bake it on a baking tray covered it aluminium foil, crumble and roll it so it is extremely fine - like dust. This takes time to do - but I find it well worth while. I then sieve it on to the job as a finishing powder, over freshly laid static grass etc, where it covers any remaining glue, and tones the whole lot down.

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Works very well.  I have used it for a while and got the idea from "Whats Neat" u-tube video.  Basically you put the earth in an oven and bake it for about 4 hours at 400F.  I did it in the the little mini oven and my wife couldn't understand what the smell was in the kitchen.  Eventually told her and she wasn't too impressed so the motto is do it first and ask for forgiveness later.  Will need saving to get the appropriate size.  I used kitchen strainers.  These I did but rather than use SHWMBO


I have wife and daughter to hide such misdeeds from....

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Works very well.  I have used it for a while and got the idea from "Whats Neat" u-tube video.  Basically you put the earth in an oven and bake it for about 4 hours at 400F.  I did it in the the little mini oven and my wife couldn't understand what the smell was in the kitchen.  Eventually told her and she wasn't too impressed so the motto is do it first and ask for forgiveness later.  Will need saving to get the appropriate size.  I used kitchen strainers.  These I did but rather than use SHWMBO

Four hours seems a little excessive, as does the temperature. An hour at about 250 should do it; it's what someone on Gardener's Question-time suggested years ago for sterilising soil for sensitive plants.

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