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Classsix T

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Well, there is a Paragon/Renegade player choice indicator of sorts. I felt particularly bad after shooting some innocent people with an erroneous button push during a hiest near the start... 


Yeh, a year on, I can imagine not tripping over spoilers will be kinda difficult. My console compadres and I done our best to remain tight lipped earlier in the Lounge I believe... 


Micah is an immensely odious tw@t, to the point you wonder why he's even in Dutch's crew, but you'll see that pan out. 



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2 minutes ago, Classsix T said:

Well, there is a Paragon/Renegade player choice indicator of sorts. I felt particularly bad after shooting some innocent people with an erroneous button push during a hiest near the start...


I felt bad enough punching my horse by mistake! And the only random NPC I've robbed I only did after he started yelling at me when I just tried to say "Hello"...

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6 minutes ago, Classsix T said:


Heard of the franchise, never played, what's the gist friend? 




It's the game that nearly bankrupted Sega.

An early Dreamcast title it was an obsessively detailed open world RPG set in 1980s Japan. You played Ryo Hazuki off to avenge his father killed by a mysterious Chinese gangster. Part walking simulator part Virtua Fighter. You could go in all the shops and talk to the vendors. (all voiced in a 1999 game), collect capsule toys from machines outside shops. If you had to meet someone at a specific time you actually had to wait. There was no skip time option. To pass the time you could go into an amusement arcade and play emulated Sega games like Out Run & Space Harrier. The plot was generally advanced by beating up hordes of bad guys.

The first two games got a recent remaster and re-release which you can probably get quite cheaply now.


I've waited eighteen years for this....

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My previous post (above) is rather indicative of a strange quirk in life I'm currently going through (don't fret, this won't be a wending tale of love lost, finding self or some other bottom lip quivering confessional).


I'm taking something of a sabbatical from railways having devoted a great deal of time, money and effort to both the model side and the big stuff in the past twenty years.


Familiarity breeds contempt or the efforts not paying enjoyment dividends perhaps, but I'm enjoying my holiday of sorts and am immersing myself again in gaming that in a change of disc can transport me, virtually, to another world. To that end I'm somewhat curious about titles I'd often heard about but for fear of disappointment wouldn't touch.


So bear with me friends, you know I'm not a noob, but can you believe I've never played a played a proper Tomb Raider game or that a dabble with a Metal Gear Solid PS2 demo has put me off ever since..?! I'm righting that wrong now.



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13 minutes ago, 30801 said:


It's the game that nearly bankrupted Sega.

An early Dreamcast title it was an obsessively detailed open world RPG set in 1980s Japan. You played Ryo Hazuki off to avenge his father killed by a mysterious Chinese gangster. Part walking simulator part Virtua Fighter. You could go in all the shops and talk to the vendors. (all voiced in a 1999 game), collect capsule toys from machines outside shops. If you had to meet someone at a specific time you actually had to wait. There was no skip time option. To pass the time you could go into an amusement arcade and play emulated Sega games like Out Run & Space Harrier. The plot was generally advanced by beating up hordes of bad guys.

The first two games got a recent remaster and re-release which you can probably get quite cheaply now.


I've waited eighteen years for this....

I'm probably missing something of really fundamental importance here, but your description doesn't sound entirely removed from that of Yakuza 0 which I'm keen to find out more about (having a fondness for both the 80s and Japanese culture). 

Or is it more possible that these things are incredibly common in Nippon culture and those are the two franchises that have managed to gain traction in the West?



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11 minutes ago, Classsix T said:

I'm probably missing something of really fundamental importance here, but your description doesn't sound entirely removed from that of Yakuza 0 which I'm keen to find out more about (having a fondness for both the 80s and Japanese culture). 


They do have a lot in common. Shenmue is slower paced though.

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1 hour ago, Classsix T said:


So bear with me friends, you know I'm not a noob, but can you believe I've never played a played a proper Tomb Raider game or that a dabble with a Metal Gear Solid PS2 demo has put me off ever since..?! I'm righting that wrong now.

The “rebooted” tomb raider games are excellent. Good mix of shooting and puzzles and exploration. Loads of collectibles and crafting options, I really enjoyed them.


I’ve just reinstalled Titanfall 2 after discovering that my favourite game mode,  frontier defense, has been added since I last played. It was a game mode that was present on the 1st game from pretty much the start but was absent on release for number 2. It’s basically defending a base against waves of enemies.


worth a look.

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29 minutes ago, Clagsniffer said:

The “rebooted” tomb raider games are excellent. Good mix of shooting and puzzles and exploration. Loads of collectibles and crafting options, I really enjoyed them.


I’ve just reinstalled Titanfall 2 after discovering that my favourite game mode,  frontier defense, has been added since I last played. It was a game mode that was present on the 1st game from pretty much the start but was absent on release for number 2. It’s basically defending a base against waves of enemies.


worth a look.

Because I'd "dipped out" of gaming for such a long time (ironically to get back in to railways in the mid to late 90s) the evolution of game franchises that benifited from leaps and bounds in technology advances largely passed me by. I don't miss the graphics of the time, but I'm playing catch up now with franchises that cut their teeth then and have evolved into the fully evolved immersive experiences they've become.

Put another way, it's questionable whether I'd have ever played any Uncharted title if the PS4 I bought hadn't had it bundled..! Which is so stupid! 

I'm now trying to remember why I felt I "needed" PS4 in my life in the first place. Probably new hardware requirements for new GTSport, Mass Effect Andromeda or Deus Ex titles, something not available on PS3 that I determined invaluable to my continued well-being..?

Am I shallow? 



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Dominic picked up ‘Charlie’s angels’ for the ps2 For 50p in a charity shop over the weekend purely as he’d heard there was a glitch in the game which prevents you progressing beyond the 2nd level and he wanted to see if it’s true! 


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Stadia launched today, in a limited sense, I'm not seeing reports of console/PC bonfires started by gamers freed from the shackles of their hardware dependancy. Early days though eh?


Help 'n' hint post here from Kotaku (sorry) to get you up and running which actually reads like the crappiest advert for a "gaming revolution" possible. 


After the shenanigans I had with BT wrt Internet connection I hard wired the PS4 to the hub as opposed to relying on wifi. Upload speed increased slightly but download didn't budge from 11.9mbps. I don't know if that is good, bad or indifferent, what I do know is it takes a sodding age to download a title from the PS Store. 

Reading Kotaku's piece, sub 12mbps would offer me absolutely nothing from Stadia that I haven't already got. Less in fact because I can go down the flipping shops to buy discs! New games, not waiting for Google to sign deals. 


I don't know if Martin's premonition Stadia will bomb will come true, but I believe it'll lose a shed load of money before it'll make a profitable return.



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9 minutes ago, Classsix T said:

Stadia launched today, in a limited sense, I'm not seeing reports of console/PC bonfires started by gamers freed from the shackles of their hardware dependancy. Early days though eh?


Remember OnLive from years ago?

I was pretty impressed by that and you could play all the games as a time limited demo. I never signed up to it though, nor I guess did many others.

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14 hours ago, 30801 said:


Remember OnLive from years ago?

I was pretty impressed by that and you could play all the games as a time limited demo. I never signed up to it though, nor I guess did many others.

Can't say I do, but as I've said before I'm relatively new to the whole online gaming thing anyway.

There is undoubtedly something in the Stadia business model that in the future will make absolute sense, but as I said previously, unless customers have a rock solid Internet connection, it caves under it's own promises. Also, as far as I can see, it's subscription model doesn't offer a spend advantage over purchased games and a console sat under the telly.



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Getting back the gaming...


The Stadia looks like a 'good idea', but it will be difficult to compete with the triple might of MS/Sony/Nintendo I expect, though with Google behind it, it may either have loads of money thrown at it and then quietly abandoned or loads of money thrown at it and Google making it compelling somehow... though I remain skeptical of how they might do, however compression algorithms improve all the time and there are other similar concepts being worked on, with MS using pre-rendered graphics delivered in real-time from their cloud solution for the Xbox.


Mostly gaming wise recently I've been playing Titan Quest Anniversary Edition, which seems to be rather buggy in the enhanced/DX11 mode, but ok in DX9. Otherwise the new Star Wars game looks promising from the small amount I played it over the weekend.

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12 hours ago, Kelly said:

The Stadia looks like a 'good idea', but it will be difficult to compete with the triple might of MS/Sony/Nintendo I expect, though with Google behind it, it may either have loads of money thrown at it and then quietly abandoned or loads of money thrown at it and Google making it compelling somehow... though I remain skeptical of how they might do, however compression algorithms improve all the time and there are other similar concepts being worked on, with MS using pre-rendered graphics delivered in real-time from their cloud solution for the Xbox.


Stadia's problems aren't technical. As I inferred earlier OnLive was doing this stuff well a decade ago when broadband was less broad than it is now.

The problem is its library and the fact that you have to buy games and they cost more than a console disk from Amazon. £120 for the device and then £50 for a game isn't compelling.


We have a family Apple Music subscription. £15 for all the music for all the family. If the Stadia subscription gave you a huge library it would be something, but it doesn't. Maybe the library will improve but right now it's just an interesting curiosity.

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OnLive's wiki entry here


It looks as if Sony saw the potential and snapped up the company to asset strip some of it's know how to further PSNow. 

If Microsoft don't already, their announcements at the recent X019 shindig strongly suggest that they are keen to expand their own game streaming ambitions. 

The difference between either of those and Stadia of course is the need to own a console. PSNow at least though does have a rapidly expanding library of games including some from the PS2 back catalogue and of course PlayStation exclusives. 


But as Martin pointed out earlier, Stadia's intended market is unlikely to be those of us already invested into our platform of choice.




Just found out that PSNow, and it's 700+ games including "exclusives", is also available on Windows PC! £8.99 a month or £49.99 per annum. Blimey! 

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Looks like Stadia is well overpriced.


Rental PLUS cost of game with no discounted options.


Unless Google can get hold of one of the big companies games libraries as an exclusive I do not think it will do well.


But I think wait and see.

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7 hours ago, MJI said:

Rental PLUS cost of game with no discounted options.

But you can take it down the shop and trade it in for a new...no, hang on...sell at the car boo... er, swap with a frien...


"Hey Google, Stadia is a good idea why?" 


"Daisy, Daisy give me your answer dooo..."


How Google broke the Internet. The End.


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Bosh! That's how an adult man-child goes about it. 


Having garnered an enthusiasm for Star Wars since 1977 he bides his time waiting for a good SW video game to come out and on his payday in month eleven 2019 has the wherewithal to to purchase such along with fags, Pepsi and redskin peanuts. Life is good. His world is at peace. 


Don't phone him this weekend...



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On 18/11/2019 at 22:27, big jim said:

Dominic picked up ‘Charlie’s angels’ for the ps2 For 50p in a charity shop over the weekend purely as he’d heard there was a glitch in the game which prevents you progressing beyond the 2nd level and he wanted to see if it’s true! 



Apparently it's true



f you were to start a fresh game with a memory card, you had no problems playing it. But if you start playing a new game without a memory card in the GameCube, the game will automatically revert to a demo mode without warning the user. You can play the first level and as soon as you complete it, the game will seamlessly take you back to the start of the level, forcing you to play an everlasting loop.
Even if you plug in a memory card after you start the game, it will still loop the first level. To resolve this issue, you have to turn off the console completely, insert the memory card, and then turn the console back on. This is the only way you can play the game past the first level.


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Erm, Dave, your quote specifically mentions GameCube. Like, wha? 


Apart from the fact literally every film/game tie-in is guaranteed to be awful, Charlie's Angels was a pants movie to start with so any game based upon it isn't likely to have been swimming in awards. 


Still, charity got half a quid and Dominic will have learned a lesson. Win win. Bearing in mind most copies probably ended up in landfill, it could have collectable rarity!




A wiki search for Charlie's Angels linked me to this page of awful games, Aliens: Colonial Marines - check, original release of No Man's Sky - oh yes. 

How many have you suffered?

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