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Classsix T

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On 23/03/2019 at 13:07, Clagsniffer said:

So I’ve took the plunge and bought elite dangerous, after previously knowing nothing about it until this thread. Any tips for a new starter?


On 24/03/2019 at 12:40, Clagsniffer said:

Well what a mistake buying elite dangerous was! How does anyone play this crap? WAY too complicated, too many things to remember, too many buttons and the training missions are gash. I wish I hadn’t bought it as a digital download for the Xbox, as I can’t get a refund. Deleted off my hard drive. Awful game.

I hope, my posts (I'm deliberately avoiding the term "reviews") on games new to me are taken as a personal overview, rather than a recommendation or not and they at least come across as subjective.


Elite was a game I had been after for a long while (via dissatisfaction with No Man's Sky and further digging) and only the appearance in the trade-in shop sealed the deal.

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Finally found a "bragging right" worthy of my gaming omnipotence!


Whilst the GTSport app' thumbs its nose almost gleefully in pointing out I'll only ever be the second best Suffolk based Jaguar driver in the manufacturer competition, in-game, Polyphony have rather more data to crunch. Whether that should worry me I dunno, big brother and all that. 

I can categorically state, without fear of contradiction, you dear reader are in company of a number one gamer. (As long as by No.1 you mean, GTSport playing /Jaguar driving/in Suffolk/over 40.)

Were he still alive I'm expecting Aamon Andrews clutching a big red book to come thru the door any moment and a lesser honour from Liz in the new year.


In other news, The Onion tells me "The Matrix" celebrates its 20th birthday. Apart from "bullet time" in Max Paine (never played it) how come a game tie-up never happened? Or maybe it did and like many film/game/film hook-ups it was sh*t and just disappeared? 



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Got myself a Nintendo switch at the weekend, there is an Argos outlet in Walsall that gets returns and refurbished items so I picked it up for £169 compared to Argos full price of £250+


going to put it in man cave to save ‘borrowing’ my youngest lads switch when we want to play in there (and we can do heas to head games too)


picked up a few cheap games for it such as wwe wrestling for £8 which on the big screen should be fun, similarly got a pinball game which looks fun 


slight aside, anyone with an Xbox one got ‘we Happy few’, I don’t normally go for first person shooter type games but it looks quite good and is free on gamepass 

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If the game is free Jim, give it a spin. If you don't take to it, delete the bu99er. You haven't lost anything by trying?


Let us know how you get on, and give Lola a fuss from me!



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Article here about Anthem's development and production. I'll leave you to reach your own conclusions, I'm amazed it even got to the shelves. At all.

https://kotaku-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964/amp?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fkotaku.com%2Fhow-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964


It's a wordy piece, so here's a synopsis from (an occasionally) sweary American chap:


For myself, I hope BioWare and EA launch a full internal enquiry and learn something valuable from the whole debacle.

Personally I'm not comfortable with the thought (depending on who exactly owns the intellectual property) we will never see another Mass Effect title and as a direct consequence of this article, even stricter non-disclosure agreements will become compulsory within the industry (surprised this insight into Anthem came to light frankly, but it goes to show even with nda's in place how vexed the 19 people interviewed were with the entire process).



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On 02/04/2019 at 19:41, Classsix T said:


In other news, The Onion tells me "The Matrix" celebrates its 20th birthday. Apart from "bullet time" in Max Paine (never played it) how come a game tie-up never happened? Or maybe it did and like many film/game/film hook-ups it was sh*t and just disappeared? 




There was a Matrix game, it filled in loads of gaps in the stories of the first two films I believe, I played it but it was a rental game (remember those!?) so never completed it, but it was actually pretty good.


Managed to complete the first Max Payne back in the day, really liked it, but if you ever fancy trying it, DO NOT play it when you are ill. The nightmare sequences in the game quickly become your own nightmares.

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You're right, must've completely passed me by!


Wiki says:

Released in May 2003, the same month as The Matrix Reloaded, Enter the Matrix was simultaneously produced with The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions and released for the GameCube, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2 and Xbox.



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In a timely update to the game that'll have Clagsniffer and I wondering if the Developer lurks within the Lounge, this announcement dropped recently for Elite Dangerous... 


"Greetings Commanders,
We’re very pleased to announce that the next update for Elite Dangerous, the April Update, will release on... Tuesday 23 April 2019!

As mentioned in the beginning of March, this year's initial updates will focus on introducing quality of life improvements and improving the welcoming experience for beginners. This update brings with it two new modules to help get you out there, engaging in and exploring all that there is to discover - as well as ensure that you're able to access in-game information and training from the seat of your cockpit!
Read below for all of the details:

Beginners' Zone
A new collection of systems has been added for newly-created Commanders, and can only be accessed by pilots until they earn their first Combat, Trade or Exploration rank. In addition, the authorities here will provide simpler missions that even the smallest of Sidewinders can complete.

Across the galaxy, new Commanders will also have a reduced rebuy until they gain their first Combat, Trade or Exploration rank, a step in the path towards greatness!

New Modules
Advanced Docking Computer

We're adding an upgraded version of the original Docking Computer, a module designed to allow Commanders to relax, let go of their flight sticks and automatically dock in stations to the serene strings of Johann Strauss II.

The Advanced Docking Computer will not only allow you to dock, but also allow you to automatically undock from a station without anxiously worrying about getting stuck inside the mail slot. Let's face it, it will also help with those embarrassing Type-10 spoiler moments!

This module will also come as standard in all newly-purchased small ships. If you're starting up a new account, you will find the Advanced Docking Computer in your ship from the get-go - making it easier for you to embark and disembark from your favourite stations without colliding with the walls, landing pads or your fellow Commanders.


Supercruise Assist

Available at your nearest starship department store (i.e. Outfitting) comes the new Supercruise Assist module. While in Supercruise, you'll be able to target a destination and activate Supercruise Assist, putting your safety in the reassuring hands of a machine. In this mode, your ship will automatically maintain the correct speed and approach to your target destination, and break out of Supercruise at the optimum time. You'll still have to align with the correct location, but you will no longer have to worry about doing a loop of shame!

With the the Supercruise Assist, you will also be able to enter into orbit around a body - allowing you to launch discovery probes and take screenshots without the fear of face-planting the dusty, rocky ground.

This module will also come as standard in all newly-purchased ships.

Free module slots for everyone!
With the introduction of these new modules, small ships will be outfitted with two additional size one Optional Internal slots, while medium and large ships will also receive one additional Optional Internal slot. This will automatically and retroactively apply to all relevant ships.

Navigation Tab
In Beyond - Chapter Four, the cockpit was completely revamped, and with the April Update, come even more improvements! The latest area to feel the love is the Navigation Panel where, in places, we have added icons for a tighter, more visually appealing layout.

A new column has been added to this panel, denoting activities in an area, mission targets, plotted routes, Wanted status and if the threat level of some areas is too high. The Navigation popup expands on this information, providing more details about the location, such as faction details, star class, information of resources and more!

Two of these may sound new to you - so allow us to explain!

Activities - Every location in the Elite galaxy, offers different activities, be it collecting Combat Bonds in a Combat Zone, or mining asteroids at a Resource Extraction Site. Icons and links to the Pilots' Handbook (see below) have been added to help you easily identify what activities are available at a given location.

Threat Level - Threat Level is something that already exists in the game (previously only seen at Unidentified Signal Sources), but this new marker will now appear in all systems. If a location has a threat level too high for your current combat rank, a 'danger' icon will be displayed, warning you that the location might be too dangerous.

Pilot's Handbook

Like the Codex, the Pilot's Handbook is a treasure trove of information, providing details on the many activities available to you in Elite Dangerous. Whether you're a veteran, or you've only just graduated from flight school, these articles will help you discover what opportunities are out there - and what is required to get involved in them. With links from the cockpit straight to the Pilot's Handbook, sourcing information is easier than ever before!

Trading Screen Improvements
When you're an interstellar trader, every minute is a potential sale... so to help you avoid being badgered by a strange man trying to sell you the 'deal of a lifetime' (500 tonnes of bio-waste is not always a good deal, by the way!), a number of improvements have been made to the user interface of the Commodities Market.

You will find two panels in the Commodities Market, Buy and Sell. Each new panel will provide you with important information:

Commodities relevant to any active missions you're currently undertaking

Icons that provide feedback of profits and supplies.

Trade data on nearby local systems per commodity

Buy and sell commodities pop-up with much more info than before - helpful even to the seasoned trader!

Select markets or goods and view their trade data in the Galaxy Map.

All these improvements have been introduced to make the Commodities Market easier to understand at a glance, ensuring every Commander can become a wolf of the interstellar Wall Street.

Interstellar Initiatives 

Our name for the previously announced 'Community Events'. These are series of in-game events that play out over the course of around a month. Each one features several phases that will alter as the narrative progresses, and may end with lasting effects on the galaxy. We'll be delving deeper into these in just a couple of weeks.


...and there's more!

Revamped main menu layout, including featuring GalNet news and other important information.

Training Missions and Challenge Scenarios will now be accessible via the cockpit, allowing you to brush up your skills right from the seat of your ship.

Loading screen tips.

Bug fixes.

So there you have it, a brief take on some of the features coming in the next update."


I await Reorte's accusations of "dumbing down"! ;)


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31 minutes ago, Classsix T said:

I await Reorte's accusations of "dumbing down"! ;)


Maybe. "Hit button for 2/3 throttle at 7 seconds" is hardly a difficult task so "supercruise assist" seems a bit pointless. Mind you I've got fundamental objections about automation anyway, but on the other hand we're talking about space ships 1300 years in the future (which probably wouldn't be manned at all but that doesn't leave much of a game). I do like the idea of it keeping you in orbit though. Unrelated but on the subject of orbits I've seen a couple of interesting videos showing that the game does model it - on a low enough gravity world where the near-surface orbital speed was within the ships's speed someone did indeed get it orbiting (think it was a Scott Manley video). Another one was flying from a close orbiting moon to its parent planet without going in to supercruise. Took 15 hours though!


Some of the screens are a bit of a mess so I'll be interested to see the results of the changes there.


I'll just take learning how to fly properly. Manoeuvring around stations, fine, but I'm still utterly hopeless at getting in to and holding a good position in combat.


Beginner's zone - sounds like it might be needed if there are problems with *£*!&?£s hanging around the starter systems blowing up every beginner they can find.


Small things I'd like to see which aren't mentioned though - improved VR usability in the galactic and system maps, and NPC crew members actually sitting in the empty cockpit seats (and having roles for them beyond fighters, even if it's just "you need them for your ship to work"). And an in-ship stereo. Sure, I can play stuff in the background but it would be nice to have it feel like it's coming from your ship.


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I think it's encouraging that (for Elite Dangerous specifically) two years from release game Dev's are willing to bring in such major improvements to the gaming experience.


Though it does beg questions, especially if you've read the Anthem article up-thread. Ponder;

Has the "set in stone" release date culture of new releases compromised the quality of the shipped release date product? By that I mean, are games released as knowingly "unfinished" but as a working playable core of what the game will eventually become? Friend Developer may just need to keep the Publisher happy, and "we'll patch it later". Sounds an iffy strategy to me which is likely to bite you in the ass, commercially.


We've seen it happen on this very thread, how many people like Clagsniffer have been scarred by Elite D's complexity that'd gladly have played it had the update been there from the start!?


GTSport was similar. Now I knew there was an on-line element to it (and that has turned out to be the game's best feature) but I didn't purchase it for on-line play. On release, it was incredibly light in content and because I don't keep up with gaming news media, I had no idea it'd be a constantly updated title and was left thinking maybe I'd wasted my money.


Dare the Publisher put on the back of the box "Yes it's £50 now, but wait until you see the updates!"?


A pertinent analogy might be for a model railway manufacturer to sell you a railway carriage with Sellotape over the window apertures but you'll be able to collect and fit the super-duper flushglazing add-on at a later date...



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I do think that the "this is the release date so it'll be out then come what may!" thing is a big problem. Interestingly enough the previous Elite game, First Encounters, was a complete mess because of early release and that was back in the 1990s. More recently The Witcher 3 kept getting delayed and delayed until the developers decided it was ready and was very well received. But when it comes to Elite Dangerous if there was a problem with its original release it was the lack of depth to it (and that still is an issue) rather than being incomplete or significantly buggy. The changes probably won't help Clagsniffer, from what he said I think it's simply not the type of game for him.

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If I recall, you're strictly a PC gamer Reorte? Had First Encounters (or any games) patchability at the time?


I've never been one for camping outside the store, and I detest the phrase "I can't wait" with vehement dislike, so I'd rather wait to be the recipient of a game that is properly finished than accept half-arsed Publisher date compliant target meeting beta code on blu-ray for fifty notes toss.

Which is a harsher critique than is probably deserved!


I had heard Rockstar really worked their staff hard to get RDR2 out too.


I don't deny electronic gaming is a multi-billion dollar industry, but FFS, nobody in the production of it should be taking stress leave.



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FFE certainly got patched in the end but since I never bought it at the time (it was a PC game, I was using RISC OS then) I don't know what the history was. A little later than that I sometimes bought games that would come with a patch on a separate disc and I've vague memories of software (not just games) having adverts placed in magazines to send off for a sometimes free patch disc, but I think the norm was, if it got updated at all, for later versions just to be the ones on sale later. FFE got a lot of patching by the community though, after it had been out for a couple of years the internet was just starting to become a way of getting them around, at least within universities.


"I can't wait" - yep, agree with that (at least when it's more than just an expression of enthusiasm). It's not as if deadlines should matter that much for a game release.


Yes, PC only, so I'm grinding my teeth a bit about RDR2. Not enough to be impatient though! :)

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The original Elite on the Beeb and Electron in 1984 was released with a major flaw; the galactic hyperdrive didn't work which meant you could not travel between the eight 2D galaxies. The hyperdrive was so expensive It took months/years of your childhood  to discover this and there was no easy way of finding out why it didn't work (no mags/internet). It was fixed later and you could apply for a free copy of the fixed game. I'm not sure how that worked, it was so long ago.


   I think a game as big as Elite Dangerous is always going to be bugged and need patching. Frontier probably had no idea what kind of reception ED would have on consoles too so they may be listening to a lot of feedback and updating it based on that. One thing I reckon they should have done was made it keyboard compatable so you could assign some of your ships functions to keys or maybe have a pal control the weaponry rather than as it stands now; you can only text message other players with it.

  It would be nice too if there was some form of entertainment at space stations; I wonder if fans on PC's have made their own DLC? The Galnet radio was a classy update; before that it was just you and the silence. In space no-one can hear you die of boredom.

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  • RMweb Premium
12 hours ago, Andrew F said:

The original Elite on the Beeb and Electron in 1984 was released with a major flaw; the galactic hyperdrive didn't work which meant you could not travel between the eight 2D galaxies. The hyperdrive was so expensive It took months/years of your childhood  to discover this and there was no easy way of finding out why it didn't work (no mags/internet). It was fixed later and you could apply for a free copy of the fixed game. I'm not sure how that worked, it was so long ago.


   I think a game as big as Elite Dangerous is always going to be bugged and need patching. Frontier probably had no idea what kind of reception ED would have on consoles too so they may be listening to a lot of feedback and updating it based on that. One thing I reckon they should have done was made it keyboard compatable so you could assign some of your ships functions to keys or maybe have a pal control the weaponry rather than as it stands now; you can only text message other players with it.

  It would be nice too if there was some form of entertainment at space stations; I wonder if fans on PC's have made their own DLC? The Galnet radio was a classy update; before that it was just you and the silence. In space no-one can hear you die of boredom.

I don't remember anything not working properly in the original Elite but maybe that was on the disc version, I started on the cassette one (roping my mum in to work out the trading bits).


Considering how adaptable the control mapping is on the PC I'm surprised it's significantly less flexible on consoles. I can't imagine it even being playable without a ridiculous number of mapped keys (a lot of which I just chuck anywhere on the keyboard and rely on voice controls for, since I play in VR).


Space stations could do with more life in them. A complete in-game radio station, complete with music, playing through your ship would be nice. Nicer still if you could also point it at external sources.

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There was a big Star Wars shindig on in Chicago at the weekend and among the hubbub on new film and television releases was news on a new game which is due November 15th.


I've been into Star Wars since A New Hope in 1977 but never have played a franchise game on any platform. Battlefront 2 looked interesting but was still too geared towards multi-player for my liking.

Fallen Order promises to be entirely single player and story focused with no loot box/pay to win cobblers, so right up my street.



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25 minutes ago, Classsix T said:

I've been into Star Wars since A New Hope in 1977 but never have played a franchise game on any platform. Battlefront 2 looked interesting but was still too geared towards multi-player for my liking.

Fallen Order promises to be entirely single player and story focused with no loot box/pay to win cobblers, so right up my street.


There are two Star Wars games I love, TIE Fighter and Knights of the Old Republic. Both are a bit dated now though. X-Wing was good but TIE Fighter had enough improvements over it to put it in to the classic category, I'd really love to see a modern Star Wars game in the same vein (verging towards the simulator rather than arcade direction), with VR support. On the KOTOR front a modern single player RPG would be very nice too.

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23 hours ago, Ian J. said:

A modern, VR, flight sim style X-Wing game - you're making me drool... :lol:


It seems an age since you've joined us in the Lounge Ian, did you replace/renew/upgrade your Sony hardware (for Last of Us & Heavy Rain) in the end?



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6 hours ago, Classsix T said:

It seems an age since you've joined us in the Lounge Ian, did you replace/renew/upgrade your Sony hardware (for Last of Us & Heavy Rain) in the end?




Not yet. It's on my longer term to do list. At the moment the XB1X is doing me fine, but I do want to get a PS3 to play those games.

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On 16/04/2019 at 23:38, Ian J. said:


Not yet. It's on my longer term to do list. At the moment the XB1X is doing me fine, but I do want to get a PS3 to play those games.

Copy that, but as I said earlier, PS4 versions of those games (not to mention the Ellie focused mini-prequel) are available and thinking ahead, the promised sequel to Last of Us dangles like a piñata from a tree but we've no sticks, as yet.


Obviously if you've a large library of PS3 games that's going to influence your decision on hardware, natch. 


Talking of hardware, I've personally found that the fan is rarely stopped on the PS4 but the PS3 is whisper quiet. Subsequently most of my Netflix and blu-ray/dvd viewing is done on the older console to avoid spoiling my aural enjoyment...



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