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A couple of evenings when it’s been too hot for modelling has seen me discover World of Warships onnthe laptop, rather enjoying it.

Talking of "free to play", Dreadnought for PS4 caught my eye. Space battle Rebel Galaxy-esque online biased multiplayer romp. Anyone familiar with?



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Some posts up thread Scottystitch, I'll wait for the bored teen cast-offs to dribble into the pre-owned market I think.


The creator's trailer is actually rather good watching, showing the enthusiasm for a realistic look and feel of the prototype, at least from a UK perspective.


Worth a punt I reckon, avoid the PS Community though...



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  • RMweb Premium

Graphically TSW ain't bad and it's good that I can play on Xbox, but for something that's being marketed as a realistic simulation, as a professional railwayman, it has a few rather large issues and lots of smaller annoyances. Some of the larger issues are allegedly being worked on, but smaller ones just seem to get ignored.

It's a shame, it's a good enjoyable game, but with a bit more attention and listening to the community, the game could be so much better. The German route is a little dull, unless you enjoy A to B and back again, the other two offer more involved gameplay. Although the Great Western route features similar passenger services, it also has depots to shunt to and freight operations too. The physics are a bit flawed, but I'm looking forward to the fixes that are being rolled out for the physics of diesel electric traction



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  • RMweb Premium

The physics are a bit flawed, but I'm looking forward to the fixes that are being rolled out for the physics of diesel electric traction

That's a pity, considering that bad physics was one of the major issues with Train Simulator I'd have hoped a lot of effort was put in to getting the physics right.

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  • RMweb Premium

They have claimed there's a load of special graphs that get the physics right, but my games developer mate says it's largely the unreal editor. When maintaining steady speed (say 30 mph) in say notch 3, on flat ground, the ammeter should show some amps, towards the lower end of the gauge. In the game, it shows zero. They are working on correcting it, but it's taking a while. The 47 and 09 on the PC West Somerset route has correct ammeter behaviour I believe and it's being rolled out across the range eventually. That's just one example, but the symptom highlights the, at times, poor physics underpinning the game



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It should be remembered that games like TSW are part of a large plethora of similar 'simulation' titles, that are hardly anywhere near AAA quality and so never going to be 100% accurate or perfect in every respect. No matter what bull the developers say, it is really just a cheap game to pump out, not a proper simulation to get everything right with (for that you'd want a company doing it to the levels of say Project Cars or Forza games and costing a fortune by comparison afterwards, I expect there isn't the market for it though).

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  • 5 weeks later...

There being an R in the month, PS Store has a sale on.

For less than sick squid (arf) ABZU, a game I've been wondering about was on offer, so a quick run through of the reviews showed I might not be disappointed and download it to the PS4.

Swim, explore, solve simple puzzles. Enthralling in its cel-shady loveliness with a suitably fitting soundtrack.


A savvy adult gamer is going to be done and dusted in three hours so the sale price is just about right. If, however you've pre-teen children, I think they'd love it. There's no forced environmental message but as an education in the diversity of marine life it may perhaps spark an appreciative awareness in the young.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm still playing Sniper 4 - the on-line modes suck, snipers ... so people camp around, I've played several 30 minute games where I never saw another player, some lobbies have a setting which occasionally shows enemy positions which helps but people move) despite moving slowly around the maps, so I've abandoned that. It needs an anti-camp where you become visible to the enemies if you don't move for say 5 minutes. (I know sniping is about getting a good position and waiting for bad guys but if everyone does that ....)


The solo survival maps are (still) good fun, completed 4 of them now - but even at "Noddy" level they get very tough on the last few waves (12 per map, the base you have to defend moves to 4 different positions so it varies, the enemies attack from various positions so it's always different although there are some map entry points which they frequently use so a few mines around those areas helps), they can also call in shells to bomb your position - if you kill their spotter you can grab the flare gun and do the same to them !


I also play my favourite campaign map on the hardest level, not finished it at that level yet but again, very tough and challenging, which is a good part of the fun.

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The two posts above, in their diversity of what games can offer (or equally, fail to deliver) to an eager recipient, remind me of one of the stupidest on-line comments I've ever read.

Whether I did physically slap my forehead and curse the younger generation I can't remember, I was probably more stunned into incredulity.


The actual wording is forgotten but the gist was, "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture would be better if you could shoot things."


I might as well complain to Dave that Sniper 4 failed to impress me because there wasn't a gardening level.



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  • RMweb Gold

I may be banished from the thread for what I'm about to write, but.......


I actually find that my love for FIFA18 has been kindled through the Fifa Ultimate Team mode, a mode which I had prior to a month or so ago, hadn't even clicked on as I believed it was an online competition type thing. Who knew, it was actually a cross between 'normal' FIFA and a card collector game ?!


One is now looking forward to FIFA 19's release!


For those who may also be closet FUT players, if you come across a squad with the Moniker "Wellington 1974", 't'is yours truly!

Edited by scottystitch
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  • RMweb Premium

The two posts above, in their diversity of what games can offer (or equally, fail to deliver) to an eager recipient, remind me of one of the stupidest on-line comments I've ever read.

Whether I did physically slap my forehead and curse the younger generation I can't remember, I was probably more stunned into incredulity.


The actual wording is forgotten but the gist was, "Everybody's Gone to the Rapture would be better if you could shoot things."


I might as well complain to Dave that Sniper 4 failed to impress me because there wasn't a gardening level.




It was full of weird hybrid 2B/C/3 carriages as DMUs


Very weird but clever game.


Now corrected comment would be


"Everybody's Gone to the Rapture would be better if you could run."

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm still playing Sniper 4 - the on-line modes suck, snipers ... so people camp around, I've played several 30 minute games where I never saw another player, some lobbies have a setting which occasionally shows enemy positions which helps but people move) despite moving slowly around the maps, so I've abandoned that. It needs an anti-camp where you become visible to the enemies if you don't move for say 5 minutes. (I know sniping is about getting a good position and waiting for bad guys but if everyone does that ....)

I would agree if your statement read "I'm still playing Sniper 4 - the on-line Vs modes suck" . I played a few Vs games, and had a similar experience of hardly seeing anyone. However, they are not the only online modes - the Survival maps are good fun in multiplayer as are the Overwatch maps (although they can get a bit dull after a few plays). Doing Campaign co-op with another player is also another mode that plays well, especially if the other player has comms. I've made a few "friends" on there through this and playing with someone you know extends the fun (I also play SE4 with my brother).


Just got back into Space Engineers, seeing what changes have been made since we quit playing about a year ago due to all the bad bugs.

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Talking of updates, whilst browsing the PS Store, I noticed alleged polishing of No Man's Sky (you can't polish a turd, but bear with).

I haven't played that sucker in about 18 months, but thought they can't have made it any worse!


Chucked the disc in and selected "search for updates" the PS4 spent the rest of the afternoon on an iffy Wifi connection doing its darndest to keep NMS interesting.


Between now and the new year, if RDR2 and Netflix can't deliver entertainment, I might even play it!



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  • RMweb Gold

I would agree if your statement read "I'm still playing Sniper 4 - the on-line Vs modes suck" . I played a few Vs games, and had a similar experience of hardly seeing anyone. However, they are not the only online modes - the Survival maps are good fun in multiplayer as are the Overwatch maps (although they can get a bit dull after a few plays). Doing Campaign co-op with another player is also another mode that plays well, especially if the other player has comms. I've made a few "friends" on there through this and playing with someone you know extends the fun (I also play SE4 with my brother).


Just got back into Space Engineers, seeing what changes have been made since we quit playing about a year ago due to all the bad bugs.


Thanks for the tip.


Had a couple of good games in survival, it was manic but great fun, I've played 3 times and each time everyone worked well together and we finished all 12 levels. Campaign co-op, only found 1 lobby with 1 player who was being a muppet so not had a lot of game time on that variation. Not found an overwatch lobby yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A word of warning to the PS4 users. I've learnt via one of my Communities there's a particularly nasty bit of malware doing the rounds - it'll come in as a message or tucked into a friend request - that'll freeze the console, even without opening it. Popular concensus is to put your messaging prefs on to "no-one" (ie OFF) until Sony have managed to sort out the bug.

I'll post again if and when I find out more.



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  • 4 weeks later...

RDR2 release date 2 days before my birthday!


I'd better not get socks.

Two and a half weeks later, how are you getting on with your new socks?


Got my RDR2 home on UK release date to install Friday evening for some proper session play over the following week. Two disks (data and game)! Is this a first for current generation consoles?


I did play the tutorial chapter and one other, but I'd started another run through of the Mass Effect Trilogy some days before (Vanguard Femshep, more Renegade than previous plays) which demanded completion.

The little I've played has impressed though and look forward to full indulgence once I've saved the Galaxy...again.



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