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Classsix T

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Had a gaming bargain last week, picked up a Nintendo 2ds console from a car boot for £19


the kids have both got a 3ds and 2ds between then and we now have 3 copies of super mario kart DS between us so we can have battles and races between the 3 consoles using all characters, of course I’m the champion!

Playing as Bowser I bet. Booo!


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So, I started three "take a punt" titles over the weekend.


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon on PS3, The Order 1886 and Nioh on PS4.


Early days, but a chapter each of all three has reinforced my opinion that if you see something for silly money (one of them was a PSN freebie), skim read a review, give it a spin and you might be pleasantly surprised.

All three are third person combat but not necessarily in my comfort zone.


That's me occupied until RDR2 in October!


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  • RMweb Gold

Today’s charity shop find








All For the princely sum of £5


had it powered up for a bit then the light went off and the power supply is red hot so gonna let it cool down and try again but have ordered a replacement one off eBay for £5 anyway, even if it is a knacker it’s a nice little find fully boxed up with instructions


Playing as Bowser I bet. Booo!


Toad every time Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Premium

Today’s charity shop find








All For the princely sum of £5


had it powered up for a bit then the light went off and the power supply is red hot so gonna let it cool down and try again but have ordered a replacement one off eBay for £5 anyway, even if it is a knacker it’s a nice little find fully boxed up with instructions


Toad every time

Not Yoshi?

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Crikey Jim, a museum piece!


"Enduro" iirc is a dirt-bike arcade title. Three of them look like third party cart hacks. If you get it to work with a Humanoid cartridge, I'll be hully jealous!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

I'm playing Sniper 4 on the PC at the moment, finished the campaign part of the game at easy and normal levels, now playing the survival mode, enjoyable and the enemies have a reasonable intelligence so a bit of a challenge but very satisfying laying mines around and getting the kills as the enemy "find" them.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm playing Fortnite on the PC.

My son has an Xbox but I can't get the hang of the controller.


I'm not playing anything else at the moment except for CAD for my current modelling project.




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  • RMweb Premium

Anyone a pure PC gamer?


Too much like work.


I object to hammering a keyboard and waggling a mouse and not getting paid to do it.


So my PC stuff ends up running factories

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  • RMweb Premium

all gamers are equal except mobile gamers, thats just silly



Starts off as


Bunch of PS4 players - look down on XBone players

Then along comes some PC gamers and instantly PS4 and XBox gamers stick together as console players.

Along comes someone with a DS, joins in with console, Vita already would be.


Then a mobile telephone "gamer" and everyone joins together against them.


I know mainly PS4 gamers, a lot from 3 days. I know a few XBox gamers and we just take the pee very friendly out of each other. But sent a picture of a Destiny 2 385 level character. 3 replys, you B*********d, well done, looks good

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Mrs Luckymucklebackit is the gamer in our family, while I am up in the loft she is on her PS4 which I find quite convenient!  She only took up the PS4 about two years ago (at the age of 60) and so far she has mastered and completed the full "Uncharted" set, plus a couple of others like "The Last of Us".  I quite enjoy watching her play but I gave up video games with the Sinclair Spectrum, I was a dab hand at "Elite" and bought the version for the PS4, I cannot for the life of me dock the flaming ship so have given up!

Another thing that was bought and subsequently sold was the VR kit for the PS4, after the initial ooh! and aah! of the simulations, neither of us could play anything without suffering from motion sickness after a very short time.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mrs Luckymucklebackit is the gamer in our family, while I am up in the loft she is on her PS4 which I find quite convenient!  She only took up the PS4 about two years ago (at the age of 60) and so far she has mastered and completed the full "Uncharted" set, plus a couple of others like "The Last of Us".  I quite enjoy watching her play but I gave up video games with the Sinclair Spectrum, I was a dab hand at "Elite" and bought the version for the PS4, I cannot for the life of me dock the flaming ship so have given up!

Another thing that was bought and subsequently sold was the VR kit for the PS4, after the initial ooh! and aah! of the simulations, neither of us could play anything without suffering from motion sickness after a very short time.




I spent part of my 50th online gaming, in a game I was very good at, telling my team I was 50 and let the results talk.


Reactions may slow but you can read situations a lot better

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  • RMweb Premium

Age does affect response time. I'm certainly not fast enough for standard versus play against young 'uns when I'm playing GoW or Halo.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just got the little in a Nintendo switch for his birthday, been asking for one for months but told him they are too expensive then one came up for a bargain 2nd hand price, think he’s gonna be chuffed on his birthday


Regard the Atari I got a new power supply has it working, next issue is how to connect it to a ‘modern’ tv!

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  • RMweb Premium

I've had TSW since Founder's Edition came out and have just upgraded to the full edition now it's out. It does have some issues though, and one of the 3 routes is dull as ditchwater (driving a German EMU back and forth on a straight route). The developers don't seem overly keen on fixing issues (instead churning out more flawed DLC) but fingers crossed now it's properly out we'll see a stream of improvement and some exciting new routes and traction that have fewer issues than previous releases.



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  • RMweb Gold

Picked up ltd ed Fallout 4 for the xbox one complete with boxed pip boy wearable accessory for the eldest son earlier from CEX for £80, he’s been after one for a while but they rarely come up 2nd hand so I grabbed it for him and he’s well chuffed


he helps out at the holiday camp we have our caravan at so the money he gets from that will be diverted to me to pay off the cost of it!


The only thing is we don’t actually have an Xbox one, he has fallout 4 on his PS4 and i forgot I’d already picked up a sealed copy of it for Xbox one 2 weeks ago at a car boot for £4 with a view to trading it in for something else!


Regards TSW I keep threatening Dominic with it, I say I’m going to trade all his games in and just leave him with that, Be fun if it worked with the VR headset?

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Premium

I've had TSW since Founder's Edition came out and have just upgraded to the full edition now it's out. It does have some issues though, and one of the 3 routes is dull as ditchwater (driving a German EMU back and forth on a straight route). The developers don't seem overly keen on fixing issues (instead churning out more flawed DLC) but fingers crossed now it's properly out we'll see a stream of improvement and some exciting new routes and traction that have fewer issues than previous releases.

Has there been much DLC for it? The last time I looked there was very little (what was included in the original plus two others IIRC), and none of them interested me in the slightest, not being keen on the modern scene. I'm hoping some turns up because Train Simulator really is looking long in the tooth now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Picked up ltd ed Fallout 4 for the xbox one complete with boxed pip boy wearable accessory for the eldest son earlier from CEX for £80, he’s been after one for a while but they rarely come up 2nd hand so I grabbed it for him and he’s well chuffed


he helps out at the holiday camp we have our caravan at so the money he gets from that will be diverted to me to pay off the cost of it!


The only thing is we don’t actually have an Xbox one, he has fallout 4 on his PS4 and i forgot I’d already picked up a sealed copy of it for Xbox one 2 weeks ago at a car boot for £4 with a view to trading it in for something else!


Regards TSW I keep threatening Dominic with it, I say I’m going to trade all his games in and just leave him with that, Be fun if it worked with the VR headset?

If TSW had VR support I'd try it even without any routes and periods I was interested in. Talking of VR and Fallout 4 I've been playing Fallout 4 VR quite a lot recently. Flawed but fun, just wish it didn't crash all the time, although bodging the DLC in to it as well as various mods probably doesn't help. Wish those BoS pilots wouldn't try flying through buildings though, that is alarming in VR! Particularly when you just turn to glance forward and see it looming up at you a second away...

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