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Class 66 in OO Gauge - New Announcement

Hattons Dave

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7 hours ago, YesTor said:


The night mode headlights initially didn't work on my factory-fitted sound 66033, however it turned out to be that the inside switches had been set in the wrong position.  I'm guessing though that this isn't what you mean?





Depends. Did you have to set the switches as per the instruction manual or some other weird way? You can then swap between day and night mode via DCC without physically touching the loco?

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On 31/03/2020 at 19:56, TomScrut said:

Anyway in case it is helpful to anybody else, with the switches set to "Loksound V5" I have the following lights against each output:


AUX0/Lights - Directional markers

AUX1 - Tail lamps (non exhaust end)

AUX2 - Tail lamps (exhaust end)

AUX3 - Day headlamp (non exhaust end)

AUX4 - Day headlamp (exhaust end)

AUX5 - Night headlamp (non exhaust end)

AUX6 - Night headlamp (exhaust end)

AUX7 - Cab light (non exhaust end)

AUX8 - ?

AUX9 - ?

AUX10 - Cab light (exhaust end)


This is what I end up with on 66756 when using the Lokpilot V5 MKL. The day lights stay on all the time with the normal V5. I didn't test 66789 at that time as I thought I had found out what I needed to from 66756. The front lighting boards are different, but I don't think this is the issue (as per the big light locos), I think there must be a fault with the main circuit board.


I'll speak to Hattons about it once I have ruled out me having made a mistake somewhere! EDIT I have spoken to them and they think the loco is faulty and so I am sending it back.

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1 hour ago, carefreecfc said:

Safe to say, I am not really very happy with these at all.




Interesting video, but just to maybe help on a couple of things, my own telephone conversation with Hattons' only yesterday afternoon raised two of your questions...


"Hattons are not accepting returns at the moment..."


FALSE - return request for two items requested yesterday, free return shipping labels to my inbox provided whilst I was on the telephone, advised that returns processed within 48 hours of receipt, package returned yesterday afternoon. 


"A bit of a fight with Hattons to get replacement axle-boxes..." 


Why "a fight"?  I've requested these too and was informed that they are awaiting more axle-box covers to arrive with the next batch of models from China and that all requests were noted and would be shipped out as soon as they arrived.


If the models were truly as bad as you highlight then why not simply return and replace for new?


No offence intended, but often a polite conversation goes a lot further than what might be interpreted as edging upon a slightly rude and self-entitled rant?  Just be polite, chap, good manners go far...  ;)

Incidentally, a nice looking layout and otherwise interesting video.


Hope you manage to resolve the issues.




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1 minute ago, YesTor said:


Interesting video, but just to maybe help on a couple of things, my own telephone conversation with Hattons' only yesterday afternoon raised two of your questions...


"Hattons are not accepting returns at the moment..."


FALSE - return request for two items requested yesterday, free return shipping labels to my inbox provided whilst I was on the telephone, advised that returns process within 48 hours, package returned yesterday afternoon. 




Echo the returns:




I had a fault with my 66789 - absolutely nothing to do with any previously recorded issue

I've only seen this fault a handful of times in over 40 years of playing with model trains...….

It seems to be a failed motor winding - it could have happened to any other model/manufacturer so I would disregard this as a Hattons 66 issue.


I sent to them last Friday - replacement has been delivered today.

They offered to email me a courier label, but my nearest collection point was 3 miles away (too far for my 1 hour daily exercise!).

Instead, I posted at my local PO 300yards away - provided proof of postage and was refunded two days ago as the replacement was despatched.


Can't fault that service - especially under the pressure that online businesses and postal/courier services are facing at the moment.

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14 minutes ago, YesTor said:


"Hattons are not accepting returns at the moment..."


FALSE - return request for two items requested yesterday, free return shipping labels to my inbox provided whilst I was on the telephone, advised that returns processed within 48 hours of receipt, package returned yesterday afternoon. 


Likewise as mentioned above. At 10am ish this morning I asked them about the issue I was having with the lighting on 66789. The person I was speaking to couldn't give me a definitive answer (fair dos, it's a fairly technical question I was asking about a specific product), by 2pm I had an answer and a collect+ label.


On that note, I have asked given the restrictions on movement and me being stuck at home if they can send me a replacement, charge me for it, and then refund me when I get the other one sent back.


So far I can't complain at all about the service. And whilst there is a fault with the lighting on 66789 it still vastly outspecifices the alternatives. OTOH, most non sound users wouldn't have spotted the problem I have either which may cause issues longer term.

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1 hour ago, carefreecfc said:

Hi guys, 


I have just posted a full review of my findings with the class 66 on YouTube . I have detailed a few fixes to problems I have found, and given an honest verdict on my opinion of the model. Safe to say, I am not really very happy with these at all.


Hattons - if you are keeping tabs on this thread, I would welcome your thoughts once you have watched this video.


All the best





I've just watched your video. Thanks for posting.


After reading over 100 pages of posts here, I'm pleased someone has been brutally honest.


Like many modellers, I was delighted when this model was announced, particularly when Legomanbiffo were providing the sound. Such a shame, superb detailing and sound let down by so many QC issues.


I certiainly wouldn't touch one with a  bargepole and it'll be interesting to see what happens when they eventually start appearing on e-bay.

Buyer beware!

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2 hours ago, carefreecfc said:

Hi guys, 


I have just posted a full review of my findings with the class 66 on YouTube . I have detailed a few fixes to problems I have found, and given an honest verdict on my opinion of the model. Safe to say, I am not really very happy with these at all.


Hattons - if you are keeping tabs on this thread, I would welcome your thoughts once you have watched this video.


All the best






Must admit your video was a bit of an eye opener on the amount of work you had to do on both brand new models, yes there have been many posts here detailing the issues but to actually see the work in the flesh was something else and have to say you are quite good in rectifying faults whether you like it or not....I suppose you did some modeling :jester:

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20 minutes ago, carefreecfc said:


Just to be clear - I'm not complaining about the service I received. I have just mentioned in the video that returns were not an option (which is what I was told ) When told this I accepted this and set about fixing the model. After a little persuasion they found me some axel boxes too so no complaints there !



In fairness though are they not legally obligated to accept returns anyway? Distance selling rules?


I think most people who have had issues have had a decision to make as to whether correcting it ourselves is worth the hassle of returning. In the case of my circuit board the lighting was one of the key attractions (vs Bachmann) and without attacking it properly (which may have led to an unwarrantable break or at best reduced its residuals) to solve I thought best to just get them to send me another! OTOH 66756 will be staying and have its axleboxes glued in at some point.

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1 hour ago, carefreecfc said:


I was advised online by Hattons last Sunday that they are not accepting returns - I have merely relayed what I have been advised.


With everything going on in the world at the moment I accepted that as a fair enough and set about resolvoing the problems, so it is interesting to now hear that they are accepting returns.


I had a polite conversation with a represantative online and the results yielded from the conversation have been documented in the video.




Okay, well, it makes little difference to myself either way, but just to make you aware of what you have presented, as we can all only work with the info that you provide.  And with all due respect, it appears that you've created and shared a video in order to create a public/social-media frenzy with what is apparently out-of-date information?   (ie. the 300 or so viewers of your video are now under the false impression that returns are not possible?)   I say this politely, but if you are going to attempt to pull-off this kind of thing then at the very least make sure that your information is bang up-to-date in every respect possible, otherwise that's when egg potentially starts appearing on faces and the rest of your case begins to lose credability.


Anyway, I cannot determine either way whether your communication was polite, or otherwise -  and to be fair it is not that much interest or relevance to me either way as it isn't my business under fire -  all I am working from is the tone of voice in the video which quite frankly, does come across as bordering a little on self-entitlement, in that you had to "fight" to get axle-box covers and pretty much "demand that axle-box covers be removed from an existing model", because effectively "you expect them to come up with a resolution"...   Doesn't sound overly polite to my ear....




I'm only going out of my way to say all of this because having purchased model railway items from Hatton's for many, many years -  and yes having occasionally returned items in the process too - I have never once been in a position where I have felt the need to demand anything, as I have at every turn always felt the level of customer service to be nothing less than totally obliging.  Maybe I'm mistaken somewhere, but that's just my perception of all of this.  At best just seems a bit of an OTT response, and at worst perhaps a little strange, that's all. 





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3 hours ago, carefreecfc said:

Hi guys, 


I have just posted a full review of my findings with the class 66 on YouTube . I have detailed a few fixes to problems I have found, and given an honest verdict on my opinion of the model. Safe to say, I am not really very happy with these at all.


Hattons - if you are keeping tabs on this thread, I would welcome your thoughts once you have watched this video.


All the bes






Thanks for posting this . I think a pretty fair review . You do like the models and praise the detail, even pointing out you might by more . But on the other hand the variable build quality is a let down . I'm only DC not DCC Sound , but it does seem to me there is a considerable hassle factor with this loco . I lack the patience to fix the things or even diagnose them .  I am looking for it to run straight from the box . Glueing on bits that fall off wouldn't phase me too much , although you shouldn't have to do it, but sorting some of the running issues like disassembling the bogie tower would freek me out on a £150 model . Drilling out the axles in the bogie with a 3mm drill to get it to run properly as YesTor I think had to do  would be beyond me. So sorry Hattons . I'd be up for a GBRf one initially , but I couldn't put up with these issues . I think I'll wait .   Think I'll keep money in reserve and have an Accurascale Deltic instead

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1 hour ago, carefreecfc said:


As mentioned above, I was advised that returns weren't an option at the moment, otherwise they would offer to replace the model. With everything going on in the world at the moment I accepted that as a fair enough and set about resolvoing the problems, so it is interesting to now hear that they are accepting returns.







Not quite sure why it needs a red reply....


As far as I am aware, the returns status has never changed all week from when I enquired last week.




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51 minutes ago, TomScrut said:


In fairness though are they not legally obligated to accept returns anyway? Distance selling rules?




Yes they are:

The Distance Selling Rules lead onto the Consumer Rights Act.

How long do you have to return a faulty product?

Under the Consumer Rights Act you have a legal right to reject goods that are of unsatisfactory quality, unfit for purpose or not as described, and get a full refund - as long as you do this quickly. 

This right is limited to 30 days from the date you take ownership of your product. After 30 days, you will not be legally entitled to a full refund if your item develops a fault, although some sellers may offer you an extended refund period. 

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That video whilst interesting at points does comes across a bit mixed and does sound like you have issues with Hattons. I’m suprised you didn’t test run the GBRF loco first before removing the body as the shaft/bogie could easily have got pulled out by you removing the body. The Heljan 47 was one I managed that on a few times in the past with the bodies being such a tight fit.

Moving wires about to fit decoders/speakers is nothing new either. Most Bachmann locos have the wires neatly twisted in the area for speakers and are easy to sort by gently aligning them where you want.


Your attitude about demanding axle boxes comes across a bit badly. I’ve a couple missing on mine and they will send them once they have some and a simple polite phone call was needed - just be patient like everyone else waiting on them.


I also wonder whether some of your running issues were much simpler with the axle boxes. Certainly what you described with the wobble was easily sorted after finding YESTOR’s useful post on mine and it sounds the same as a few have mentioned. Like you said they are very nice locos So a bit of a shame advising people who haven’t got them to miss out by not purchasing them. 

Nice looking layout and stock. 




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46 minutes ago, carefreecfc said:

To suggest I’ve reviewed a model to create a frenzy is a little dramatic.  


I think it’s a little unfair to imply that I should have checked again before doing my review.  If I double checked every bit of advice or information I was given by a customer service, I’d not have time to do anything else....


Perhaps not the intention, but in today's digital world that can indeed be the net effect, intended, or not - and therefore all the more important to ensure that all facts are indeed correct and up-to-date. 


To be fair, your vocal tone and as others have touched upon, bold red type to highlight grievances doesn't convey well.   Beyond the world of model railways perhaps, but there are companies out there, especially when business reputation is on the line, that would potentially sue for publishing what might equate to inaccurate information, so in actual fact it is very much in your own interests to check, double-check and check once again that published 'facts' are indeed factual.


And there I think I have said enough.





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On 03/04/2020 at 14:02, carefreecfc said:

Hi guys, 


I have just posted a full review of my findings with the class 66 on YouTube . I have detailed a few fixes to problems I have found, and given an honest verdict on my opinion of the model. Safe to say, I am not really very happy with these at all.


Hattons - if you are keeping tabs on this thread, I would welcome your thoughts once you have watched this video.


All the bes






My 66 derails on some, but not all, points as yours did* the only way to do the bogie shimming fix by taking the whole thing to bits and going in from the top including speaker removal etc? (I am guessing yes)


Soldering a tiny piece of extra brass to the track to force a re-rail will be the easier option if the answer is yes, i.e. living with the derail and overcoming it by lateral thinking.


* Subsequent testing narrowed it down to one point in one direction - probably prime cause a track fault - point tweak has fixed with no mod needed to loco.

Edited by john new
Edited on 6th April in line with later updates
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Well, I've received my Colas version this week and I have to say I'm very impressed with it. The radiators truly are a work of art, compared to the moulded versions on the Bachmann model. Although I haven't had a chance to run it properly yet, the first impressions were excellent with nothing missing, no glue marks, no missing axle boxes and just 1 handrail possibly requiring a small touchup (although I'll probably just weather it out). These are just some "out of the box" photos. 


I Have no idea if they were produced in the same factory or batches as some of the others, but the Colas one seems (to me at least) be one of the least affected 66s.  




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1 hour ago, surfsup said:

Well, I've received my Colas version this week and I have to say I'm very impressed with it. The radiators truly are a work of art, compared to the moulded versions on the Bachmann model. Although I haven't had a chance to run it properly yet, the first impressions were excellent with nothing missing, no glue marks, no missing axle boxes and just 1 handrail possibly requiring a small touchup (although I'll probably just weather it out). These are just some "out of the box" photos. 


I Have no idea if they were produced in the same factory or batches as some of the others, but the Colas one seems (to me at least) be one of the least affected 66s.  



IIRC the colas branding on one side is the wrong size / in the wrong place and there is the marker light fault




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43 minutes ago, daz9284 said:

without going through 106 pages. does anyone have an easy fix to the coupling to prevent the loco derailing the wagon directly behind the loco on curves?


many thanks


Add a little drop of oil to the mechanism. Less is definately more though

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I thought it was a good review Marcus.

the joy of the internet age is that I don’t have to splash cash until I’m 100 % certain - this initial batch has too many issues for me.


Even after you sorted the GBrF one with the shim, when it ran through your point successfully , I could see the steps on the bogie wobbling up and down. Has it got any better ?

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4 hours ago, Richard Croft said:

I tried them and it doesn't work because aux 3 and 4 are logic outputs rather than full voltage, the result was day lights permanently on at either end.



What about some of the other Lokpilot 5’s on that page I linked?

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16 hours ago, TomScrut said:

Depends. Did you have to set the switches as per the instruction manual or some other weird way? You can then swap between day and night mode via DCC without physically touching the loco?


On checking the internal switches they were set incorrectly (K1-K6 were all switched 'up'), however when set as per the manual with K3 & K6 switched 'down' the night lamps work and all is fine.  I can now see though that it looks as though you have inserted your own different decoder, so I guess this may not be relevant.


Anyhow, I also have a spare sound kit just arrived via Charlie, so I might try it on my 66789 in case mine has issues too!


cheers  :)


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6 hours ago, Hilux5972 said:

What about some of the other Lokpilot 5’s on that page I linked?


I replied to your post immediately after it, the Lokpilot 5 MKL is the one you want. 59649 is the DC compatible one, 59659 is the DCC only one. 59659 is what I have and it works as it should in one of the locos, the other Hattons say is faulty.


I ordered mine from Germany as I read somewhere (was it maybe from you Richard on FB?) that ESUs distributer was closed and I couldn't see anywhere with stock in the UK.

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5 hours ago, YesTor said:


On checking the internal switches they were set incorrectly (K1-K6 were all switched 'up'), however when set as per the manual with K3 & K6 switched 'down' the night lamps work and all is fine.  I can now see though that it looks as though you have inserted your own different decoder, so I guess this may not be relevant.


Anyhow, I also have a spare sound kit just arrived via Charlie, so I might try it on my 66789 in case mine has issues too!


cheers  :)





No, that is what I needed to know cheers. Hattons think there is something wrong with it too so it's going back. The decoder I have should act like the sound decoder in terms of outputs, the function mapping is different but that's irrelevant here.

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20 hours ago, carefreecfc said:

Hi guys, 


I have just posted a full review of my findings with the class 66 on YouTube . I have detailed a few fixes to problems I have found, and given an honest verdict on my opinion of the model. Safe to say, I am not really very happy with these at all.


Hattons - if you are keeping tabs on this thread, I would welcome your thoughts once you have watched this video.


All the bes





Have just read this review in its entirety, It is good for what it is, however poor Marcus does seem to have been sent a couple of duff models, especially when you think about the hundreds that have been sent out and have had no issues at all, and yes there are some that have minor issues ,however, they do not necessitate stripping a brand new loco down and essentially carrying out major adjustments/repairs to get it working, and unfortunately that is where this review fails. It is biased in that Marcus has undertaken this 'review' with the premise that he is going to find numerous faults, therefore it is more of a fault finding exercise than a review, his whole dialogue is negatively slanted. In fact it is Marcus' opinion based on his unfortunate experience but cannot be extrapolated to conclude these are common findings across the board. Yes the Axle Box covers are a common finding, but I certainly have not heard of remedial work of these proportions. I rarely if ever look at You Tube but I have not seen on RMweb lots of references to major work such as that undertaken by Marcus. Marcus is clearly happy to take a brand new model apart and re jig it to get it working, and although I class myself as a competent modeller I have to ask why would anyone undertake such work on a new model? It is what it is, a brutally honest opinion based on his experience, it is not however (IMO) an unbiased review.

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