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Metre Gauge Tramways in Provence

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In our many trips to Nice and Les Alpes Maritimes, my wife and I have seen a significant amount of engineering works, bridges, viaducts and tunnels all on lines which were neither part of the PLM network of standard gauge railways, nor part of the general metre-gauge network. It turns out that there were a significant numbe of line operated by tow main tramway companies in Provence, Tramways de les Alpes Maritime (TAM) and tramways de Nice et du Littoral (TNL).


These tramways ran on metre-gauge tracks but had a loading gauge not much wider than the track-gauge. In many places they ran alongside roads or withing the highway itself, but often they deviated away from the highway or their own formation.


The one which first drew our attention was the Sospel to Menton Tramway which was operated by the TNL. This is the story:



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There were two different tram networks in the Nice area. The TAM network (Tramways of the Alpes-Maritimes) is part of the Railway of the South of France. The other network was the Tramway Company of Nice and Littoral (NL). This post covers the history of the entire TNL network. The other posts will cover specific lines on the TAM and TNL networks.



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Grasse was at one stage full of different rail transport. Two TAM tramways, one from Cagnes-sur-Mer and one from Cannes approached the town from the south. A PLM branchline also linked Grasse to Cannes. There was a funicular railway linking the PLM (SNCF) railway station to the town centre, and there was the Chemins de Fer du Sud de la France Central Var line crossing the town on its way between Nice and Meyrargues.


This next post covers the first part of the story of the TAM tramway between Cagnes-sur-Mer and Grasse:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have already posted thus elsewhere, but for the sake of completeness, this post was written when thinking about the coastal line leaving Toulon for Saint-Raphael.


It relevance here is that it focusses on the tramway system in Toulon. A further post about Toulon will be required at some stage to complete the story of the whole network.



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Here are links to other tramway/railways that relate to Grasse.


The first and last relate to the metre-gauge line which passed through the town on its journey from Nice to Meyrargues. The middle two cover the PLM/SNCF line to which you refer and the funicular. I hope you enjoy them.










Best wishes



Edited by rogerfarnworth
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The TNL built a line from Nice to Levens, it extended the urban line that went from Nice to Saint-André-de-la-Roche.


This is the first of two posts that focus on the line and covers the length from Nice to Tourrette-Levens.



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Just two weeks back I finished a blog on the TNL tramway line from Tourette-Levens to Levens. As part of the blog, I have used what railway modellers sometimes call 'modeller's license' ... the freedom to use our imagination.


The first half of the blog follows the tramway that might have been built via Aspremont and Saint-Blaise to Levens. It was certainly planned.


The second half of the blog focuses on the current route along the M19.


I hope you like it!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Happily, this thread started just as we were planning a short visit to the south of France, staying at Mougins. It was never intended as a "railway holiday", but Roger's blog provided some useful hints on places where I might discover the odd relic.
Firstly, from Gourdon, which is a long way up a mountain, I spotted this bird's eye view of the Loup viaducts.


About 10 or 15 kms later, we had reached the bottom of the valley and saw it at rather closer quarters, but I was more struck by the way that it stood out in the landscape even from a great height!
On another day, we visited Nice. I was most impressed by the tram system which provided a very pleasant way to get into the city without paying a small ransom for car parking (our experience in most other places, even when visiting in April). The tram runs straight past the old Gare du Sud and so on the way home, we stopped off for a quick look.


Nice must have had a Department of Official Vandalism at one time, to have considered demolishing this particular building. It has a very elegant façade and fits well into the surrounding street scene. Hopefully, it and its trainshed will find a good use that will ensure their survival - and continue to hide the rather mundane block of flats that occupies the former trackbed.
The relocated station is not unpleasant, but does rather lack the style and location of the original one.
Many thanks to Roger for providing some useful clues for our visit. 
Best wishes 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Reading a book in French by Jose Banuado, I have discovered more about the Sospel to Menton tramway.


The Menton-Sospel line is the only one in the TNL network to have seen steam locomotives.



This post builds on previous ones, particularly ...



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  • 4 weeks later...

It is a while since I posted about the tramways in Nice. I have been concentrating on a series of posts about the metre-gauge lines in Kenya and Uganda. That series of posts is now complete and I can focus once again on the South of France metre-gauge tramways and railways.


The TNL grew in size in the years before the first world war but had great difficulty in getting new lines authorised and built




This post focusses on the years immediately before the First World War. It was at this time that the network reached its fullest extent and it was the time when it was both in its best condition and carrying the greatest number of passengers. After the First World War things began to change and competition from other forms of transport increased.


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This post covers a short-lived tramway which left the Nice to Digne line of the Chemin de Fer de Provence at Plan du Var. It travelled up the Valley of the River Vesubie as far as St. Martin Vesubie. The line lasted no more than 20 years but was effective in opening up the valley of the Vesubie to tourism and vastly aided the agrarian economy. The post below has also been included in the story of the Nice to Digne metre-gauge main line.




Tramway services left Plan du Var Station travelling North and diverged from the Nice to Digne line before reaching the Vesubie River. The images below are old postcards of the location of the junction and show the development of the site over a number of years. Initially a stone arch bridge took the road over the Vesubie, but when this failed it was replaced by the concrete arch bridge visible in some of the pictures.


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This is the next stage of the journey up the Valley of the River Var on the Nice to Digne metre-gauge railway:

After a detour to look at the metre-gauge TAM tramway from Plan du Var to St. Martin Vesubie we continue along the main line toward Digne. We board the train once again and head North from Plan du Var. ..... North of the Station the line crosses the River Vesubie and continues on the east side of the River Var towards Chaudan, about 2 kilometres north of Plan du Var. .......
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This post covers another short-lived tramway which provided a service up the valley of l'Esteron from Pont Charles Albert over the River Var to Roquesteron, a distance of more than 20 kilometres.

Before the tramway was constructed the Charles Albert Bridge was a suspension bridge (built by Marc Seguin in the mid-19th Century) [2] but this bridge was not designed to accommodate tramway loading. In 1913 it was rebuilt to accommodate the trams, just as was necessary with the Pont de la Mescla on the Tinée tramway. The replacement structure had six spans of over 30 metres in concrete built by the company Thorrand. In the foreground of the image immediately below, there is the Pont-Charles Albert stop and the lime kilns at La Lauziere overseen by the perched village of La Roquette sur Var, © Yann Duvivier. [6] This 'new' bridge was replaced in the mid-20th Century by the one which is in use today.img_20180712_201653_126.jpg?w=625
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Another of the branch tramways. This left the Nice to Digne line close to La Mescla Station.




I first looked at this tramway in 2013. It was only a short blog recognising the existence of the line in the valley.




This line was 26.5 Km long and connected villages in the Tinée valley to Nice to Digne line. Like other lines of the Tramways Alpes Maritimes (TAM), the electric current was single phase. The civil engineering works (bridges, tunnels) were executed by the Department.


The line was built in 1911 and operation started on 1st April 1912. Landslides affected the operation of the line in the early months. The original opening was delayed from January to April because of landslides and on 2nd April a further landslide affected several hundred metres of track and destroyed power lines.


The line ceased operations in 1931.



The available imagery from the time of the tramway is limited in extent and is supplemented by images from later dates.

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Must say I love these 'tramways'. The difference between tramway and railway must be purely legal, as I have come across railways in France using similar stock, and the infrastrure is not as extensive.

Got hold of a copy of Vol 3 Histoire de s Chemins de fer de Provence, which covers all these rural lines. Even some drawings of the stock. Amazing how narrow the bodies are, but given how narrow the roads are, not surprising. Just wish I could get hold of vol 1 and 2 at a reasonable price, but will keep an eye out.

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Must say I love these 'tramways'. The difference between tramway and railway must be purely legal, as I have come across railways in France using similar stock, and the infrastrure is not as extensive.

Got hold of a copy of Vol 3 Histoire de s Chemins de fer de Provence, which covers all these rural lines. Even some drawings of the stock. Amazing how narrow the bodies are, but given how narrow the roads are, not surprising. Just wish I could get hold of vol 1 and 2 at a reasonable price, but will keep an eye out.

Hi Simon, who is the author?

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New territory for me. The now removed TAM tramway from Pont de Gueydan to Guillaumes up Les Gorges de Daluis .....




The line from Le Pont de Gueydan north to Guillaumes followed the valley of the River Var and ran through the Gorges de Daluis.


Marc Andre Dubout, writing in French, says that the line was probably the moist daring of secondary line construction work with very steep gradients, numerous tunnels, two remarkable bridges. He comments that it is the most impressive tramway from a tourist perspective with 'unique viewpoints and singular landscapes'.


One of the bridges on this route has the distinction of being one of the earliest reinforced concrete arch structures in France.

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  • 8 months later...

Currently I am reading a book written in French about the tramways of Nice and the Cote d'Azur written by Jose Banuado. Sadly the book is only available in French. I have to use an internet based translation package to understand the book as my French is very limited.


This post is based on Jose Banuado's book and covers the period of the First World War.




This next post reflects on the conditions on the tramway network in Nice in the years after the war:




It was not long before the tramways around Nice began an inexorable decline. The early 1930s saw the loss of many of the tram routes outside the city of Nice. Buses were the new thing as far as public transport was concerned. The car became gradually more important.



Edited by rogerfarnworth
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