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Olivia's V2 Sound


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I've got to admit, that's one I'd like too. It doesn't seem that a lot go for Olivia's on here and there's no-one representing them. I assume that the sounds for the V2 are put together on the computer based on the cylinder order rather than an actual recording of "Arrow" but I may be wrong.

Thing is you pay for the decoder and speaker anyway and the sound files are just along for the ride and if you don't like them you can get someone else to sort them out. No risk!


Would be nice to see a video of a sound V2. I was happy with their 4mt but then I'm no expert on steam sound!!





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I have not heard the V2 but a lot of their steam sounds appear to be generic - the Jinty, Pannier, J94 and all other small tank engines shared the same sound files based on the few I've heard in the shop so its likely the V2 will be shared with something else. It all depends on if you want your V2 to sound like a V2 or are happy just to have some sound coming from it I guess.


If you don't live too far from Sheffield they are more than happy to open the cabinets and let you play with the sounds of any demonstation loco they have on their test track.

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Thanks for the replies


I may give it a whirl or alternatively go for the SWD A4 perhaps? I would like it to sound like an LNER 3-cyl loco!


Having said that, I do have some friends in Sheffield, so a visit may be on the cards...........





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