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MRJ 261


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  • RMweb Premium

.............  I'm not a model engineer - just an experienced kit builder. I do have a lathe that gets used once in a blue moon. Years ago, I never thought that my work would end up in the MRJ,I didn't think that I could reach those dizzy height's.  I'm lucky to have a job I enjoy and I get to work when I want to! There is pleasure in building models, and in owning them - even if they were build by someone else. Hopefully my work gets to inspire and encourage others.  ...................



Which just goes to prove that even professionals are human.  :)



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And I've probably not built anything without making a mistake.... Followers of my thread might recall that I had to torch one of my Ivatt 4s in half when I found that the cab was at about 10 degrees out of line with the buffer beam. Fixing mistakes is where you really start learning!



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And I've probably not built anything without making a mistake.... Followers of my thread might recall that I had to torch one of my Ivatt 4s in half when I found that the cab was at about 10 degrees out of line with the buffer beam. Fixing mistakes is where you really start learning!




And no matter how careful, how many times we check.......some of us still manage to put an etched cab together.......... inside out!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

And no matter how careful, how many times we check......

Been there myself, many, many times! Somehow, despite checking and checking again, the slightest distraction can see me doing something daft that requires the job to be dismantled and started again, or whatever.


Virtually nothing that I've ever done has gone right first time, it's always been a case of blood (now and then), sweat (occasionally) and tears (frequently), plus some ingeniously inventive bad language.

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Virtually nothing that I've ever done has gone right first time, it's always been a case of blood (now and then), sweat (occasionally) and tears (frequently), plus some ingeniously inventive bad language.


I wonder if any psychiatrist/psychologist has ever studied why we put ourselves through this purgatory in the pursuit of a hobby? Maybe someone will commission a report.

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  • RMweb Premium

I wonder if any psychiatrist/psychologist has ever studied why we put ourselves through this purgatory in the pursuit of a hobby? Maybe someone will commission a report.


Because the sense of satisfaction and achievement outweighs all else?

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  • RMweb Premium

I wonder if any psychiatrist/psychologist has ever studied why we put ourselves through this purgatory in the pursuit of a hobby?


Considering this is an MRJ thread, I'd say it's peer pressure.   ;)



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Just back from a winter in Spain to find this latest MRJ in my letterbox.  I have to say this is by far the poorest issue I have seen for some time - and there have been a fair number of pretty poor ones in recent times.  Time to get a permanent editor, methinks.

Edited by 1ngram
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  • RMweb Gold

Just back from a winter in Spain to find this latest MRJ in my letterbox.  I have to say this is by far the poorest issue I have seen for some time - and there have been a fair number of pretty poor ones in recent times.  Time to get a permanent editor, methinks.

Sometimes I hate myself for biting... but where’s the “disagree” button when you really need it?


Whilst I have no desire to be unnecessarily critical - and being mindful of the fact that I have been accused of bringing MRJ threads into disrepute on more than one occasion, I don’t feel I can let this pass without comment.


Rather than just say that it’s “poor”, could you be ever so slightly more specific about what led to this conclusion? Is it that the contents do not reflect your particular interests; or perhaps that the contents did reflect your interests, but not in a way that you found helpful, or informative, or inspiring. And if not, what would you like to see?


And how would having a permanent editor improve this situation, do you think? What would be different and how would that deal with the apparently ongoing “poorness” issue?


There’s already been one instance this week of a small supplier withdrawing a product range because of negative comments posted on RMWeb; and whilst I don’t think Cygnet will take their ball home about this, I do think we have some responsibility to be at the very least constructively critical, rather than just appearing to have a moan.


Perhaps it’s just because I’m a bit grumpy because I’m off with man flu at the moment, but a world in which there is an issue of MRJ that is not as fantastic as I might like it to be is still infinitely preferably to one where there is no MRJ at all.


Yours - quite literally - snottily,



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Just back from a winter in Spain to find this latest MRJ in my letterbox. I have to say this is by far the poorest issue I have seen for some time - and there have been a fair number of pretty poor ones in recent times. Time to get a permanent editor, methinks.

We might give your comment credence if you were to back it up with a reason why. Otherwise it’s just a poor post...!

Edited by Andrew Young
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  • RMweb Premium

We might give your comment credence if you were to back it up with a reason why. Otherwise it’s jusf a poor post...!


I believe that MRJ was "better" when Bob Barlow was the Editor. Whether that was down to having a permanent editor or Bob's abilities I shall leave others to argue over. Then again, others may disagree. 


There will always be editions where there is more or less for each of us to enjoy. This last was too GWR heavy for me, but that's only my view. MRJ remains the only railway modelling magazine I always buy.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have to say the content is a little 'GWR Heavy ' for me as well.......but good modelling is good modelling irrespective of subject matter.


Different editors provide different views and opinions, something which I feel is healthy so the view that there should be a permanaent editor is something I fail to agree with.


On a positive, the next issue is only two weeks away......





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I believe that MRJ was "better" when Bob Barlow was the Editor. Whether that was down to having a permanent editor or Bob's abilities I shall leave others to argue over. Then again, others may disagree. 


There will always be editions where there is more or less for each of us to enjoy. This last was too GWR heavy for me, but that's only my view. MRJ remains the only railway modelling magazine I always buy.

I can't say that MRJ is the only modelling journal that I subscribe to - see my posts re: RM and its orientation towards supporting the building of things  - but it is the only one that keep in its entirety and have bound as a reference work for the future.

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  • RMweb Gold

Picked up my copy in Abergavenny yesterday, and I enjoyed it. I could see it being a bit GWR heavy but as that happens to align with my modelling interests, I can't really complain. I can understand a given issue not being someone's cup of tea, but to call it poor (even relatively speaking) is a bit excessive in my view, not when the individual articles have been put together with such obvious care and attention to detail. 


Speaking of Abergavenny, by the way, the local model shop at the end of town is under new ownership since my last visit, and the current proprietor has done a really good job of sprucing the place up, opening it out, and providing a lot more railway-related modelling products than previously. I'd given up on the "old" shop to the extent that I didn't even bother with the short walk to the end of town on my previous visit, so it was a pleasant surprise to see the shop refurbished and containing a better range of products, including Peco, Wills, Metcalfe, Woodland Scenics and Auhagen products, as well as a small but reasonable range of rolling stock and locomotives. The main focus is still on radio control and plastic kits, but railway modellers are now much better catered for than before.

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  • RMweb Premium

What's in the editorial pages is down to the contributors submissions, if you don't like what's being submitted, submit something better.

Which some of us have done over time, although it is for others to decide if they are better.


Talking to one of the Guest Editors recently, he said that getting 4mm modelling based articles was proving difficult, so an opportunity exists for budding scribes.

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Picked up my copy in Abergavenny yesterday, and I enjoyed it. I could see it being a bit GWR heavy but as that happens to align with my modelling interests, I can't really complain. I can understand a given issue not being someone's cup of tea, but to call it poor (even relatively speaking) is a bit excessive in my view, not when the individual articles have been put together with such obvious care and attention to detail. 


Speaking of Abergavenny, by the way, the local model shop at the end of town is under new ownership since my last visit, and the current proprietor has done a really good job of sprucing the place up, opening it out, and providing a lot more railway-related modelling products than previously. I'd given up on the "old" shop to the extent that I didn't even bother with the short walk to the end of town on my previous visit, so it was a pleasant surprise to see the shop refurbished and containing a better range of products, including Peco, Wills, Metcalfe, Woodland Scenics and Auhagen products, as well as a small but reasonable range of rolling stock and locomotives. The main focus is still on radio control and plastic kits, but railway modellers are now much better catered for than before.


Thanks for the heads-up on the shop in Y Fenni; like you I'd almost decided it wasn't worth the trip, and it's good to hear that that's changed for the better. I'll have to pop in and spend some money there!


Returning to the main topic, MRJ certainly does have its problems - though I was ticked off here a couple of months ago for daring to say so - and I must admit to being a bit fed up with the frequent misprints, the exhibitions advertised in its pages which have flown past by the time it hits the doormat, and the space given over to the vapourings of Mrs. Trellis among other things; but I have the whole set going back to No. 0, and the modelling shown in its pages is second to none. And the current number does have some good stuff in it, which I'm enjoying looking at.


From my point of view the major problems with MRJ are of production rather than content. Other opinions are available!

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