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Snow with you?

Phil Bullock

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  • RMweb Gold

All that photo needs now is a lion, a witch and a wardrobe.


Here's the lion - just out of view to the right in the top photo posted previously.  The wardrobes are - obviously - indoors and the witch's hat only appears occasionally at Halloween when we also get plenty of visiting witches albeit mainly less than 5 feet tall.



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  • RMweb Gold

Here's the lion - just out of view to the right in the top photo posted previously.  The wardrobes are - obviously - indoors and the witch's hat only appears occasionally at Halloween when we also get plenty of visiting witches albeit mainly less than 5 feet tall.




So what did the lion say to the young man who came through the wardrobe? Its Narnia business....



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  • RMweb Premium

Taken on Monday in the Limpley Stoke Valley, between Freshford and Bradford-on-Avon.








The advantage of being able to travel in the back cab.

Edited by JZ
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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't think many places got it today......


We did, this was the beginning of my 'scenic route' (scenic as I had to go down the hill rather than up!) to the M62 to head to the York show for a bit of shopping.... (yes I was parked up before anyone starts)




Yet again it was muppet central again, had the joy of following a Volvo driver whose idea of how to drive in the snow consisted of sticking it in first and revving the nuts off it whilst spinning and slithering all over the road....A new set of all seasons to replace the winters (well the way it's going I'm expecting snow May bank holiday, don't laugh it has happened!) handled it nicely, you'd think if you lived somewhere susceptible to snow you might think about learning how to drive in it and even better having some tyres that can deal with it....rant over but it gets on my wick.



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  • RMweb Gold

When I booked about three months ago I thought I might get a few shots in the spring sunshine. No chance at Rawtenstall with a real-feel temperature of -6oC and a mixture of sleet and ice blowing almost horizontally along the platform. 



©2018 C E Steele

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Well it rained a bit in Manchester, no surprise there. My wife drove over to some National Trust gaff near Congelton where it was cold and wet which, surprised me given the locale can be a bit wintery and today it's a balmy(correct spelling this time)13°.

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  • RMweb Gold

Icicles caused by water splashed up from the road. 


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The whole freezing rain thing back in March put me in mind of photos I saw once in a Canadian publication, where an ice storm or similar had brought power lines down to a whole city and they had deliberately derailed diesel locomotives and parked them at various places in the city, such as next to hospitals, to provide power.

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Easter Monday morning in Nelson, BC. This had fallen overnight - the roads had been clear the previous afternoon, with only some snow ploughed to the sides from previous falls.







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  • RMweb Premium

I was rostered to drive the ‘summer sunday and bank holiday’ service 881 on Sunday and Monday. It goes from Morecambe and Lancaster to Settle then over the tops to Malham. One of Britain’s most scenic bus journeys.


On Sunday it was fairly busy, but I was lucky to get to Malham due to all the stupid parking (the main road from Skipton to Malham was blocked most of the day by bad parking).


On Monday I couldn’t get ‘over the hill’ from Settle to Malham as the road was blocked by snow - there was no way I was going to take a bus up and down 1 in 5 with snow on the ground. Instead we put in a temporary timetable enabling people to get to Malham via Gargrave. Yes, people still wanted to walking in the awful weather?

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We’re expecting a little snow today, More tomorrow then overnight on Monday into Tuesday in New Jersey. Saturday week it will be close to 70f....

We had more snow in March and April than February.


Best, Pete.

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