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TV presenters you either love or hate

allan downes

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  • RMweb Gold

I think it was something like ''it's that bloody awful man again...''.

It is alleged he was seen as being so difficult and irritable with his colleagues he became known as the "poison carrot". Makes my old workplace nickname of "Mussolini" seem tame by comparison.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is alleged he was seen as being so difficult and irritable with his colleagues he became known as the "poison carrot". Makes my old workplace nickname of "Mussolini" seem tame by comparison.


Slightly off topic but I sold a house to a chap who worked in TV news, he told me about which character was based on which newsreader in "Drop the dead donkey".....Anna Ford didn't come out well....

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I'm old enough to remember Nicholas Witchell as the unfortunate junior reporter who had to stand in the freezing darkness in front of the Houses of Parliament with only his Tintin style trenchcoat to protect him from the gale driven sleet during the live cross from the 9 O'Clock News studio :D.

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  • RMweb Premium

Looking further afield I can't stand Michael Moore. He seems to be a bloated ego with a hugely inflated sense of his own importance and an intolerably self righteous and smug attitude to many things that turns me right off.

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  • RMweb Premium

On a positive note, one that I really like on the radio is Mark Steel when he does Mark Steel's in Town. Although I don't share his politics I think his in town radio show is a comedic gem and one of the many arguments supporting the idea that BBC radio 4 is far better than BBC TV.

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Also found this, someone else's top ten worst TV presenters although I don'y know who - just picked it up on google.


Top 10 Most Annoying TV Presenters  


10. Dermot O’Leary

The presenter I hate the least. He still slightly resembles a human being somewhat, even though you can see nearly all the life has vanished from his eyes (not dissimilar to Tess Daly). The thing that doesn’t make me hate him though, is when he is a guest on a panel show. He’s actually quite funny when he’s not trying to be everyone’s friend and actually uses his own brain to form thoughts and opinions instead of those forced upon him by the blood-sucking dragons at advertising channel phenomenon, ITV.


9. James Corden

The snake-being that I once adored in Gavin & Stacey, has now become an annoying TV presenter instead. His “lad” based humour was funny every so often in an episode of G&S, but now he’s tried to turn it into a franchise it’s become incredibly painful to witness. Especially when he hosted the Brit Awards, it was so tedious and cringey that I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I started to have a heart attack over his over-enthusiastic banter with terrible music artists. I was not impressed.


8. Cat Deeley

A lifeless organism that is essentially the original Dermot O’Leary of television. She now does absolutely nothing, to the best of my knowledge, but in her heyday she was an incredibly annoying character set on pretending to be nice to people she clearly despised and making TV shows that were already terrible, even worse. I have to hand it to her though, it must have taken a long time to perfect such an annoying TV personality, I mean it’s not the sort of thing that just comes out naturally. Then again, it could actually be very natural. In which case, I feel pitifully sorry for any man who spends his life with her.

Sorry Mystery Man.


7. Jeremy Kyle

Although his guests are highly entertaining, he, himself, is a wretched lizard mutant spawned from hell to make working class people that aren’t so bad seem like Neo-Nazi’s (although most of them are soul-crushingly awful). You feel like you need to root for Kyle because his guests are such terrible people, but that’s like rooting for a racist who is beating up the black guy who just tried to mug you, he’s clearly doing it for alternate reasons.


6. Ryan Seacrest

If you already know who this is, then I am sorry for reminding you that he is, sadly, still alive. If you don’t know who he is, don’t Google search him, not unless you want your brain to explode from the stupidity of this poor excuse for a human being. No really, don’t do it. I’m telling you, don’t. Oh go on then, you’ve twisted my leg, you swine.

Here’s a video of him trying to high-five a blind guy.


5. Anne Robinson

The nightmare-ish witch known as Anne Robinson. She invented the stern, shrivelling gaze that we all know and fear. She is also possibly one of the oldest people on television in the world (apart from Bruce Forsythe). She, like many other hosts, belittles working class people for not knowing the capital of Luxembourg or how many oranges you can fit into a regular sized Tesco’s carrier bag, not one of the bags for life. Recently she’s tried to become “nice” which was inevitable really, I always knew one day she would wake up, alone, and realise that none of her family were coming to visit her at her retirement community and suddenly decide to act nicer towards people and not mock them for forgetting to say “Bank”.


4. Noel Edmonds

He’s another one of those sinister, “Jeremy Kyle” type presenters. One of those kinds of people who appears to be holding years of repressed rage behind his milky eyes, which he subtly rebukes unto the guests on his show; undermining them and highlighting their stupidity and mental incapacity to choose 20 numbers on the front of boxes until they finally end up with the final 2 boxes, and choose one of them to get a cash prize.

You bastard, Noel.


3. Davina McCall

Say hello to the woman who invented the long, painful pause before you say the answer to something. I bet she failed her GCSE’s because she waited 3 hours before answering the first question to add a sense of suspense to her exam. The annoying thing is though, we are all forced to watch her incessantly, since she’s been hired to host every single show on television.

The Million Pound Drop is such an interesting show, mainly because you can tell after a couple loses all of their money on the last question, because the husband thought the answer was “David Beckham” and the wife disagreed, that they are going to go home in a taxi arguing and then 5 weeks later, file for divorce. The bad thing is, with Davina hosting you feel like a lot of the fun is being sucked out of the show by a vortex. Sigh.

Oh, she also invented the annoying “We’ll find out… after the break” scenario too.

What an absolute .


2. Fearne Cotton

The shrill, annoying, all nose woman who ruined Top Of The Pops with her bland personality and her odd facial structure. She seems to be the new Davina, hosting any show that will have her. Slowly becoming the prostitute of television hosts. It’s funny, because she’s one of the few people I know of that can be equally annoying on both TV and radio. It’s quite a talent really, so I really applaud her for that. Well done, Fearne.


1. Ant & Dec

Officially the worst people in the world. Hiding so much in the world of fakery, that I am convinced they are robots built by ITV to form a generation of people like me, who hate everything and everyone and just want stab forks into their eyes so they don’t have to continue looking at the world shrivelling into a giant ball of nothingness. They’re like a Dick & Dom tribute act from another dimension, except they aren’t obsessed with farting or strange psychedelic game shows, which was actually the best part of Dick & Dom.

ITV should invent a show where members of the public pelt root vegetables and handfuls of hummus at Ant & Dec until they run out, and then move toward the section of the show where Ant has to dodge oncoming spears while Dec tightrope walks over a pit filled with a mixture of lava and radioactive waste. Then, maybe, I would watch those two on television. But until that show is broadcast and I can save it on Sky+, they will stay at the top of my most annoying TV presenters list.

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  • RMweb Gold

This grimacing twit. Why does the BBC need to waste licence payers money by sending him (and other 'news correspondents') to Korea when we can be adequately informed by the first rate team of commentators and pundits out there, many of whom have competed at the highest level.


I recall at the Rio Olympics there was the daily 'Andy Swiss' Olympic Desk, or some such title which was presented in a puerile and sarcastic manner.



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I liked Adam Hart-Davis but the Beeb fell out with him and that was the end of his TV presenting days... Shame... Had him on my train once and he was a really nice bloke in Real Life as well, which is not often the case!


Can't stand Dan Cruikshank ever since he ruined a whole programme that we were looking forward to on King Ludvig's castles in Bavaria by repeatably referring to the place as Baaaaaavaraia...


Another vote down for Vine as well, but another plus for May... It's strange but with Clarkson it depends on what he's in, can't stand TG but like some of his documentaries... That comment probably applies to a lot of presenters...

Edited by Hobby
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 This morning had my day totally ruined by Wannacott's inane, despicable reappearance on Bargain Hunt.


PLEASE. PLEASE, don't tell me he's back again !!



And if ever I see this woman again, I'll jump off the Humber Bridge without the need for a push !!





Edited by allan downes
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 This morning had my day totally ruined by Wannacott's inane, despicable reappearance on Bargain Hunt.


PLEASE. PLEASE, don't tell me he's back again !!



And if ever I see this woman again, I'll jump off the Humber Bridge without the need for a push !!







 This morning had my day totally ruined by Wannacott's inane, despicable reappearance on Bargain Hunt.


PLEASE. PLEASE, don't tell me he's back again !!



And if ever I see this woman again, I'll jump off the Humber Bridge without the need for a push !!






Allan, I think you watch too much daytime television............. :scratchhead: 

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