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Great Southern Railway (Fictitious) - Looking North

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You... you... you scoundrel!!! You, my once friend, have just defaced (Or, should I say, 'Faced') an LBSCR Locomotive! The good reverend was bad enough to have done it to a terrier (but that was already defaced by Marsh) and an E2 (Terrible locos, so permissible) but you have continued this insane tradition!


Well done though, I actually quite like it!

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You... you... you scoundrel!!! You, my once friend, have just defaced (Or, should I say, 'Faced') an LBSCR Locomotive! The good reverend was bad enough to have done it to a terrier (but that was already defaced by Marsh) and an E2 (Terrible locos, so permissible) but you have continued this insane tradition!


Well done though, I actually quite like it!

I only did as requested!


Thanks, part of my Photography A-Level was in using Photoshop. I got an A in that bit.

Edited by RedGemAlchemist
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The LBSCR one certainly 'Works' better than the L&YR one. I like the way you left the indicator disk on too, and the face is just right for that unit.


Should they perhaps be referred to as SMU's? Particularly the ones that could work with trailer cars...

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The LBSCR one certainly 'Works' better than the L&YR one. I like the way you left the indicator disk on too, and the face is just right for that unit.


Should they perhaps be referred to as SMU's? Particularly the ones that could work with trailer cars...

The L&YR one was really more to reinforce my earlier comment that an 0-6-0T version of that would be what I thought Thomas would look like had the books not had illustrations.

And hmm. Never thought about it to be honest.

Edited by RedGemAlchemist
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I don't think that railmotors would be steam multiple units any more than locomotives. The Multiple part of "multiple unit" means, as far as I understand it, that multiple powered units, as opposed to coaches, can be coupled in such a way that the driver in one cab can operate multiple drive units in sync, which can also be operated as distinct powered units. A railmotor trailer doesn't count as a powered unit. As such, a railmotor and trailer is just a fairly standard push-pull-fitted loco and train.

Edited by Skinnylinny
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The LBSCR one certainly 'Works' better than the L&YR one. I like the way you left the indicator disk on too, and the face is just right for that unit.

I actually did a few of the L&YR one, with Thomas faces from various artists. My favourite artist from the RWS is probably John T Kenney but it was really hard to find a good Thomas face from his work. Decided the C Reginald Dalby one best demonstrated my point.


Man, I have too much free time.

Edited by RedGemAlchemist
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I actually did a few of the L&YR one, with Thomas faces from various artists. My favourite artist from the RWS is probably John T Kenney but it was really hard to find a good Thomas face from his work. Decided the C Reginald Dalby one best demonstrated my point.


Man, I have too much free time.

Quoting myself here, I know. But still, for those interested:


William Middleton (actually an Edward face because he never drew Thomas)



Reginald Payne (the one you've already seen, but here using the original version of the same drawing)



C. Reginald Dalby



John T. Kenney (my personal favourite RWS artist)



Peter and Gunvor Edwards



Edgar Hodges



and Clive Spong



Thus totally confirming that I really have too much time on my hands.

Edited by RedGemAlchemist
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Fascinating to see just how much the styles of the artists varied, thank you for sharing! I always thought Dalby's styles were very cartoonish when it came to the faces, and I don't think I've ever seen Edgar Hodges' illustrations. Which books did he do?

Also, just noticed, the screw-link coupling in that photograph doesn't seem to be sat in its usual position actually in the hook, but somewhat behind and on top of it. Is this something anyone else has seen anywhere else?

Edited by Skinnylinny
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Fascinating to see just how much the styles of the artists varied, thank you for sharing! I always thought Dalby's styles were very cartoonish when it came to the faces, and I don't think I've ever seen Edgar Hodges' illustrations. Which books did he do?

Edgar Hodges did the 1979 and 1980 annuals as well as several bits of promotional art from the same period. I included him because I like his art style and of the annual artists he's the most well-known. Could have done all the other annual artists like Jo Lawrence or David Palmer but then I'd start getting bored. I've already made my point and I only made the others while I was trying to work out which image best demonstrated it.

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From the Thomas the Preying Mantis set....





The top railmotor just cries out for a Thomas face.....


Good afternoon gentlemen

All interesting comments but can we please get back to the core subject which is discussing with Linny whether it is feasible for him to try and laser cut the majority of parts for  the LBSCR Railmotor 

From what I can see of the photo, the majority is similar to cutting a bogie coach and we would be left with having to source a smokebox and vertical chimney and a front power bogie.

What do you think Linny?

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The bodywork of the coach should be easy enough. However, I have a busy few weeks ahead of me, and a few projects that are already underway (currently the Billiton 48' bogies and 54' brake, as well as two horseboxes) and then a few that are already in the queue. It's likely to be quite a while before I can get onto a railmotor I'm afraid. I'm rather nervous about promising more than I can deliver, as my health is not always very reliable at the moment.


As a concept, bits of the railmotor should be perfectly practicable to manufacture. I'd probably design it around a powered motor bogie, as this minimises the amount of working parts that need to be sourced and assembled. I'll be experimenting with etching soon too which might allow me to build up some valve gear parts, but I also need to fit in time to work on my own modelling projects too! :)

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Perhaps another thing worth noting is that unlike the GWR railmotor, which effectively has a pivoting power bogie, the loco portion of the LB&SCR railmotor pivots as a whole. Thus, the whole (non-multiple) unit pivots like an articulated lorry, and I'm certain card would not be strong enough to support a hinge for that. I have ideas for how it could work, but they're currently strictly experimental. I'll definitely need drawings before I can really try ideas out. Some point in the future, but no guarantees when yet. It's an extremely interesting challenge however.

Edited by Skinnylinny
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  • RMweb Gold

Also, just noticed, the screw-link coupling in that photograph doesn't seem to be sat in its usual position actually in the hook, but somewhat behind and on top of it. Is this something anyone else has seen anywhere else?

I think that the loop has (been) lodged for the photo - I have seen (but cannot recall where) a photo where the link is over the middle lamp iron.

It would soon shake down into the hook, especially with the boxing and vibrating of an outside cylindered 0-4-0 power unit.


As I have always said...


I'm here to help!


Ah, but there's a big difference between being there to help, and actually helping. ;)

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I think that the loop has (been) lodged for the photo - I have seen (but cannot recall where) a photo where the link is over the middle lamp iron.

It would soon shake down into the hook, especially with the boxing and vibrating of an outside cylindered 0-4-0 power unit.



Ah, but there's a big difference between being there to help, and actually helping. ;)

True... but if asked I would actually help!

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Today on my workbench... actually at work! For reasons best known to himself, my boss has a telephone box in his garden (I believe it's a K6) and he recently acquired for above the doors a set of Scottish-design crowns. Didn't know they had different designs in different parts of the UK, did you? Anyway, these arrived in bright red, and I was promptly dispatched to the local model shop to buy a tin of gold paint. The results are shown below.




The work here is never the same - I have in the past, repaired a honey extractor, manufactured replacement parts for a vintage Lotus car and fixed a set of vertical blinds. It certainly keeps me interested and busy!

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I wish there were jobs like that down here...


It seems Northerners , or certainly the media, assume they always have it worse off than us down here in the Saarf, but in truth it seems that, should you not want to be a stockbroker, Lawyer or are simply working class you get a bit pushed out by polite society down here. Whenever I've been up North, by which I mean North of Birmingham, I have always found the people to be so much friendlier, and the way heritage is treated is also so much better - you have all the good museums! You also get better trains than us these days... think about it...


The media is making a huge hype about the '30 year old pacers', but we have 41 (At the youngest...) year old class 313's in regular service down here, and our new trains have breadboards bolted to ironing boards in place of seats...

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The title's far more glamorous in my case than the work - I'm effectively a glorified mechanic with added soldering and paperwork (so much paperwork) - I'm not working on the big, shiny jet liners but little 2-6 seat private propeller planes.

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I have considered York...


Someone told me there was a railway museum there, with LBSCR things inside it, but all I found was a cafe with a big green Great Northern thing sat alongside a big blue LNER thing. There was this loco there that was painted in improved engine green, but there was 'royal' stuff all over it so I couldn't see it properly...

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