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Great Southern Railway (Fictitious) - Looking North

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Linny may want to move out discussion to another topic, for the sake of good order, but I'll leave that up to him.


My suggestions so far:


1. LB&SC 48' Bogies - first generation Brighton bogie coaches, built from 1895, we have drawings for 1st, Lav. Comp, Third and Third Brake. If Bachmann produce Brighton coaches, I would bet these will be the 54' coaches produced from 1905 or later and/or corridor types.


2. L&BSC Billinton block set 6-wheelers


3. LSWR bogie branch 2-sets - can be both arc roof and elliptical - converted from 1890s coaches in 1909.  There are no  RTR LSWR coaches.  We only have ex-LSWR types.


4. LSWR 30' 6-wheel birdcage passenger brake van


3. SE&CR ex-LCDR 6-wheel push-pull 3-set


4. SE&CR Bogie 3-set.  Bachmann produced the latest and longest, but there were shorter and earlier sets.


Now, birdcages are difficult, but not necessarily impossible - there's very little by way of places to hide glued joints, and I'd want to have at least a layer of thin card framing and a layer of acetate glazing. I'm very aware of the lack of any RTR LSWR coaches. I'm currently awaiting the arrival of three Gramodels LSWR 42-foot bogie coaches which are resin kits. The Billinton bogies, if you have the drawings for all four of those, would be a nice set, and between those should make up a fairly reasonable train with a nice complement of classes. I'll continue with my plans to try and design a 6-wheel chassis, with the idea of trying to produce a Stroudley luggage van and possibly milk van, to create a small set of LB&SCR coaching stock. There might even be a covered carriage truck in there too, and/or a horsebox. I'll need them for my layout at some point, so they're high up my list. (Plus, having the two books of LB&SCR coaches with drawings already means I might as well milk them!).


I wasn't suggesting using plasticard to laser - I've made that mistake before, resulting in a 'polite' conversation with the lab tech.


Will this picture do?



That picture's perfect, and confirms my thoughts on the beading. However, it ought to be possible to produce something similar to that sort of beading in card without it all falling apart. I'll have to have a play...

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I have one of those chassis on loan, so perhaps we could collaborate on that one?










Could be candidates? If I can find drawings...


I really want to do this one at some stage, but it probably won't fit the chassis.


(Several nice pictures of tank engines removed to avoid repetition)


Copyright of all images belongs to their respective holders. All images are publicly shown on the internet, and none of them are my own.


Ooooooooo wot a lovely collection of useful looking tank engines.  I do agree about card.  It's a completely overlooked material and it's stunningly cheap.  In my younger teenaged years I built several Midland Railway tank engines from card coz I had no money to buy kits and they mostly looked just fine considering that I had more enthusiasm than skill back then.  A laser cut kit of basic bits for any of those nice saddle tanks Sem posted would be very welcome and provided they were to 7mm scale I would be more than willing to lever open my wallet.




I also like that idea, and I think this is why you've had Coarse-Scale 'O' modellers banging on your door!


Exactly that.  I've been watching the various threads on RMweb about 3D printed coaches and even the best end up looking like the first coach I ever made at age 14, - a Midland Bain 3rd, - complete with lumpy glue besmirched surface and fingerprints; - only they've been printed like that to save you the trouble.  


Any of the older coaches with square cornered panelling would be fine by me.  Something like this ancient 3 compartment Metropolitan Railway & Carriage Co coach from the Liskerad & Looe Railway would much delight my heart.  Posh coaches with rounded corner panelling are nice, but for us light railway types square panelling corners are the new black.




Of course I'm talking about 7mm scale for me, but I'm sure I wouldn't be alone in wanting to place an order with you Linny.  Most 'O' gauge coach kits are sell-a-kidney territory and if you want brass you'll have to sell them both!  The bonus for me with a laser cut kit of bits is that I could manage to build something like that which would enable me to still enjoy making models even if they were only for display.

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Why square windows on light railways? Why not this fancy vehicle on the Kent and East Sussex?





And aren't those Liskeard and Looe jobs far too fancy. You'll be giving them cushions next! How about something like this, more like a cattle wagon



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A very nice job you've done of it too, although I do believe you have a few too many windows!

The curves I was referring to are the ones at the bottom of the sides, at each end, where the end panel itself sort of bends from vertical to horizontal where it meets the solebar.

Edited by Skinnylinny
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Why square windows on light railways? Why not this fancy vehicle on the Kent and East Sussex?





And aren't those Liskeard and Looe jobs far too fancy. You'll be giving them cushions next! How about something like this, more like a cattle wagon



That top one is the old Royal Coach so it's cheating a bit and definitely a bit too posh for a light railway.  The K&ESR was just showing off with owning that one.


They were all tin, copper and granite miners at Liskeard so they would've brought a few rocks from work for them to sit on for a bit of comfort.  Seriously though I do like that second 'cattle car' coach.  Would make a good workmans coach that.  C1ST5Fx.gif

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And I was going to furnish my light railway with ex-LNWR locos, ex-Furness 4-wheelers and even some ex-Midland Bogies! Added to that an ex-KESR saddle tank and I think I've been giving the working-class of Wensleydale far too much comfort and modernity!


And if that confused you, ask Annie...


In reality I was planning on using NLR 4-Wheelers, but I fear even they are too good!

Edited by sem34090
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I have drawings of Craven coaches and they are definitely on the list. The next coaches will be bogie LB&SCR ones mainly because I should be able to re-use a lot of existing artwork. Are there any particular Craven coaches you're interested in?

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Any LSWR, SECR, SER, LCDR, or (even better) LBSCR stock is of great interest! I would also be very interested in NLR, Metropolitan and District stock, followed by LNWR, GWR (Including BG) and GER stock. Beyond that pretty well any pre-grouping coaching stock is of interest. I would suggest, however, that you ignore the LNWR and Midland to begin with as they are spoilt rotten when compared with the rest of us.

From a personal point of view I would say that pre-grouping railways running south of London are spoilt rotten, but would I know? :)


In terms of simple designs that would suit laser cutting in card I would like to request a London & Birmingham 2nd or 3rd class 4-wheeler, especially the ones without a roof.

Something very similar to the blue open coach at the NRM sat behind The Rocket.


Oh, 4mm scale please.

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From a personal point of view I would say that pre-grouping railways running south of London are spoilt rotten, but would I know? :)


In terms of simple designs that would suit laser cutting in card I would like to request a London & Birmingham 2nd or 3rd class 4-wheeler, especially the ones without a roof.

Something very similar to the blue open coach at the NRM sat behind The Rocket.


Oh, 4mm scale please.


Not with ready to run or with coach kits in more accessible media.


If this were a free for all, I'd back your suggestion, and North London 4-wheelers, and I'd add NER 4-wheelers and bogie clerestories, Eastern & Midland 4-wheel New and Large Stock, East Coast Joint Stock bogie clerestories  (who wouldn't want their Bachmann GN Atlantic to haul the pre-1914 Flying Scotsman?), GC Barnums(for the Improved Director), etc, etc 


But, the acorn from which this mighty oak may grow is Linny's layout, which is set firmly in the Edwardian south east!

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I meant in terms of cheap coach kits! I know that we are very lucky, but our cheapest bogie coach kit is currently around £55! That's great if you have that sort of cash, but I don't! The Midland, LNWR, and to some extent the GWR, are very lucky to have a nice range of plastic coach kits at <£20!


With regards RTR locos, however, it is only really the SECR that has seen huge RTR support. It is a myth that the LSWR has enjoyed the same treatment, and the LBSCR is only just getting a similar amount of coverage.


For the layout that I am currently at next to (a 3' x 4' setrack roundy-roundy!) I will need at least one NLR four-wheeler and at least one LCDR four-wheeler to form a two-coach light railway train which will be headed by either a Peckett, and Andrew Barclay or maybe even my SR Green Wills P. This layout is gradually being turned into a light railway, set loosely post grouping, to give me somewhere to run my rather varied collection of tank engines. Over time I envisage a need for more NLR four-wheelers (to fulfil my IOW ambitions and my NLR ambitions!), a lot of LSWR coaches (because I like Adams locos!) and an absolutely enormous amount of LBSCR stock to furnish my grand Bognor/Barnham/Yapton/Ford/Littlehampton and possibly Dyke scheme. After that I will need SECR coaches to go with my R1, C, and possibly another P in the future, some TVR coaches to go with my U1, some NER coaches to go with my E1 (and the other locos I can see myself doing primarily for James' benefit!), and finally some LNWR and GWR coaches because they both ended up on the LBSCR, and I like the locos of those companies! I even want some CR and other Scottish coaches for an even further off ambition!


In short, I will probably be happy with whatever coaches are produced by Linny! And I expect I will end up buying most of them... time to stock up on lamp tops and Gibson Mansells, methinks...

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If this coach kit malarkey catches on, I dare say I will expand north of the Thames at some point. At the very least, I want to model a picnic saloon or two! The reason I'm mostly working on LB&SCR stock is, as Edwardian mentioned above, that that is the area and period my layout is set in, though I am not against other models. Somewhere I have most of the bits to make a North British Railway 6-wheeled all-third, minus a chassis. There's nothing stopping that appearing at some point. The thing to remember is I'm already trying to maintain a full-time job and have other commitments. That being said, any requests that come with dimensioned, scale drawings will jump up the queue to before any drawing-less requests.

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If this coach kit malarkey catches on, I dare say I will expand north of the Thames at some point. At the very least, I want to model a picnic saloon or two! The reason I'm mostly working on LB&SCR stock is, as Edwardian mentioned above, that that is the area and period my layout is set in, though I am not against other models. Somewhere I have most of the bits to make a North British Railway 6-wheeled all-third, minus a chassis. There's nothing stopping that appearing at some point. The thing to remember is I'm already trying to maintain a full-time job and have other commitments. That being said, any requests that come with dimensioned, scale drawings will jump up the queue to before any drawing-less requests.

My main coaching stock of choice are mid-sized non-corridor jobbies. I have some Triang... I think they're Mk1? blood-and-custard corridors, but the others are two repainted Hornby 4-wheelers and a Triang LMS suburban brake painted to match the 4-wheelers. Any suggestions on other stuff for my little Norfolk backwater?

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NLR 4-Wheelers would fit the bill, I'm sure, Mr R. Gem! :jester:


Once you have covered your layout's requirements, Linny, may I suggest that you gradually press North with a couple of 4-wheelers and a couple of bogies for each of the main companies? Obviously this would take many years to complete...

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And I was going to furnish my light railway with ex-LNWR locos, ex-Furness 4-wheelers and even some ex-Midland Bogies! Added to that an ex-KESR saddle tank and I think I've been giving the working-class of Wensleydale far too much comfort and modernity!


And if that confused you, ask Annie...


In reality I was planning on using NLR 4-Wheelers, but I fear even they are too good!



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That top one is the old Royal Coach so it's cheating a bit and definitely a bit too posh for a light railway.  The K&ESR was just showing off with owning that one.


They were all tin, copper and granite miners at Liskeard so they would've brought a few rocks from work for them to sit on for a bit of comfort.  Seriously though I do like that second 'cattle car' coach.  Would make a good workmans coach that.  C1ST5Fx.gif


Indeed, the K&ESR used it on their late trains as it was the only coach they had with working lights ........


As regards that brutal third, the drawing below is an image of the svg file used to cut parts out on a Silhouette. If it's of any use to anyone get in touch off-Group and I'll mail the svg



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Well, the laser cutting last night was successful, and while we've been chatting I've finished assembling my first complete Stroudley coach. There are still one or two small modifications I might make to the kit (I notice the gap in the floor for the wheel flanges is visible through the windows, although painting the interior black would disguise this nicely. I could draw up a thin card floor to go on top of the chassis as part of the roof sheet. I'll have to think about it.) These coaches were never intended to be ultra-finescale anyway, more an approachable way of getting something different by way of rolling stock running. I may yet even design a block mounting for NEM pockets, to make attaching couplings as easy as possible.



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Yes, Wensleydale.




The Wensleydale Light Railway! Running from Garsdale to Hawes... 


OK, obviously you know there was a real railway between those two points and, indeed, on to North Allerton, and it was North Eastern (with Midland services also between Garsdale and Hawes).  As such it is one of the NE locations I'm looking at for the future.


So what's all this Light Railway malarkey?


EDIT: Very nice images, by the way!

Edited by Edwardian
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