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Bachmann 66 poor running through curves/ points


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I have a 66050 which is basically brand new and a real dog.


It won’t pull anything through medium peco points at all, it slows right down with 5 VGAs . Everything. Else has no problems at all.


The bogies seem to rotate ok, so it’s not that issue I don’t think.


Any ore I send it to Bachmann ?

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Are all wheels turning when power is applied?  It's possible one of the drive shafts has come adrift and power is only going to one set of wheels.


If you are confident about taking it apart, no problem, if not send it back to the shop you bought it from with an explanatory note.

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Thanks for the advice to date,both sets of wheels rotate fine, I tried it on my wheel cleaner thingy


It happens only when it propels wagons in one direction through a crossover and two sets of points. It always the same end of the loco leading as the other end has buffer detail.


A thought has occurred that what’s left of the NEM pocket may be bi nding on the airdam/ snowplough as the bogie turns I’ll have to go check that later . I had to remove most of it to fit it.

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  • RMweb Gold

If the problem only occurs in one direction and the bogies are attached correctly, it sounds to me likely to be a gearing issue.  The next step depends on your perception of your level of confidence and/or competence.  If you are happy to tackle it yourself, there should be an exploded diagram sheet in the box; if not you can download it from Baccy's website.  Often a simple strip down and re-assembly will put everything in the correct position relative to it's neighbour, and solve the problem.  


If you are not comfortable doing this, return the model under warranty and get a replacement.  If you are dealing with a retail outlet, make sure you see it running before it leaves the shop, but if you have obtained it online then you have to take pot luck!


'Basically brand new' begs a question, though.  If by this you mean a model which has never been used or taken out of the box, but has been sitting idle for some time, perhaps awaiting the construction of a layout, the lubrication may have solidified and be causing the very problem it is supposed to solve, gumming up the works.  This may mean the model is out of warranty, but still effectively brand new.  If this is the case, strip 'er down and clean the lubrication, a coloured grease, thoroughly.  I use Maplin's rattle can electrical switch cleaner for this, as it seems not to harm plastic and is powerful enough to blast most of the grease off by force.  Let the model dry thoroughly, perhaps overnight, and then apply new lube.  Suitable stuff is available in most model outlets, doesn't have to be a specialist model railway shop, and you can also buy a hypodermic syringe to go with it to apply it to difficult areas in very small quantities.  Very small quantities are the rule here, overdoing it will splash oil everywhere, which will pick up crud and cause all sorts of problems.  The service sheet, from the box or downloaded, will show you where to put the lube.


Keep this lubing hypo with your modelling tools and make sure it is separate from any others you have in your home for any medical or other purpose THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!

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Thanks for the advice to date,both sets of wheels rotate fine, I tried it on my wheel cleaner thingy


It happens only when it propels wagons in one direction through a crossover and two sets of points. It always the same end of the loco leading as the other end has buffer detail.


A thought has occurred that what’s left of the NEM pocket may be bi nding on the airdam/ snowplough as the bogie turns I’ll have to go check that later . I had to remove most of it to fit it.

They might be fine in a straight line but could be binding up when the bogie rotates, try mounting one bogie on the rollers and carefully move the body and bogie as if they were going round a corner to see if things slow up or it makes any (faint) funny noises.

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I can't add to the good advice already offered but Bachmann 66 running problems are well documented here on RMweb. Mainly problems with the bogies.


I had one which had to be returned. Others I have purchased are fine runners with no problems.


66050 was commissioned by Lord and Butler and released in 2014. Although your model is effectively brand new it may have been stored for some time and needs lubrication. 

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Thanks again,


Seems to be fairly unpredictable . Binds worst when both bogies are rotated in opposite directions, through two points - left and right.


It doesn’t seem to be the NEM pocket binding.


- I’ll try it on the wheel cleaner with rotating bogies

- next step will be to take the body off and check the bogie tightness screws and the level of lub , and replace as necessary.

- by brand new, I mean it was in a chaps collection and his next of kin put the lot on eBay, therefore it could have sat for three years without being used. It’s well out of warranty so it would be sent to Bachmann service if necessary

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Thanks for the advice to date,both sets of wheels rotate fine, I tried it on my wheel cleaner thingy


It happens only when it propels wagons in one direction through a crossover and two sets of points. It always the same end of the loco leading as the other end has buffer detail.

 No good looking for wheels turning on the wheel cleaner thingy. You need to check on track, when running through the location where the problem is occurring, to see what is going on. It can be either of the bogies that loses drive, so you will probably need a few runs through to spot this problem if it is happening. It can be easier to see if you take the bogie frames off, although dots on the wheelrims are usually sufficient.

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  • RMweb Gold

If the model is out of warranty, I would consider having a go yourself before sending it back to Bachmann, unless you are really uncomfortable with this idea.  Models are designed to be user serviced (though the modern trend is away from this and they are becoming 'disposable'), and, with the aid of the service sheet which you can download from Baccy's website if you haven't got it, you should be ok.  


Don't hesitate to ask us if you get stuck or out of your depth!

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  • RMweb Premium

There have been issues identified with Bachmann 66s before as Alcanman notes. It might be that one or more sets of wheels is not in contact with the rails correctly when traversing the spot in question.  I eased the bogie pivot screws on mine by a half-turn which helped considerably though not 100% as the bogies don't seem to be that well balanced.  Do however take a look at the state of the lubrication as any loco laid up for several years might potentially be suffering from thickened gear grease.  I have to say that the description of the problem doesn't sound like that is the cause but it has to be eliminated.  As with most irritating problems this is probably a case of trial and error until you find what works for your loco.

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