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Weekend update!


I was able to get some scenery accomplished over the week. I remade the walls on the structure, and I’m happy with it for now. (Except for the rear corner)


Also I also added a few items to enhance:extend operation. I added a lock for the SSMW switch lead, as well as a derail lock. I added a locked electrical box for the grade crossing. Locks for derails on the T&L tracks, as well as two little blue flags! The uncoupling skewers now have a home in holders on the fascia.






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Yep, NCE user here, too. Highly recommended.

DCC can be a steep learning curve; the Powercab helps ease the gradient somewhat, especially the way it takes you through programming step by step, instead of having to calculate things yourself, particularly CV29.

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Thanks guys! I'm currently using a MRC prodigy express system my friend Don let me borrow until I could get the power cab. It is so awkward, and consisting engines is beyond a chore.

All my friends in the layout groups use NCE. Don installs decoders for people directly for ESU, and is a wizard when it comes to anything DCC or electric. Β 


Is it saturday yet?!!!

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I’ve been running small op sessions for myself a couple times a week. Having 7 car spots at Tate & Lyle, 4 spots at SSMW, and a team track, makes almost a countless number of operating scenarios. (4096 to be exact) No day is ever the same. Even a β€œshort” session can last a half hour. Last night I ran a long session at 1 hour and 45 minutes using the train crew app. All on a 9 foot long layout, operating just like the prototype.


Long story short, this is by far the most enjoyable layout I’ve ever built! Rethinking of adding in the runaround track extension with a gravel pit perhaps!

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An 8' x 4' "Sacred Sheet"..??!! :scared:


Look out, everyone, he's going to build a Roundy-roundy... :jester:


*Sprinting for exit* Β ;)

OK that really made me laugh out loud!


I’m doing an 8 foot extension, same width of 15”. Run around track, and a spur going into A freelanced gravel pit. The spur actually exist, but it was a fertilizer plant I believe.

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Great to see you are going to extend the layout and look forward to seeing your progress.


You are clearly enjoying operating you layout Β and I'm very impressed with your calculation of operating scenarios.


I clearly need to drum up more business from customers at Marlborough!

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Thanks for all the support gentlemen!!! I have the β€œC”’s cut out for the skeleton frame, and the rest of the wood will be cut this evening at my brother in law’s wood shop! I’ll document every step of the way. Patiently waiting for the mailman to deliver my power cab!! The tools are ready for the install on the fascia!



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Spoke with my math professor this morning and I calculated in correctly. Each car spot has three scenarios, pull the car/ the car stays/drop a car......so that’s 3 to the 12th power....541441 operating scenarios on my layout, before the extension.


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Hey everyone! Been quite a hectic week! my car broke down on Tuesday, had to miss class and put in a new water pump and belt. I have a couple big test coming up soon that I’ve been studying for. But, I was still able to get down and do a little work! Don’t mind the mess!

Train night tonight on my friends BNSF Montana division layout!


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Here’s a crummy picture of the track plan with land contours. The runaround track will be used born a storage track for the quarry. I’m totally freelancing this industry, but that’s OK with me surprisingly!


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With the power back on I was able to get some work done in the past few days. I laid the track glued in place and I’m happy with the arrangement. Start building up a couple big hills, the tallest one will have a flat rocky surface to simulate the edge of the quarrY/gravel pit. I still haven’t decided if I’m doing a gravel pit, or if I’m going to do a cement plant. I fear structures so I’m not too sure if I wanna attempt that yet.



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I had a crazy dream last night, that I still had my two Alaska Railroad modules, and I was building the loop........ I wonder if it’s a sign? I know where I went wrong the last time, would anybody be interested in following along in Alaska RailRoad build thread?




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