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Evercreech Junction 1961

John Isherwood

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For the past fifty years I have been acquiring, modifying, building, and improving a stocklist that has always been intended for a mythical model of Evercreech Junction (S&DJR), set in and around 1961.


It has to be admitted that I enjoy stock-building more than any other aspect of railway modelling. I have been unable to resist the compulsion to buy and modify RTR, build kits and scratchbuild, to the point where storage for the stock has become a serious problem - and there is still a very sizeable list of 'to do' projects involving locos, coaches, wagons and containers.


Analysing my motives, I think that it is the relatively manageable size of stock-building projects - ranging from an afternoon to a year, depending whether the subject is a wagon or a loco - that appeals. The prospect of a layout-building project involving a fairly comprehensive loft conversion, baseboard building, track laying, ballasting, building construction and scenery creation fills me with foreboding.


The size of my stocklist also dictates a very large area of storage sidings - and I still won't be able to accommodate all of my collection.


It is really starting to frustrate me that such a huge stocklist is unable to stretch its legs further than my 8'- 0'' / three road shunting plank, and I haven't looked at the vast majority of my creations since the day that they were finished and packed away. I have a digital database of completed stock, ongoing builds and projects yet to be commenced - the only way to keep track of what I have and where it is!!


My projected 'magnum opus' of building Evercreech Junction in the late 50s / early 60s is, as I have said, a daunting prospect. I have taken the track plan of the prototype :-




and interpreted it, within the available loft space as :-




Whilst the essential elements of the station itself have been reproduced close to scale length - albeit straightened - it has been necessary to move the actual junction 'off-scene'.


Whilst this may seem radical for a layout with 'Junction' in its title, it would be simply impossible to incorporate the junction layout, and associated storage failities for the 'branch', within the available space. All that I have done is 'stretch' the prototypically very short transition from the station trackwork to the junction. I have no doubt that this will require modifications to the prototypical stock movements, but I feel confident that the essential atmosphere of Evercreech Junction can be reproduced.


Trackwork will be Peco Code 75 - bullhead in the scenic area, (as and when the necessary pointwork becomes available), and flat-bottomed in the storage area.


Comments will be very welcome - I fully expect declarations of 'Sooner you than me'! and 'You've got to be joking'!



John Isherwood.

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An admirable objective. One which I have attempted in both 2mm and 4mm but could not resist trying to squeeze in the junction and branch sidings into the layout. 

My approach was probably a mistake but your use of the available space seems more sensible.


Have you considered reversing the layout so that the end curvature would better represent the overall curvature of the prototype. No loss of operating area.


You might consider incorporating a transition into the end curves and introduce some of the curve into the scenic section.


I might have some bits and bobs from my attempt if you don't mind me dumping my leftovers.



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Actually, I was a member of the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust, way back when and I was friends with the trusts station steward for Evercreech Junction (Neil Pankhurst). When the line closed, he prepared a number of sketched and scale drawings of most of the structures. I have a copy of the work that he did. 


If they are of any value, let me know and I'll make copies for you.

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Actually, I was a member of the Somerset and Dorset Railway Trust, way back when and I was friends with the trusts station steward for Evercreech Junction (Neil Pankhurst). When the line closed, he prepared a number of sketched and scale drawings of most of the structures. I have a copy of the work that he did. 


If they are of any value, let me know and I'll make copies for you.




That would be really helpful - I'd love to take you up on that offer, thanks.




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An admirable objective. One which I have attempted in both 2mm and 4mm but could not resist trying to squeeze in the junction and branch sidings into the layout. 

My approach was probably a mistake but your use of the available space seems more sensible.


Have you considered reversing the layout so that the end curvature would better represent the overall curvature of the prototype. No loss of operating area.


You might consider incorporating a transition into the end curves and introduce some of the curve into the scenic section.


I might have some bits and bobs from my attempt if you don't mind me dumping my leftovers.






The problem with reversing the track plan is that the most attractive view of the main station buildings is across the tracks; ie. from the side that I am proposing to have facing the operator. If built, the layout will most definitely be a 'stay-at-home', so maximum operator appreciation / satisfaction is the main priority.


I want to build in the spirit of Little Bytham - somewhere to watch long trains pass at prototypical speeds, whilst enabling a single operator to carry out all the prototypical train movements, including yard shunting and branch train terminating / departure movements. Added interest will come from attaching / detaching pilot locos for heavy holiday trains.


I anticipate principal coaching stock and / or NPCCS trains to be a maximum of ten bogie vehicles, with maximum freight trains of equivalent lengths.


My stock can be divided roughly between Prototypical and Impulse / Must Haves! If on-layout stock storage proves to be problematic, the Prototypical stock will take priority, and it may be necessary to make the inner storage yard track, (nearest to the operator), a series of exchangeable cassettes. That would allow the non-prototypical stock to be stored in cassettes, on racks above the storage yard.



John Isherwood.

Edited by cctransuk
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Hello John


I, too, was a member of the S&DRT (Publications Manager) and am now with the Somerset & Dorset Railway Heritage Trust (S&DRHT).


Back in the 80s, I spent many hours with the late Peter Pike - his father was Stationmaster at the Junction. I am happy to make any of my operational information and photos available to you.


It's a bit difficult to comment on your plan, but I would consider the top right area to be a bit too open whilst the top left is a little cramped. You have multiple hidden sidings - have you calculated how many you actually need? That will depend on what trains you intend to run. Most trains went 'down and back' - therefore, reverse loops might be better. You then only need one set of stock for the local passenger trains and the freight trains (although I grant you The Pines needs two sets to be strictly in correct formation).


If you had 'the Bournemouth loop' at base level (0"), the track could gradually climb upwards through the station with 'the Bath loop' being 3-4" higher.


If you PM me, I will send a diagram of my own layout which uses this very principle. At least it's worth considering even if you discount it - I won't 'get upset'!


Hope that helps.



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Hello John


I, too, was a member of the S&DRT (Publications Manager) and am now with the Somerset & Dorset Railway Heritage Trust (S&DRHT).


Back in the 80s, I spent many hours with the late Peter Pike - his father was Stationmaster at the Junction. I am happy to make any of my operational information and photos available to you.


It's a bit difficult to comment on your plan, but I would consider the top right area to be a bit too open whilst the top left is a little cramped. You have multiple hidden sidings - have you calculated how many you actually need? That will depend on what trains you intend to run. Most trains went 'down and back' - therefore, reverse loops might be better. You then only need one set of stock for the local passenger trains and the freight trains (although I grant you The Pines needs two sets to be strictly in correct formation).


If you had 'the Bournemouth loop' at base level (0"), the track could gradually climb upwards through the station with 'the Bath loop' being 3-4" higher.


If you PM me, I will send a diagram of my own layout which uses this very principle. At least it's worth considering even if you discount it - I won't 'get upset'!


Hope that helps.






Besides being somewhere to run trains reasonably prototypically, the layout will be a much needed 'home' for my stock - both built, in progress and projected. Yes, I do need every inch of those extensive storage sidings - and I still won't be able to accommodate all of my stock. I have an embarrassment of stock with which to operate the prospective layout, and I'm not minded to dispose of any of it!


I will try and convert my stocklist databases into something that I can post here - just to give an idea of what is involved. To give a taster, though, there is a full range of locos, (multiple examples in most cases), appropriate to the S&DJR from the mid-1950s to approaching closure; plus a long list of exotica such as 46256, 71000, all of the pioneer diesel types, and all of the prototype diesels (plus GT3). There's a Midland Pullman rake and numerous ex-GWR and BR DMUs - you get the picture.


I am dead against introducing gradients, I'm afraid - to the point where the baseboards will be excessively cross-braced against warping, and the supports will be retrospectively screw-adjustable for height to compensate for any settlement. I have read too many horror stories of locos having insufficient haulage capacity to handle gradients, tight radii and prototypical length trains, so gradients and tight radii are 'no-go' areas as far as I am concerned.


Thank you so much for your interest and input.



John isherwood.

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Excellent project. Can't see you being short of 'decals' to sort out your stock...... :whistle:  ;)

Anyway, my only contribuition to this, apart from saying wow, is to offer you info on the SO 1961 Summer Timetable July, August & September (part) Cleethorpes/ Sidmouth Exmouth (and return) that used a real hoth potch of stock, including (as you probably well know) Gresleys and Thompsons and the odd LMS example as well as Mk1s. 

Looking forward to keepinbg in touch with this John. Smashing idea.


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Excellent project. Can't see you being short of 'decals' to sort out your stock...... :whistle:  ;)

Anyway, my only contribuition to this, apart from saying wow, is to offer you info on the SO 1961 Summer Timetable July, August & September (part) Cleethorpes/ Sidmouth Exmouth (and return) that used a real hoth potch of stock, including (as you probably well know) Gresleys and Thompsons and the odd LMS example as well as Mk1s. 

Looking forward to keepinbg in touch with this John. Smashing idea.





ANY relevant information relating to timetables and train formations would be pounced upon, thank you - this area is not my forte, I'm afraid, so I have for the time-being compiled some very notional coaching and NPCCS rakes - mainly to make sense of a sort of the stock that I have accumulated!


As promised, below is the locomotive stock list - as will be apparent, the latter part of the list is denoted by an asterisk preceding each entry, and is very much the 'parallel universe' motive power !!



John Isherwood.




     BR           3MT         2-6-2T                     82004      82F          WEATHER

               BR           3MT         2-6-2T                     82039      82E         REBUILD, WEATHER

               BR           3MT         2-6-2T                     82041      82F          KIT

               BR           4MT         2-6-0                       76009      71A         KIT

               BR           4MT         2-6-0                       76015      71A         KIT

               BR           4MT         2-6-0                       76061      71A         REBUILD, NEW TENDER, RENUMBER FROM 76064, WEATHER

               BR           4MT         2-6-0                       76062      71A         WEATHER

               BR           4MT         4-6-0                       75023      85C         REBUILD, WEATHER

               BR           4MT         4-6-0                       75027      82G        

               BR           5MT         4-6-0                       73051      82F          REBUILD, WEATHER

               BR           5MT         4-6-0                       73054      82F          WEATHER

               BR           5MT         4-6-0                       73087      70A         WEATHER

               BR           8F           2-8-0                       90125      86C         WEATHER

               BR           9F           2-10-0                     92204      82F          REBUILD, WEATHER

               BR           9F           2-10-0                     92206      82F          WEATHER

               BR           9F           2-10-0                     92220      88A         WEATHER

               GWR       3F           0-6-0PT                   3742       82F          WEATHER

               GWR       3F           0-6-0PT                   4691       82G         WEATHER

               GWR       3MT         0-6-0                       3215       82G         WEATHER

               GWR       3MT         0-6-0                       3216       82G         WEATHER

               LMS        0F           0-4-0VBT                 47190      82F          KIT

               LMS        1P           0-4-4T                     58072      82G         KIT

               LMS        2MT         2-6-2T                     41242      82F         

               LMS        2MT         2-6-2T                     41304      82E         WEATHER

               LMS        2P           4-4-0                       40537      82E         KIT (PART)

               LMS        2P           4-4-0                       40563      82G         REBUILD, WEATHER

               LMS        2P           4-4-0                       40634      82G         REBUILD, WEATHER

               LMS        2P           4-4-0                       40700      82F          WEATHER

               LMS        3F           0-6-0                       43194      82G         WEATHER

               LMS        3F           0-6-0                       43216      82G         WEATHER

               LMS        3F           0-6-0                       43682      82G         WEATHER

               LMS        3F           0-6-0T                     47316      82F          WEATHER

               LMS        3F           0-6-0T                     47496      82F          REBUILD, RENUMBER FROM 47372

               LMS        4F           0-6-0                       44102      82G         REBUILD, WEATHER

               LMS        4F           0-6-0                       44422      82G         REBUILD, WEATHER

               LMS        4F           0-6-0                       44558      82F          REBUILD, WEATHER

               LMS        5MT         4-6-0                       44766      21B         REBUILD, RENUMBER FROM 44839, WEATHER

               LMS        5MT         4-6-0                       44771      2A          UNDER CONSTRUCTION, WEATHER

               LMS        5MT         4-6-0                       45253      21A         WEATHER

               LMS        7F           2-8-0                       53806      82F          WEATHER

               LMS        7F           2-8-0                       53807      82F         

               LMS        7F           2-8-0                       53809      82F          WEATHER

               LMS        8F           2-8-0                       48444      82B         WEATHER

               LMS        8F           2-8-0                       48450      82B        

               SR           7P5F       4-6-2                       34039      71B         WEATHER

               SR           7P5F       4-6-2                       34041      71B         WEATHER

               SR           7P5F       4-6-2                       34042      71B         WEATHER

               SR           7P5F       4-6-2                       34043      71B         REBUILD, RENUMBER FROM 34040, WEATHER

               SR           7P5F       4-6-2                       34046      71B         WEATHER

*              BR           8P           4-6-2                       71000      5A           WEATHER

*              BR           HP 165    0-6-0 DE                 PWM652  TSD         UNDER CONSTRUCTION

*              BR           HP 204    0-6-0 DM                 D2135      82E         WEATHER

*              BR           HP 204    0-6-0 DM                 D2275      71B         WEATHER

*              BR           HP 350    0-6-0 DE                 D3994      85B         WEATHER

*              BR           HP 600    0-6-0 DM                 11001      75C         KIT

*              BR           HP 650    0-6-0 DH                 D9500      82A         WEATHER

*              BR           HP 827    Bo-Bo DE               10800        2A           WEATHER

*              BR           HP1000    B-B DH                   D6320      83D         WEATHER

*              BR           HP1200    Co-Bo DE               D5700      17A         WEATHER

*              BR           HP1600    Co-CoDE                10001      1A           WEATHER

*              BR           HP1700    B-B DH                   D7003      82A         WEATHER

*              BR           HP2000    1Co-Co1 DE           10203      1A           ORDERED

*              BR           HP2000    2-D-2 DM                10100      17A         KIT ORDERED

*              BR           HP2000   A1A-A1A DH           D 601     83D         ORDERED

*              BR           HP2200    B-B DH                   D 828      82A         WEATHER

*              BR           HP2200    B-B DH                   D 834      82A         WEATHER

*              BR           HP2700    C-C DH                   D1000      81A         WEATHER

*              GWR       0F           0-6-0ST                   1365        82C         WEATHER

*              GWR       1F           0-6-0PT                   1367        71G         WEATHER

*              GWR       2P           0-6-0PT                   6415       85B         WEATHER

*              GWR       2P           4-4-0                       3440       82C         WEATHER

*              GWR       2P           4-4-0                       9017       89C         WEATHER

*              LMS        2MT         2-6-0                       46525      82B         WEATHER

*              LMS        4MT         2-6-0                       43049      21A         WEATHER

*              LMS        4P           4-4-0                       1000       17A         WEATHER

*              LMS        5MT         2-6-0                       42979      21D         WEATHER

*              LMS        7P           4-6-0                       46114      21C         REBODY TENDER, REPAINT / LINE, WEATHER

*              LMS        8P           4-6-2                       46256      5A           WEATHER

*              LMS                       2-6-6-2T                  47994      18A         WEATHER

*              LMS        HP1600    Co-CoDE                10000      1A           WEATHER

*              PO          HP 600    0-8-0 DH                 TAURUS  82B         KIT

*              PO          HP2750    4-6-0GT                   GT3                        WEATHER

*              PO          HP2750    Co-CoDE                D0260                     WEATHER

*              PO          HP2880    Co-CoDE                D0280                     WEATHER

*              PO          HP3300    Co-CoDE                DELTIC                   WEATHER

*              PO          HP3300    Co-CoDE                DP2                        WEATHER

*              PO          HP4000    Co-CoDE                HS4000                   WEATHER

*              SR           3F           0-6-0T                     30069      71I           WEATHER

*              SR           3P           4-4-0                       30120      72A         WEATHER

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The corridor coaching stock :-




ORIGIN       DIAGRAM               TYPE      NUMBER                RAKE


BR              99                          RMB        W1813                    01

BR              126                         CK           W15064                  01

BR              146                         SK           W24330                  01

BR              146                         SK           W24390                  01

BR              146                         SK           W24749                  01

BR              181                         BSK        W34150                  01

BR              181                         BSK        W34154                  01           

GWR           C82/84                    SK           W1717W                 01           

GWR           E164                       BCK        W7860W                 01

GWR           E165/166                CK           W7799W                 01


GWR           C 77                       SK           W1087W                 02

GWR           C 77                       SK           W1102W                 02

GWR           C 77                       SK           W1139W                 02

GWR           C59                        SK           W5264W                 02

GWR           D120                      BSK        W4580W                 02

GWR           E128                       BCK        W6512W                 02

GWR           E149                       CK           W6659W                 02

GWR           E159                       BCK        W7365W                 02

GWR           F 23                        BC SLIP   W7899W                 02

GWR           H38                        RC           W9607W                 02


GWR           C 77                       SK           W562W                   03

GWR           C54                        SK           W4900W                 03

GWR           C60                        SK           W5700W                 03

GWR           C81                        SK           W768W                   03

GWR           D95                        BSK (L)    W5088W                 03

GWR           D95                        BSK ®   W5121W                 03

GWR           E127                       CK ®     W6181W                 03

GWR           E127                       CK (L)      W6194W                 03

GWR           H57                        RC           W9674W                 03


BR              24                          RB           S1720                     08

BR              73                          FO           S3065                     08

BR              146                         SK           S24318                   08

BR              181                         SK           S34156                   08

SR              2001                       SK           S1143S                   08

SR              2019                       SK           S81S                      08

SR              2303                       CK           S5586S                   08

SR              2401                       BCK        S6582S                   08

SR              2659                       RBK        S7999S                   08


SR              2102                       BSK        S3740S                   09 (194)

SR              2102                       BSK        S3741S                   09 (194)

SR              2301                       CK           S5642S                   09 (194)


SR              2101                       BSK        S3228S                   10 (396)

SR              2101                       BSK        S3229S                   10 (396)

SR              2301                       CK           S5140S                   10 (396)


SR              2121                       BSK        S2855S                   11 (970)

SR              2121                       BSK        S2856S                   11 (970)

SR              2316                       CK           S5716S                   11 (970)


BR              24                          RB           M1713                    12

BR              146                         SK           M25607                   12

BR              146                         SK           M25900                   12

BR              171                         BCK        M21236                   12

LMS            1912                       K             M30098M                12

LMS            1915                       SO          M9387M                  12

LMS            1925                       CK           M3935M                  12

LMS            2123                       BSK        M26605M                12

LMS            2159                       CK           M24659M                12


BR              146                         SK           M24918                   13

BR              146                         SK           M25643                   13

LMS            1694                       CK           M3587M                  13

LMS            1694                       CK           M3700M                  13

LMS            1696                       BSK        M5324M                  13

LMS            1696                       BSK        M5326M                  13

LMS            1716                       CK           M3748M                  13

LMS            1721                       RSO        M7698M                  13

LMS            1811                       RC           M230M                   13


BR              24                          RB           M1710                    14

BR              126                         CK           M15638                   14

BR              126                         CK           M16007                   14

BR              146                         SK           M24150                   14

BR              146                         SK           M24684                   14

BR              146                         SK           M24862                   14

BR              146                         SK           M26036                   14

BR              181                         BSK        M35276                   14

BR              181                         BSK        M35280                   14


BR              126                         CK           M16131                   15

BR              126                         CK           M16150                   15

BR              146                         SK           M25559                   15

BR              146                         SK           M25582                   15

BR              146                         SK           M25617                   15

BR              146                         SK           M25640                   15

BR              181                         BSK        M35278                   15

BR              181                         BSK        M35290                   15

LMS            1948                       RB           M132M                   15


LMS            1905                       BSK        M5542M                  16

LMS            2117                       CK           M4444M                  16


BR              93                          SO          E3904                     18

BR              181                         BSK        E35168                   18

LNER          115                         SK           E12684E                 18

LNER          155                         SK           E12962E                 18

LNER          155                         SK           E13029E                 18

LNER          167                         RB           E9125E                   18

LNER          212                         BSK        E16698E                 18

LNER          296                         CK           E18403E                 18

LNER          296                         CK           E18409E                 18


BR              24                          RB           E1715                     19

BR              146                         SK           E24571                   19

BR              146                         SK           E24575                   19

LNER          328                         CK           E1228E                   19

LNER          328                         CK           E18503E                 19

LNER          329                         SK           E1000E                   19

LNER          329                         SK           E1435E                   19

LNER          345                         BCK        E1140E                   19

LNER          346                         BSK        E1938E                   19




John Isherwood.

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Non-corridor stock; the 'parallel universe' content will be self-apparent :-




ORIGIN       DIAGRAM               TYPE                     NUMBER                RAKE


BR              311                         C                            W41059                  04           

BR              371                         BS                          W43104                  04           

BR              371                         BS                          W43109                  04 


GWR           E116                       BC                          W7576W                 05           

GWR           E116                       BC                          W7577W                 05 


GWR           E140                       BC                          W6447W                 06           

GWR           E140                       BC                          W6448W                 06 


GWR           A31                        AUTOCOACH          W203W                   07            KIT

GWR           A31                        AUTOCOACH          W211W                   07            KIT


LMS            1736                       CL                          M19183M                17           

LMS            1737                       BSL                        M25260M                17           

LMS            1737                       BSL                        M25270M                17 


GWR           A28                        AUTOCOACH          W179W                   20           

GWR           A39                        AUTOCOACH          W220W THRUSH     20           



John Isherwood.

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NPCCS; includes some highly unlikely interlopers :-




ORIGIN       DIAGRAM               TYPE                                                   NUMBER                RAKE


BR              800                        IFV (BLUE SPOT)                                  E87123                   21           

BR              801                        IFV (BLUE SPOT)                                  E87713                   21           

BR              801                        IFV (BLUE SPOT)                                  E87719                   21           

GWR           K 22                       BG                                                       W1150W                 21           

GWR           O  4                        VFV (LOW SIPHON)                              W1870W                 21           

GWR           S  6                        FISH                                                     W2091W                 21           

GWR           S 10                       FISH (BLOATER)                                   W2679W                 21           

LMS                                          BG (PERIOD III)                                     M31240M                21           

LMS            2059                       FISH                                                     M39464                   21           

LMS            2115                       FISH                                                     M40327                   21


BR              751                        HB                                                        M96304                   22           

BR              751                        HB                                                        S96412                   22           

GWR           N 16                       HB                                                        W663W                   22           

GWR           N 16                       HB                                                       W701W                   22           

GWR           P 16                       CCT (MONSTER)                                  W491W                   22           

GWR           P 19                       CCT (PYTHON)                                     W567W                   22           

GWR           P 25                       CCT                                                     W37237M 22           

SR              3094                       BY                                                       S14S                      22


GWR           O 38                       MILK TANKER                                      W2543                    23           

GWR           O 39                       MILK TANKER                                      W2591                    23           

SR              3093                       B                                                         S375S                    23           

GWR           O 52                       MILK TANKER                                      W1954                    24           

GWR           O 52                       MILK TANKER                                      W1963                    24           

LNER          358                        BZ (THOMPSON)                                 E70649E                 24


GWR           O 12                       CCT (SIPHON H)                                  W1430                    25           

GWR           O 31                       MILK VAN (SIPHON J)                          W2049W                 25           

GWR           O 56                       MILK TANKER                                      B3186                     25           

GWR           O 61                       MILK TANKER                                      B3198                     25           

LMS            1778                       BG (PERIOD I)                                     M30542M                25           

LMS            1936                       MILK VAN                                            M38550M                25           

LMS            1994                       MILK TANKER                                      M44038                   25            KIT

LMS            1994                       MILK TANKER                                      M44059                   25            KIT

LMS            2002                       CREAM VAN CORRIDOR                      M38998M                25           


BR              805                        VFV (FRUIT D)                                      W3415W                 26           

GWR           K 40                       BG                                                       W3W                      26           

GWR           O  7                        SAUSAGE VAN (SIPHON F)                  W1546W                 26           

GWR           O 46                       SAUSAGE VAN                                    W2801W                 26           

LMS            1883A                     MEAT                                                   M38709                   26            KIT

LMS            1955                       SAUSAGE VAN                                    M38732M                26           

LMS            1957                       SAUSAGE VAN                                    M38876M                26           

LMS            1958                       SAUSAGE VAN                                    M38730M                26           

LMS            2001                       SAUSAGE VAN CORRIDOR                  M38878M                26


BR              711                        BG                                                       M80748                   27           

BR              811                        GUV                                                     S86732                   27           

LMS            2007                       BG (PERIOD III)                                     M30965M                27           

SR              960                        PMV (Ex SECR)                                    S2005S                   27           

SR              3101                       CCT                                                      S1753S                   27           

SR              3101                       CCT                                                      S1765S                   27           

SR              3101                       CCT                                                      S2453S                   27            KIT

SR              3103                       PMV                                                     S1280S                   27            KIT

SR              3103                       PMV                                                     S1327S                   27           

SR              3105                       PMV (PLASTIC BODIED)                       S1407S                   27            KIT


BR              711                        BG                                                       E80801                   28           

BR              815                        CCT(Y) (PROTOTYPE)                           E94100E                 28           

GWR           O 11                       MILK VAN CORRIDOR (SIPHON G)        W1280                    28           

GWR           O 33                       MILK VAN CORRIDOR (SIPHON G)        W2938W                 28           

LMS            1929                       CCT                                                      M35556M                28           

LMS            2023                       CCT                                                      M44315M                28           

LMS            2042                       CCT                                                      M34999                   28            KIT


BR              810                        GUV (PROTOTYPE)                              W86500                  29           

BR              811                        GUV                                                     W86470                  29           

BR              816                        CCT                                                      E94341                   29           

BR              822                         CARTIC-4 CAR TRANSPORTER                                           29            KIT

GWR           P 18                       PMV(G) (GIANT)                                    W591W                   29           

LMS            2000                       BGZ (PERIOD III)                                   M32915M                29           

LMS            1870                       CCT                                                      M37762M                30           

LNER                                        CCT©                                                  E1345E                   30           

LNER          327                        BG (THOMPSON, MATCHBOARD)         E70625E                 30            KIT

LNER          344                        BG (THOMPSON, STEEL)                      E10E                      30           

LNER          120                         BY (GRESLEY)                                     E70214E                 30           

LNER          245                         BG (GRESLEY)                                     E70755E                 30           

SR              3098                       PMV(G)                                                S2355S                   30           

SR              3100                       PMV(G)                                                S2305S                   30          

         SR           3182                       CCT                                                      S4601S                   30



John Isherwood.

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Sorry - a vital statistic - 9.5 x 3.0 metres or roughly 31' x 10';  in 4mm. scale.



John Isherwood.


1) Given the stock that you have built, what is your minimum curve radius?

2) What other constraints (e.g. timber support struts) have you got in the loft?


I ask because, in principle, you should be able to model it properly - including the junction, branch sidings, etc. I have considered it often enough and there was also a 4mm scale model built around 30 years ago (Shipley MRC???) which was about this size.

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1) Given the stock that you have built, what is your minimum curve radius?

2) What other constraints (e.g. timber support struts) have you got in the loft?


I ask because, in principle, you should be able to model it properly - including the junction, branch sidings, etc. I have considered it often enough and there was also a 4mm scale model built around 30 years ago (Shipley MRC???) which was about this size.

I think the Shipley layout had quite a few compromises.

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1) Given the stock that you have built, what is your minimum curve radius?

2) What other constraints (e.g. timber support struts) have you got in the loft?


I ask because, in principle, you should be able to model it properly - including the junction, branch sidings, etc. I have considered it often enough and there was also a 4mm scale model built around 30 years ago (Shipley MRC???) which was about this size.




My shunting plank has Peco Code 75 Medium Radius points in a back-to-back crossover formation, and all stock has to negotiate this.


The proposed layout uses Peco Large Radius pointwork wherever possible, with a minimum of Medium Radius in low speed areas - mostly within the storage yard.


The loft is going to need some quite extensive modification of the roof trusses and joists, plus the installation of a couple of Velux windows. Fortunately my brother is an architect!


I could certainly accommodate the prototypical track layout of EJ within the loft - but not with the return curves and stock storage space that I need for a roundy-roundy, watch the trains go by layout.



John Isherwood.

Edited by cctransuk
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..... and now the big 'un - freight stock. I like building wagons - can you tell?




ORIGIN       DIAGRAM               LOAD      TYPE                                                                  NUMBER


BR                                                           CRANE MATCH WAGON (15T CRANE)                  DW107105              U/C

BR                                            6.5          HAND CRANE                                                      272         

BR                                            10T          ROADRAILER LOW OPEN                                    B540001

BR                                            15T          DIESEL PERMANENT WAY CRANE                                                   U/C

BR              DD 7                                    DRINKING WATER TANKER (2000gal)                   100                         KIT

BR              1/001                      13T          LOWFIT OPEN                                                     B450040

BR              1/001                      13T          LOWFIT OPEN                                                     B450394                KIT

BR              1/002                      13T          LOWFIT OPEN (STEEL) (Lot 2194)                        B450667

BR              1/002                      13T          LOWFIT OPEN (STEEL) (Lot 2998)                        B453287

BR              1/003                      13T          PIG IRON OPEN                                                   B451587

BR              1/018                      13T          SHOCK MEDIUM OPEN                                       B474812

BR              1/019                      13T          MEDFIT OPEN                                                     B459967

BR              1/019                      13T          PALWAG PALLET BRICK OPEN                           B??????                KIT

BR              1/022                      16T          PALBRICK B OPEN                               B462160

BR              1/032                      13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                     B475043

BR              1/033                      13T          HIGH OPEN                                                         B483733                KIT

BR              1/035                      12T          SHOCK HIGH OPEN                                             B721064

BR              1/036                      12T          SHOCK HYBAR OPEN                                         B721312

BR              1/038                      13T          BRICK OPEN (EXPERIMENTAL)                           B748502                KIT

BR              1/039                      13T          HYBARFIT OPEN (Lot 2179)                                 B478136

BR              1/040                      12T          SHOCK HYBARFIT OPEN                                     B722064

BR              1/042                      13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                     B483866                KIT

BR              1/044                      13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                     B494955

BR              1/050       12T          SHOCK HYBARFIT OPEN                                                    B724287

BR              1/051       13T          CHINA CLAY (WOODEN)                                                     B743874

BR              1/055       21T          FERRY HYBAR                                                                   B715010                KIT

BR              1/056       12T          SHOCK HYBARFIT OPEN (Lot 3082)                                    B?                          KIT

BR              1/056       12T          SHOCK HYBARFIT OPEN (Lot 3275)                                    B725977                KIT

BR              1/060       22T          CONFLAT P                                                                        B933249                KIT

BR              1/061       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                       B735233 

BR              1/061       13T          CONFLAT A (Lot 2106, LMS U/F)                                         B735019

BR              1/062       12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B735833

BR              1/062       12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B737393

BR              1/064       14T          CONFLAT L                                                                         B738545                KIT

BR              1/064       14T          CONFLAT L                                                                         B?????1                KIT

BR              1/065       12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B739000                KIT

BR              1/065       12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B739492                KIT

BR              1/065       12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B739887                KIT

BR              1/066       14T          CONFLAT L                                                                         B733778

BR              1/067       11T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B704307

BR              1/067       12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B700007

BR              1/068       14T          CONFLAT L                                                                         B?????2                KIT

BR              1/069       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B507347

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734575

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734576

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734577

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734578

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734579

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734580

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734581

BR              1/070       13T          CONFLAT A                                                                        B734582

BR              1/071       13T          SAND                                                                                 B746398

BR              1/073       13T          SAND                                                                                 B746763

BR              1/076       12T          CONFLAT B                                                                        B740327

BR              1/076       12T          CONFLAT B                                                                        B740503

BR              1/091       12T          CARFIT                                                                               B748050                KIT

BR              1/098                      MATCH WAGON                                                                 B456201

BR              1/099                      MATCH WAGON                                                                 B456125

BR              1/100       16T          MINERAL                                                                               B9774  

BR              1/100       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B197525

BR              1/102       16T          MINERAL                                                                              B15578 

BR              1/102       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B20674  

BR              1/106       16T          MINERAL                                                                              B67753 

BR              1/106       16T          MINERAL                                                                              B67789 

BR              1/108       16T          MINERAL                                                                              B555262              

BR              1/108       16T          MINERAL                                                                              B87752 

BR              1/108       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B231709

BR              1/108       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B241167

BR              1/108       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B550220

BR              1/108       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B131164 

BR              1/109       16T          MINERAL                                                                           B261650 

BR              1/110       21T          MINERAL                                                                           B200392 

BR              1/111       16T          MINERAL                                                                           B138957 

BR              1/112       16T          MINERAL                                                                           B193827 

BR              1/114       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B68928   

BR              1/115       24.5         MINERAL                                                                           B281816 

BR              1/117       16T          MINERAL                                                                            B58423

BR              1/120       21T          MINERAL                                                                            ?                            KIT

BR              1/142       13T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                             B400914                KIT

BR              1/145       21T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                             B416875

BR              1/145       21T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                             B416905

BR              1/146       21T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                             B422611

BR              1/148       24.5         MINERAL HOPPER                                                             B333064

BR              1/148       24.5         MINERAL HOPPER                                                             B333333

BR              1/150       20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                  B447342

BR              1/150       20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                  B447488

BR              1/151       20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                  B447650

BR              1/152       20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                  B448728

BR              1/152       20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                  B449170

BR              1/162       24T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            B436265

BR              1/162       24T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            B436284

BR              1/185       26T          IRON ORE TIPPLER                                                            B388301

BR              1/190                      ADAPTER WAGON FOR ROADRAILER                B540901

BR              1/190                      ADAPTER WAGON FOR ROADRAILER                B540904

BR              1/190                      ADAPTER WAGON FOR ROADRAILER                B540906

BR              1/204       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B751695

BR              1/204       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B751712

BR              1/204       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B751761

BR              1/205       12T          VAN                                                                                   B753389

BR              1/207       12T          SHOCK VANFIT                                                                  B850188

BR              1/208       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B761302

BR              1/208       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B763416

BR              1/208       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B765233

BR              1/208       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B771248

BR              1/208       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B778750

BR              1/208       12T          VANFIT (EXPERIMENTAL)                                                   B778392

BR              1/210       24T          POWDER HOPPER                                              B886312 

BR              1/210       24T          POWDER HOPPER                                              B886313                 KIT

BR              1/210       24T          POWDER HOPPER                                              B886832 

BR              1/211       12T          PALLET VAN (CLASP BRAKES)                                          B779569

BR              1/211       12T          PALLET VAN (MORTON BRAKES)                                       B776539

BR              1/211       12T          PALLET VAN (MORTON BRAKES)                                       B776???                KIT

BR              1/212       12T          MARGARINE VAN                                                               B762318                KIT

BR              1/212       12T          MARGARINE VAN                                                               B762413

BR              1/213       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B765635

BR              1/213       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B776024               

BR              1/214       12T          END DOOR VAN                                                                 B773255                KIT

BR              1/214       12T          END DOOR VAN                                                                 B773259                KIT

BR              1/218       12T          SHOCK VANFIT                                                                  B854929

BR              1/219       12T          SHOCK PALLET VAN (SLIDING DOORS)                             B?                          KIT

BR              1/220       12T          SHOCK VANFIT                                                                  B855028

BR              1/224       12T          VANFIT                                                                               B786165

BR              1/227       20.5         FERRY VAN                                                                       B786873

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                             B840001

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                             B840002

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                             B840005

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                             B840014

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                            B840018 

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                            B840021 

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                            B840037 

BR              1/228       10T          ROADRAILER VAN                                                            B840048 

BR              1/230       12T          FRUIT VAN (Lot 2018)                                                          B875121

BR              1/230       12T          FRUIT VAN (Lot 2135)                                                          B875472

BR              1/232       12T          FRUIT VAN                                                                         B754489

BR              1/233       12T          FRUIT VAN                                                                         B875781

BR              1/242       8T           BANANA VAN                                                                     B880554

BR              1/242       8T           BANANA VAN                                                                     B880876

BR              1/243       8T           BANANA VAN                                                                    B881176 

BR              1/244       8T           BANANA VAN                                                                     B881548

BR              1/246       12T          BANANA VAN                                                                     B881802

BR              1/246       12T          BANANA VAN                                                                     B881972

BR              1/250       10T          ALE VAN (Ex MEAT)                                                           B870077

BR              1/250       10T          ALE VAN (Ex MEAT)                                                           B870123

BR              1/250       10T          VENTILATED MEAT VAN                                                     B870039

BR              1/251       10T          INSUL-MEAT INSULATED VAN                                            B872039

BR              1/251       10T          INSUL-MEAT INSULATED VAN                                            B872167

BR              1/261       11T          GUNPOWDER                                                                    B887151

BR              1/271       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885178                U/C

BR              1/271       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885405

BR              1/271       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885500

BR              1/271       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885624

BR              1/271       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885702

BR              1/272       22T          PRESFLO CEMENT HOPPER                               B873179

BR              1/272       22T          PRESFLO CEMENT HOPPER                               B887804

BR              1/272       22T          PRESFLO CEMENT HOPPER                               B887818

BR              1/272       22T          PRESFLO SALT HOPPER (I.C.I.)                                         B888189 

BR              1/272       22T          PRESFLO SALT HOPPER (I.C.I.)                                         B888190 

BR              1/274       20T          PRESTWIN SILO WAGON                                                    B873004

BR              1/275       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885512

BR              1/275       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    B885600

BR              1/277       20T          PRESTWIN SILO WAGON                                                    B873374

BR              1/291       14T          FERRY VAN                                                                       B889009

BR              1/292       14T          FERRY VAN (BOGIE)                                                          B889201

BR              1/307       20T          TANKER-TOWNSON TANKERS                                           TT R1      

BR              1/351       12T          CATTLE                                                                              B891313                KIT

BR              1/352       12T          CATTLE                                                                              B892137

BR              1/353       8T           CATTLE                                                                              B893778

BR              1/353       8T           CATTLE                                                                              B893834

BR              1/353       8T           CATTLE                                                                              B893893

BR              1/353       8T           CATTLE                                                                              B894215

BR              1/400       13T          SINGLE BOLSTER                                                              B910264

BR              1/401       13T          SINGLE BOLSTER                                                              B913827

BR              1/401       42T          STRIP COIL BOGIE OPEN                                                   B949007                KIT

BR              1/431       22T         WINKLE S&T OPEN                                                            DB?       

BR              1/434       22T          PLATE OPEN                                                                      B936517

BR              1/448       22T          TUBE (BATTEN) OPEN                                                        B733213

BR              1/449       22T          FERRY TUBE (BATTEN) OPEN                                            B733225

BR              1/460       12T          PIPE OPEN                                                                        B740674

BR              1/461       12T          PIPEFIT OPEN                                                                    B740300                KIT

BR              1/471       30T          BOGIE BOLSTER C                                              B943072

BR              1/471       30T          PRAWN S.& T. BOGIE BOLSTER C                                     DB997608              

BR              1/472       42T          BOGIE BOLSTER D                                                            B941249                KIT

BR              1/472       42T          BOGIE BOLSTER D                                                            B941621                KIT

BR              1/479       30T          BOGIE BOLSTER E                                              B923314

BR              1/479       30T          BOGIE BOLSTER E                                              B923388

BR              1/482       50T          BORAIL EC                                                                         B946068

BR              1/492       42T          BOPLATE OPEN                                                                 B948261

BR              1/502       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B950583

BR              1/503       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B950248

BR              1/505       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B950122

BR              1/506       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B950866

BR              1/506       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B950914

BR              1/506       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B951535

BR              1/506       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B952516

BR              1/506       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B952519

BR              1/506       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B952543

BR              1/507       20T          BRAKE                                                                               B955162

BR              1/566       10T          STARFISH BALLAST OPEN                                                 DB987026              

BR              1/570       20T          LAMPREY BALLAST OPEN                                                 DB991010              

BR              1/572       20T          GRAMPUS BALLAST OPEN                                                DB984587              

BR              1/572       20T          GRAMPUS BALLAST OPEN                                                DB986244              

BR              1/573       14T          MERMAID BALLAST TIPPER                                               DB989069              

BR              1/574       20T          GRAMPUS BALLAST OPEN                                                DB988588              

BR              1/574       20T          GRAMPUS BALLAST OPEN                                                DB991538              

BR              1/582       20T          HERRING BALLAST HOPPER                               DB99????               KIT

BR              1/583       17T          MACKEREL BALLAST HOPPER                                          DB992???               KIT

BR              1/584       20T          HERRING BALLAST HOPPER                               DB992???               KIT

BR              1/585       40T          WALRUS BOGIE BALLAST HOPPER                                   DB991010               KIT

BR              1/585       40T          WALRUS BOGIE BALLAST HOPPER                                   DB992491              

BR              1/586       19T          CATFISH BALLAST HOPPER                                               DB992661              

BR              1/587       24T          DOGFISH BALLAST HOPPER                                             DB992718              

BR              1/597       20T          SHARK BALLAST PLOUGH BRAKE                                     DB993711              

BR              1/620       14T          MINNOW SLEEPER OPEN                                                  DB995503              

BR              1/633       14T          CREOSOTE TANKER (ANCHOR MOUNTED)                        DB998918              

BR              1/636       22T          CREOSOTE TANKER                                                          DB998988              

BR              1/644       50T          SALMON BOGIE RAIL WAGON                                            B996357

BR              1/645       50T          STURGEON A RAIL/SLEEPER/BALLAST WAGON DB994802              

BR              1/646       50T          SALMON BOGIE RAIL WAGON                                            B996500

BR              2/001       40T          ARM WE BOGIE ARMOUR PLATE FLAT                              B908502

BR              2/072       12T          CONFLAT B                                                                        B906804

BR              2/072       12T          FLAT ED FLAT WAGON                                                      B906802

BR              2/150       40T          GIRDER WAGON GIRDER WG (HALF)                                 B90750?                KIT

BR              2/173       12T          GLASS EP TRESTLE TROLLEY                                           B902049                KIT

BR              2/244       14T          LOWMAC EK                                                                      B905021

BR              2/246       25T          LOWMAC WBB                                                                   B904631

BR              2/246       25T          LOWMAC WBB                                                                   B904632

BR              2/294       8T           CAR TRANSPORTER CARTIC-4 INNER                 B909501                KIT

BR              2/294       8T           CAR TRANSPORTER CARTIC-4 INNER                 B909502                KIT

BR              2/295       8T           CAR TRANSPORTER CARTIC-4 OUTER                B909401                KIT

BR              2/295       8T           CAR TRANSPORTER CARTIC-4 OUTER                B909402                KIT

BR              2/490       21T          TRESTLE EA OPEN                                                            B920145

BR              2/512       20T          FLATROL MVV TROLLEY                                                    B900042                KIT

BR              2/681       55T          TRESTROL EC BOGIE TROLLEY                                         B901600

BR              2/682       40T          TRESTROL MO BOGIE TROLLEY                                        B?                          KIT

BR              2/900       20T          FLATROL WW MACHINERY TROLLEY                                 DB?                        KIT

ExPO                         8T           CHINA CLAY (WOODEN)                                                     P351743

ExPO                         13T          CHINA CLAY (WOODEN)                                                     P270732                KIT

ExPO                         13T          COKE (WOODEN)                                                               P99336  

ExPO                         13T          MINERAL (WOODEN)                                                            P41319 

ExPO                         13T          MINERAL (WOODEN)                                                            P99283 

ExPO                         13T          MINERAL (WOODEN)                                                          P153893

ExPO                         20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                 P203085 

ExPO                         21T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            P138282

ExPO                         21T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            P218521

ExPO                         21T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            P390227 

ExPO                         21T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            P8233     

ExPO                         21T          MINERAL                                                                            P160073K             

ExPO                         21T          MINERAL                                                                            P193827

ExPO                         21T          MINERAL                                                                            P332846

ExPO                         21T          MINERAL                                                                            P339371K             

ExPO                         21T          MINERAL (WOODEN)                                                            P89192 

ExPO                         24T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            P209924

ExPO                         24T          IRON ORE HOPPER                                                            P354881

GWR                                         CRANE MATCH WAGON (1.5T CRANE)                 611         

GWR                                         CRANE MATCH WAGON (6T CRANE)                                    DW250 

GWR                          1.5T        HAND CRANE                                                                     611         

GWR                          6T           HAND CRANE                                                                     250         

GWR             C 2        65T          WELTROL WH                                                                       W41947

GWR             C27       65T          WELTROL WH                                                                       W41973

GWR             D 2        12T          GLASS WB TRESTLE TROLLEY                                            W41717

GWR             G 9        12T          CARTRUCK                                                                           W42075

GWR             G21       12T          CARFIT                                                                                 W42179                KIT

GWR             G24       10T          CAR VAN                                                                            W42254 

GWR             G25       10T          CAR VAN                                                                            W42230 

GWR             G26       10T          CAR VAN                                                                           W116982 

GWR             G31       12T          CAR VAN                                                                           W126992 

GWR             H 6        12T          CONFLAT A                                                                          W39036

GWR             H 7        12T          CONFLAT                                                                             W36488

GWR             H 7        12T          CONFLAT                                                                             W39341

GWR             H 8        12T          CONFLAT A                                                                        W39930 

GWR             H 9        12T          CONFLAT                                                                             W36050                KIT

GWR             H10       12T          CONFLAT                                                                             W36551                KIT

GWR             H11       12T          CONFLAT                                                                             W34984                KIT

GWR             J21        30T          BOGIE BOLSTER C                                                W84922

GWR             J25        25T          BOGIE BOLSTER A                                              W107364

GWR             J31        30T          BOGIE BOLSTER C                                                W17321

GWR             L21        10T          MATCH WAGON                                                                 W48954  

GWR             L23        12T          MATCH WAGON                                                                 W32432                 KIT

GWR             M 4                       SHUNTERS TRUCK                                                W94976

GWR             N13       10T          LOCO COAL                                                                          W9766 

GWR             N14       40T          LOCO COAL (BOGIE)                                                            W53991

GWR             N23       21T          MINERAL                                                                            W109663

GWR             N24       21T          MINERAL                                                                            W109956

GWR             N24       21T          MINERAL                                                                            W110496

GWR             N30       10T          LOCO COAL                                                                         W23611

GWR             N33       13T          LOCO COAL (WOODEN)                                                       W42732                KIT

GWR             O 5        10T          CRANE MATCH WAGON (6.5T CRANE)                 DW10670              

GWR             O10       10T          HYBARFIT OPEN                                                                  W29999

GWR             O11       10T          HIGH OPEN                                                                          W92169

GWR             O13       12T          CHINA CLAY (WOODEN)                                                       W92681

GWR             O19       13T          TUBE OPEN (OPEN C)                                                          W94834

GWR             O29       13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        W117426

GWR             O29       13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        W119970

GWR             O30       13T          HIGH OPEN (STEEL)                                                           W124174

GWR             O30       13T          HIGH OPEN (STEEL)                                                           W124189

GWR             O34       13T          TUBE OPEN                                                                       W99612  

GWR             O35       13T          MEDFIT OPEN (FOR DX CONTAINERS)                  W36459                KIT

GWR             O36       13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        W110995 KIT

GWR             P22       20T          HERRING BALLAST HOPPER                               DW?????               KIT

GWR             P23       20T          TUNNEY BALLAST OPEN                                                    DW80813              

GWR             R 1        16T          ALE OPEN (Ex MANURE WAGON)                                        W36985                KIT

GWR             T11        14T          SLEEPER OPEN     DW14713              

GWR             T12        16T          TAUNTON CONCRETE OPEN                               DW100682             

GWR             T12        18T          CHAIRED SLEEPER WAGON                               DW100675             

GWR             V 1        30T          INTERNAL USER VAN                                                           060268  

GWR             V 4        10T          VANFIT                                                                                 W79253                KIT

GWR             V 5        10T          VAN                                                                                   W79018                 KIT

GWR             V 6        10T          SAWDUST WAGON (Ex IRON MINK)                                       DW241

GWR             V 6        10T          STATION STORES VAN                                                       DW57575              

GWR             V11       10T          ENPARTS (Ex MINK D)                                                       DW28797              

GWR             V11       12T          FRUIT VAN (Ex MINK D)                                                        W28798

GWR             V16       10T          VAN                                                                                   W100257

GWR             V16       10T          VAN                                                                                   W95915  

GWR             V20       20T          GRAIN HOPPER (WOODEN)                                                 W42239

GWR             V21       12T          VANFIT                                                                               W114488

GWR             V25       20T         GRAIN HOPPER (STEEL)                                                    W?                         U/C

GWR             V26       12T          PARTITIONED VAN                                              W126938

GWR             V28       12T          SHOCK VANFIT                                                                  W139547 

GWR             V30       8T           ALE VAN (Ex CATTLE)                                                          W38659

GWR             W 1       12T          CATTLE                                                                                W38775

GWR             W 1       12T          CATTLE                                                                                W38877

GWR             W 5       12T          CATTLE                                                                                W68416

GWR             W 7       6T           SPECIAL CATTLE VAN                                                        W?W                      KIT

GWR             W 8       12T          CATTLE                                                                              W106431

GWR             W10       12T          CATTLE                                                                              W106289

GWR             W11       12T          CATTLE                                                                              W106679

GWR             W12       12T          CATTLE                                                                              W106709

GWR             X 7        8T           VENT-INSUL-MEAT VAN                                                      W79950  

GWR             X 8        8T           VENT-INSUL-MEAT VAN                                                      W105872

GWR             X 9        8T           INSUL-MEAT INSUL. VAN                                                    W105821

GWR             Y 4        10T          BANANA VAN                                                                       W93370                KIT

GWR             Y 6        10T          BANANA VAN                                                                       W79348

GWR             Y 6        10T          BANANA VAN                                                                       W79354                KIT

GWR             Y 7        10T          BANANA VAN                                                                     W105642 KIT

GWR             Y 8        12T          FRUIT VAN                                                                         W134241

GWR             Y 8        12T          FRUIT VAN                                                                         W134251 

GWR             Y 8        12T          FRUIT VAN                                                                         W134312 

GWR             Y10       8T           FRUIT VAN (Ex CATTLE)                                                     W106200

GWR             Z 2        10T          GUNPOWDER                                                                    W105557

GWR           AA14      24T          P.W. BRAKE                                                                       DW14678              

GWR           AA15      20T          BRAKE                                                                                 W56735

GWR           AA16      10T          S.& T. TOOL VAN                                                                DW80796              

GWR           AA20      20T          BRAKE                                                                                 W68816

GWR           CC 7       10T          S.& T. TOOL VAN                                                                DW80987               KIT

GWR           CC 8       10T          M.& E. TOOL & PACKING VAN                                               DW143                KIT

GWR           DD                        TWIN GAS TANK                                                                 W104W                   KIT

LMS              11D       30T          BORAIL                                                                              DM748319             

LMS              11D       30T          BORAIL                                                                              DM748326             

LMS              19F        50T          BORAIL MD                                                                        M720941

LMS              54A       25T          LOWMAC MO                                                                     M?                         KIT

LMS            135A       60T          TRANSFORMER MA                                                           M168906                 KIT

LMS            1659        20T          BRAKE                                                                               M357532

LMS            1660        10T          BANANA VAN                                                                     M310554

LMS            1661        12T          CATTLE                                                                              M14400   

LMS            1663        12T          VAN                                                                                      M5803 

LMS            1664        12T          VAN                                                                                   M330393                KIT

LMS            1665        11T          GUNPOWDER                                                                    M287211

LMS            1666        13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        M153532

LMS            1666        13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        M156572                KIT

LMS            1666        13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        M234418                KIT

LMS            1666        13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        M282102

LMS            1666        13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        M363284

LMS            1671        13T          MINERAL (WOODEN)                                                          M601823                KIT

LMS            1672A      8T           INSUL-MEAT INSULATED VAN                                            M189544

LMS            1675        22T          TUBE OPEN                                                                       M499107

LMS            1675        22T          TUBE OPEN                                                                       M499435

LMS            1708        40T          MINERAL HOPPER (BOGIE)                                                M189314

LMS            1729        20T          COKE HOPPER                                                                  M299943

LMS            1805        16T          OYSTER BALLAST PLOUGH BRAKE                                   DM197265             

LMS            1806        20T          CEMENT HOPPER                                                              M299894

LMS            1830        12T          VAN                                                                                   M186000

LMS            1840        12T          CATTLE                                                                              M?                          KIT

LMS            1840        12T          CATTLE                                                                              M??                        KIT

LMS            1890        20T          BRAKE                                                                               M296784

LMS            1892        13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                                    M411459

LMS            1927        13T          MEDFIT OPEN                                                                    M470273

LMS            1940        20T          BRAKE                                                                               M295516

LMS            1950        13T          SINGLE BOLSTER                                                              M722700

LMS            1951        20T          SODA ASH                                                                         M689009                KIT

LMS            1973        21T          LOCO COAL                                                                       M750004

LMS            1976        12T          CONFLAT                                                                           M705314

LMS            1978        12T          VAN                                                                                   M511666

LMS            1978        12T          VANFIT                                                                               M510751

LMS            1986        13T          LOWFIT OPEN                                                                    M460928                KIT

LMS            2022        16T          SODA ASH                                                                         M689143                KIT

LMS            2036        20T          BRAKE                                                                               M731188

LMS            2069        20T          PLATE OPEN                                                                      M498??   ?             KIT

LMS            2070        12T          VAN                                                                                   M515214                KIT

LMS            2077        9T           TWIN CASE                                                                        M315810                KIT

LMS            2077        9T           TWIN CASE                                                                        M600828                KIT

LMS            2078        12T          VAN                                                                                   M523511

LMS            2079        12T          VANFIT                                                                               M521487

LMS            2080        12T          FLATCASE                                                                           M72156 

LMS            2088        12T          VANFIT                                                                               M521120

LMS            2097        12T          VANFIT                                                                               M521893                KIT

LMS            2098        12T          HADDOCK SLEEPER OPEN                                               DM749325             

LMS            2102        13T          MINERAL                                                                            M609865

LMS            2102        13T          MINERAL                                                                            M609935

LMS            2105        21T          DOUBLE BOLSTER                                              M726533

LMS            2108        12T          FISH VAN                                                                           M525333

LMS            2109        16T          MINERAL                                                                            M616285                KIT

LMS            2109        16T          MINERAL                                                                            M616703

LMS            2109        16T          MINERAL                                                                            M616732

LMS            2109        16T          MINERAL                                                                            M617620

LMS            2111        10T          BANANA VAN                                                                     M570092

LMS            2134        16T          MINERAL                                                                            M620280

LMS            2152        12T          SHOCK MEDIUM OPEN                                                      M489000

LMS            ExLNW    16T          FLATROL (CHEMICAL PAN TROLLEY)                                 M249995

LMS            ExMR      8T           CATTLE                                                                              M23014  

LMS            ExMR      8T           INTERNAL USER VAN                                                           013958  

LMS            ExMR      20T          SIX-WHEEL BRAKE                                                            M17        

LMS            ExMR      20T          SIX-WHEEL BRAKE (Dia.1045?)                                              M495  

LNER             3          13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                        E40531  

LNER             8          25T          BOPLATE OPEN                                                                E139523 

LNER            12          20T          COKE HOPPER (WOODEN)                                                E162100

LNER            14          12T          VAN                                                                                   E151253

LNER            14          12T          VAN                                                                                   E167463

LNER            16          12T          VANFIT                                                                               E151467

LNER            28          45T          BOGIE FLAT ES *BOGIE BOLSTER D?                                E139627

LNER            60          12T          CONFLAT C                                                                        E159738

LNER            60          12T          CONFLAT C                                                                        E159740

LNER            63          13T          MINERAL (WOODEN)                                                          E224464

LNER            64          20T          BRAKE (TOAD E)                                                                E168026

LNER            64          20T          BRAKE (TOAD E)                                                                E178595

LNER            69          50T          SULPHATE BOGIE OPEN                                                    E164830

LNER            70          50T          BOGIE BRICK OPEN                                                           E163535

LNER            70          50T          BOGIE BRICK OPEN                                                           E163555

LNER            70          50T          BOGIE BRICK OPEN                                                           E163559

LNER            73          20T          GRAIN HOPPER (WOODEN)                                               E164884

LNER            77          21T          LOCO COAL (WOODEN)                                                     E308552

LNER            92          13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                                    E218003

LNER            94          12T          VANFIT                                                                              E175011 

LNER          100         21T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                            E193254 

LNER          100         21T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                            E193265K              

LNER          100         21T          MINERAL HOPPER                                                            E289595K              

LNER          102         12T          VANFIT                                                                              E186548                 KIT

LNER          102         12T          VANFIT                                                                               E?                         KIT

LNER          104         13T          CONFLAT S                                                                        E178128

LNER          104         13T          CONFLAT S                                                                        E183531

LNER          105         40T          BOGIE BOLSTER D                                                            E?                         KIT

LNER          109         13T          LOWFIT OPEN                                                                   E230164 

LNER          116         12T          VANFIT                                                                              E211312 

LNER          120         13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                                    E214021                KIT

LNER          127         12T          PIPEFIT OPEN                                                                   E204395 

LNER          132         10T          CATTLE                                                                              E156201

LNER          134         10T          FISH VAN                                                                           E230027

LNER          134         10T          INSUL-FISH INSULATED VAN                               E230068

LNER          137         13T          MINERAL HOPPER (WOODEN)                                           E204086

LNER          152         12T          FRUIT VAN                                                                         E222632                KIT

LNER          152         12T          VANFIT                                                                               E222378

LNER          157         13T          CONFLAT S                                                                        E240798                KIT

LNER          161         12T          VANFIT                                                                               E236698                KIT

LNER          171         12T          VANFIT                                                                               E256761

LNER          173         25T          LOWMAC EP                                                                      E?                         KIT

LNER          186         13T          HIGH OPEN (STEEL)                                                           E277531

LNER          188         16T          MINERAL                                                                           E291452 

LNER          190         13T          HIGH OPEN (STEEL)                                                           E279203

LNER          195         12T          VANFIT                                                                               E298022                KIT

LNER          196         22T          PLATE OPEN                                                                      E292111

LNER          197         13T          SINGLE BOLSTER (STEEL)                                                 E292371

LNER          207         21T          LOCO COAL                                                                       E300316K             

LNER          214         12T          BLUE SPOT INSULATED FISH VAN                                     E75305  

LNER          214         12T          BLUE SPOT INSULATED FISH VAN                                      E75575  

LNER          215         13T          SODA ASH HYBAR OPEN                                                  E277544 

PO                                            INSULATED FERRY VAN-INTERFRIGO                 524113    

PO                                            TIERWAG BOGIE CAR WAGON-M.A.T.  ?            

PO                             18T         FERRY CHEMICAL TANKER - I.C.I. (DYESTUFFS)               352         

PO                             50T         WARFLAT                                                                           ?            

PO                             50T         WARWELL                                                                          1            

PO                             10T          CEMENT VAN-BLUE CIRCLE                                               177                         KIT

PO                             10T          CEMENT VAN-FERROCRETE                               167         

PO                             10T          CLASS B TANKER (TWIN)-SHELL BP                                   1581                       KIT

PO                             10T          SALT VAN (PEAKED ROOF)-SAXA                                     255         

PO                             12T          CLASS B TANKER-SHELL BP                                             1244       

PO                             14T          CLASS A TANKER (ANCHOR MOUNTED) - REGENT            24           

PO                             14T          CLASS A TANKER-ESSO                                                    1210                       KIT

PO                             14T          CLASS A TANKER-SHELL                                                   1746       

PO                             14T          CLASS B TANKER (ANCHOR MOUNTED) - REGENT            65           

PO                             14T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                    2760       

PO                             14T          CLASS B TANKER-SHELL BP                                               3951    

PO                             14T          TAR TANKER-B.& W.T.D.                                                    73           

PO                             14T          TAR TANKER-B.& W.T.D.                                                    76           

PO                             16.5T       FERRY CHEMICAL TANKER - I.C.I. (ARCTON)                      500400    

PO                             20T          AMMONIA TANKER-I.C.I.                                                     98          

PO                             20T          AMMONIA TANKER-W.D.                                                    339         

PO                             20T          CLASS A TANKER-ESSO                                                    ?                            KIT

PO                             20T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                      2300     

PO                             20T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                      2317    

PO                             20T          CLASS B TANKER-SHELL BP                                                 3967   

PO                             20T          FERRY CHEMICAL TANKER - I.C.I.                                      500721    

PO                             20T          METHANOL TANKER-I.C.I.                                                   308         

PO                             20T          METHANOL TANKER-I.C.I.                                                   382         

PO                             22T          AMMONIA TANKER-FISONS                                                M12/47   

PO                             22T          CEMENT VAN-A.P.C.M.                                                      ?                            KIT

PO                             22T          CLASS A TANKER-ESSO                                                        3200   

PO                             22T          CLASS A TANKER-ESSO                                                      4305    

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                      3300     

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                      3307     

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                      3313     

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                      3317    

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                        3331   

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-ESSO                                                        3362   

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-FINA                                                      237         

PO                             22T          CLASS B TANKER-REGENT                                                323         

PO                             22T          NITROGEN LIQUOR TANKER-FISONS                                    M12/34 

PO                             36T          CAUSTIC LIQUOR TANKER-I.C.I.                                          5600       

PO                             36T          CAUSTIC LIQUOR TANKER-I.C.I.                                          5601       

PO                             36T          CAUSTIC LIQUOR TANKER-I.C.I.                                          5695       

PO                             36T          CAUSTIC LIQUOR TANKER-I.C.I.                                          5702       

PO                             ?T            CLASS B TANKER-SHELL BP                                             4017       

PO              6/042       20T          CHLORINE TANKER-I.C.I.                                                    701         

PO              6/043       14T          CHLORINE TANKER-I.C.I.                                                    1307       

PO              6/043       14T          PHOSGENE TANKER-I.C.I.                                                  1297       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA 3       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA15       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA18       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                        LA20      

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                        LA21      

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA22       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA24       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA26       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA29       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA45       

PO              6/433       27T          CEMFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                       LA67      

PO              6/472       22T          PRESFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                      PF1        

PO              6/472       22T          PRESFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                      PF5        

PO              6/472       22T          PRESFLO CEMENT HOPPER - BLUE CIRCLE                      PF9        

PO              6/613       14T          CHLORINE TANKER-ASSOCIATED OCTEL                          907         

PO              SFV6120  20T          FERRY CLASS A TANKER - TRAFFIC SERVICES 500833    

PO              SFV6121  20T          FERRY CLASS B TANKER - TRAFFIC SERVICES 500827    

SR                             10T          LOCO SAND                                                                       DS178085              

SR                             45T          STEAM BREAKDOWN CRANE SET                                     DS1561                  KIT

SR                             45T          STEAM BREAKDOWN CRANE SET                                     DS????  

SR              1317       15T          STONE OPEN                                                                       S61124                 KIT

SR              1320       12T          GRAIN OPEN WITH SHEET RAIL                                            S8875  

SR              1376       12T          SHOCK HIGH OPEN                                                              S14042                 KIT

SR              1377       13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                                      S37625                 KIT

SR              1379       13T          HIGH OPEN                                                                          S30215                 KIT

SR              1383       15T          CONFLAT D                                                                          S39545                 KIT

SR              1386       21T          LOCO COAL (WOODEN)                                                       S402??                 KIT

SR              1386       21T          LOCO COAL (WOODEN)                                                       S40835 

SR              1400       13T          HIGHFIT OPEN                                                                    S11728                  KIT

SR              1428       12T          VANFIT                                                                                 S47830                 KIT

SR              1429       10T          VAN                                                                                     S45582 

SR              1452       12T          VANFIT                                                                                 S54273 

SR              1454       12T          VANFIT (ARC ROOF)                                                             S65980 

SR              1455       12T          VANFIT                                                                               S65929  

SR              1458       10T          VANFIT                                                                               S49820  

SR              1458       12T          VANFIT                                                                               S64921  

SR              1458       12T          VANFIT                                                                               S64930  

SR              1458       12T          VANFIT (PEAKED ROOF)                                                      S49363 

SR              1459       12T          VANFIT (PARTITIONED)                                                         S49190 

SR              1476       10T          INSUL-MEAT REFRIGERATED VAN                                     S?                          KIT

SR              1477       10T          INSUL-MEAT INSULATED VAN                                            S?                          KIT

SR              1478       10T          BANANA VAN                                                                       S50609                 KIT

SR              1478       10T          BANANA VAN                                                                     S?                          KIT

SR              1479       10T          BANANA VAN                                                                       S50787                 KIT

SR              1486       10T          VENTILATED MEAT VAN                                                     S51153  

SR              1529       10T          CATTLE                                                                              S53780                  KIT

SR              1530       10T          CATTLE                                                                                S52345                 KIT

SR              1541       10T          BRAKE                                                                                 S54730 

SR              1550       25T          BOGIE BRAKE                                                                      S56297 

SR              1550       25T          BOGIE BRAKE                                                                      S56306                 KIT

SR              1560       25T          P.W. BRAKE                                                                       DS55478

SR              1576       20T          BRAKE                                                                                 S55907                 KIT

SR              1578       25T          BRAKE                                                                               S55985                  KIT

SR              1579       25T          BRAKE                                                                                 S56094 

SR              1581       15T          BRAKE                                                                                 S55693                 KIT

SR              1582       25T          BRAKE                                                                                 S55147 

SR              1731       8T           LOCO DEPT. OPEN                                                            DS61732

SR              1749       20T          SHARK BALLAST PLOUGH BRAKE                                     DS62523                KIT

SR              1771       20T          TUNNEY BALLAST OPEN                                                    DS62004                KIT

SR              1772       40T          WALRUS BOGIE BALLAST HOPPER                                   DS62014                KIT

SR              1773       15T          LING BALLAST OPEN                                                         DS63021                KIT

SR              1774       40T          WALRUS BOGIE BALLAST HOPPER                                   DS62043

SR              1775       40T          WALRUS BOGIE BALLAST HOPPER                                   DS62058



John Isherwood.

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You will need quite a bit of storage. Did you say that everything was kit built?


Don't forget, everything stopped at Evercreech Junction to take water. 


Stock is from any and all sources - ancient Hornby Dublo, Tri-ang and Trix bodies, (detailed and rechassised), via every type and make of kit you can think of, to off-the-shelf RTR where it is of sufficient accuracy and quality.


The designation 'KIT' in my stocklists can indicate a full kit, down to a few suitable castings / etches, with wheels and couplings, to assist with scratchbuilding; (I use Peco / Hornby Dublo couplings exclusively).


If this project ever comes to fruition, running sessions will be either prototypical movements in sequence, with water stops compulsory; or roundy-roundy (non-stopping) trains whilst the operator indulges in yard shunting - as the mood takes !!



John Isherwood.

Edited by cctransuk
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Stock is from any and all sources - ancient Hornby Dublo, Tri-ang and Trix bodies, (detailed and rechassised), via every type and make of kit you can think of, to off-the-shelf RTR where it is of sufficient accuracy and quality.


The designation 'KIT' in my stocklists can indicate a full kit, down to a few suitable castings / etches, with wheels and couplings, to assist with scratchbuilding; (I use Peco / Hornby Dublo couplings exclusively).


If this project ever comes to fruition, running sessions will be either prototypical movements in sequence, with water stops compulsory; or roundy-roundy (non-stopping) trains whilst the operator indulges in yard shunting - as the mood takes !!



John Isherwood.

As it should be.

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