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Looks like we could be losing the quiet carriages now

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While I don't have a problem with 1st class disappearing off trains, considering that having 1st class sections on trains on suburban and outer suburban services is a bit pointless and wastes usable space, I'm not so sure about the the quiet carriages going as well. If I', travelling any distance and a quiet carriage is available I'll use it to get away from the yakking of people on their mobiles or watching movies and music on their tablets even with headphones...not to mention the screaming kids and couples having arguments!!! 


The quiet carriages are just a pleasant place to enjoy the journey and read a book in peace and quiet....well relative peace and quiet in a Mk 3

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I fear its going to become widespread, the Hull Trains open access operator from London up the ECML has taken them off in recent months. I asked one of the staff about it and they implied that it had become too difficult on very overloaded trains and they were being put in increasingly invidious positions trying to 'manage' it. Personally I think its a retrograde step, but I can see the antagonism isn't something you'd want to deal with every working day, probably not helped by them being only 5 coach trains, 1 first class, and the 1 quiet coach always being at the London end at KX so it gets the late arrivals, unbooked etc. I've seen people ripping off the quiet signs when confronted by passengers, others simply argue they cannot be heard, or have a right to use their phone. VTEC have the advantage theirs (for slum class anyway) are at the far end of much longer trains, but it doesn't always work well on those when the loadings are very high.


The last time I used a Eurostar they were trialling quiet coaches, so perhaps there is still some hope for those of us wanting some quiet, though I've no idea if that has been implemented fully

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It's only SWR that this refers to. XC removed then from Voyagers a while ago and I don't recall seeing a fuss about that...


On SWR they're probably only worth it on the long distance trains anyhow, and they're unenforceable in the peaks. I don't use trains off peak enough to know what it's like on them.

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Great shame.  I wish we had a whole train of quiet carriages.  Anything to get away from the constant nothing conversations on mobile phones....


As you say though, the biggest problem is enforcement as far too many simply ignore the rules and no one wants to get involved in a verbal battle.

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Great shame.  I wish we had a whole train of quiet carriages.  Anything to get away from the constant nothing conversations on mobile phones....


Some people still haven't worked out that if they use a phone it negates the need to shout to the other person.

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A shame I agree but the noisy majority are winning even in first class its getting bad my journey back from Glasgow in Feb was ruined by a group of increasingly noisy and drunk women the train manager did her best but couldn't really stop them.People are traveling who are used to cars were you can talk loudly all the time  Oh Joy!

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I long ago came to the conclusion that, in this life, there are those of us who enjoy peace and quiet and then there are those for whom peace and quiet literally drives them mad and has them climbing the walls.


Needless to say the latter cannot exist in a sane state of mind without imposing themselves on the rest of us.

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While I don't have a problem with 1st class disappearing off trains, considering that having 1st class sections on trains on suburban and outer suburban services is a bit pointless and wastes usable space, I'm not so sure about the the quiet carriages going as well. If I', travelling any distance and a quiet carriage is available I'll use it to get away from the yakking of people on their mobiles or watching movies and music on their tablets even with headphones...not to mention the screaming kids and couples having arguments!!! 


The quiet carriages are just a pleasant place to enjoy the journey and read a book in peace and quiet....well relative peace and quiet in a Mk 3


Heaven forbid that the peace and quiet of South Western's Island Line Tube Stock is being ruined.

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Some people still haven't worked out that if they use a phone it negates the need to shout to the other person.


I once had to endure a loud, how big and important I am, high powered phone conversation (it's my New York office) on a Euston bound train all the way through Kilsby Tunnel.

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  • RMweb Premium

I once had to endure a loud, how big and important I am, high powered phone conversation (it's my New York office) on a Euston bound train all the way through Kilsby Tunnel.

In the early days of mobile phones I was on a train with someone holding that sort of conversation on his phone, which rang whilst he was talking into it...

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I once had to endure sitting opposite a guy on a train from Leeds to London who had two mobile phones and spent the whole journey talking on one or the other.  He even had to hold one call mid stream, whilst he answered the other....


Needless to say the train was full with no spare seats.


He must have been important.....I think from memory his name was Richard Head......

Edited by gordon s
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It used to amuse me when regular commuters would start a phone conversation immediately the train left King's Cross and then lose the signal the moment the train reached Gasworks tunnel. I could never understand why they didn't wait, as the resumed conversation always started "Sorry, dear, lost the signal as we went into the tunnel." They never seemed to learn!

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Back in the late 1980s I used to sometimes travel by train on business. On one trip I managed to travel on the Manchester Pullman.  This was at a time when mobile phones were very  new, very expensive and the size of a military walkie-talkie.


On the other side of the coach from myself sat a well-dressed businessman with his secretary. He would get her to dial a contact on said enormous phone, then pass it to him when she had checked she had the right person on the line.


For some reason this has stuck in my mind...

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  • RMweb Premium

It used to amuse me when regular commuters would start a phone conversation immediately the train left King's Cross and then lose the signal the moment the train reached Gasworks tunnel. I could never understand why they didn't wait, as the resumed conversation always started "Sorry, dear, lost the signal as we went into the tunnel." They never seemed to learn!

Insanity is oftentimes defined as "Doing the same thing repeatedly, expecting a different result"...

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It used to amuse me when regular commuters would start a phone conversation immediately the train left King's Cross and then lose the signal the moment the train reached Gasworks tunnel. I could never understand why they didn't wait, as the resumed conversation always started "Sorry, dear, lost the signal as we went into the tunnel." They never seemed to learn!

....usually just as they entered Copenhagen Tunnel....

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  • RMweb Gold

....usually just as they entered Copenhagen Tunnel....

Then again at Wood Green, again at Barnet, again at Hadley Wood (twice) and again at Potters Bar. Oh what fun I had with them phone users.............

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A colleague recalls an incident on a train journey where a right old stand up bun fight developed between a married couple.


Turns out the husband had gone to the toilet, leaving his phone behind, whereupon it rang so the wife answered to discover his mistress was calling.

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