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Congratulations on the feature in the current BRM.


I live in the wrong hemisphere to see Portchullin live, but it was good to see photos again of your excellent modelling.  Scotland is so evocative, and you, I think, have done it proud!


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  • RMweb Gold

Agreed - fabulous article and photos in the BRM mag.


An excellent layout, beautiful modelling and the right era too 😉


Hope it gets a new lease of life out will be back out on the circuit again 👌

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June is going to be a busy month for Portchullin.


Firstly, we will soon set sail in the van to Perth with both Portchullin and Oli & Chris' Cessy en Bois for their model railway show. The details for this are below and there are a lot of good layouts there, including the two biggest P4 exhibition layouts - Mostyn and Burntisland. So there is plenty to see even if Portchullin does not float your boat (..........as if..........). If you are visiting do please say hello.




Its a long drive to Perth from Surrey, so to break the journey up a couple of us are going to visit a number of home based model railways that you can't see at shows. The current plan is to visit eight layouts, two preserved lines and the Perth show, so we will be well and truely model railwayed out by the end of the trip!

As you would imagine, being able to visit a number of layouts that don't generally get seen will provoke the camera to come out and as there are a number of treats in stall, so keep an eye out for future blog posts.


The other activity for the month has been the writing an article for publication in July 2024 issue of British Railways Modelling. This, combined with photos from myself and Andy York makes what I hope is an enjoyable article.




I have particularly talked about the origins of the layout and how it was conceived, with a smaller amount of information on how it was done. It should be available simultaneous with this post and if you have any thoughts on it, I would welcome feedback.




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