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The 'antidote' to Warley?

Captain Kernow

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I enjoy visiting Warley vicariously, thanks to the posts of others on this forum, who have been kind enough to post comments and perhaps photos of what's going on up there.


I've only been there once in person, and that was as a helper on someone else's layout some years ago, but I did enjoy it enormously.


These days, I find myself in a position where getting away for such a long distance, especially perhaps just for one day, is just a 'bridge too far', so the event doesn't feature on my 'personal calendar' of the year.


However, life goes on, and I would imagine that the majority of the thousands of us on this forum, in fact, will not have visited the show.


So how are you spending the 'Warley weekend?'


To start things off, today I had to take CTMK into town to get some items that she needed. She only has one functioning hand at the moment, the other is currently out of commission for repairs following a brake failure on the stairs a couple of weeks ago.


After that (town was manic with loads and loads of people, not much different from Warley, probably), we thought we'd go off and have a quiet lunch at a nearby National Trust property.


Of course the place was having some Christmas-themed event, and the cafeteria was packed with mewling infants and a long queue for the rapidly disappearing menu choices. When I got in the queue, a 'gert proper job pasty' was on the menu, when it finally came to my turn, they had, of course, run out. CTMK was fortunate, though, not only did they produce some gluten-free bread to go with her soup, I managed to get the very last portion of said soup for her.


At least that was one meal that didn't produce any washing up!

It must be difficult for you to get there CK. I don't think the canals around Birmingham can take a vessel with the draft of yours,especially when she's low in the water with a hold full of parsnips and decks lined with 'long nine's.

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  • RMweb Premium

After yesterday's manning the DEMU stand at Warley today I have had breakfast, helped muck out the horses, walked the dogs, waffled on RMweb. Now considering lunch, then maybe cross one of the smaller DIY jobs off the list, do some work in the model room (oddly the jobs in there are not on the DIY list), do some modelling or go to sleep.

Edited by Clive Mortimore
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Watched too much rugby on the box. All those internationals plus, of course, Gloucester thrashing Newcastle recorded the night before!


Today I'm getting grumpy with Grampus bodies. I will post something on my Worseter thread later, maybe!

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6Y70 duly moved within last night's possession down at Burton Latimer the grand sum of half a mile, feet up, blinds down, cab heaters on full resulting in several zzzzs, home in time for elevenses then Sunday lunch and the Abu Dabie Grand Prix.... might do Warley next year if I can stand the pace...!

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Today, travel to Hereford to work the Gloucester RHTT, get here then discover there is a block on the Malvern line so it’s not even coming here, train back home


Narked off as I could have gone to Warley instead had anyone in work known about the closure (I kid you not!)

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Went to my local model shop and bought a load of bits for the layout, afternoon with friends and then put the pistons back in the Land Rover engine. Did some work on the layout last night, then made up 3ft of Wills vari girder this morning (2 full packs!). Watches the GP today then took kids to their swimming lesson. I have never been fussed about Warley so had forgotten it was this weekend...

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Had to drop off Mrs SE today and realised I was only a few minutes from the Collectors Fair at Haydock Park. Picked up a badly painted Bachmann Pannier for a project donor chassis for a very reasonable price. Now have a pannier body needing TLC (pity someong wrecked a perfectly good LT one) and to my surprise a DCC decoder going spare (just need an 8-pin blanking plate).

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I've never been to the Warley show.  By the time you factor in travels costs from Thames-side Essex, exorbitant parking costs at the NEC and the considerable ticket price, it doesn't appeal to me frankly.  So a little pottering in the shed was the order of the day, railway modelling wise, sorting out a dodgy engine/tender coupling on one of my V2s and adding some more railings to the cattle dock.  Oh...and still being pleasantly surrounded by the glorious ambience of my team's first victory yesterday for the new manager which got us off the bottom  :)  :)



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  • RMweb Gold

Today, travel to Hereford to work the Gloucester RHTT, get here then discover there is a block on the Malvern line so it’s not even coming here, train back home


Narked off as I could have gone to Warley instead had anyone in work known about the closure (I kid you not!)

Were you out on it a couple of days ago?



Cleaning the lines by Stephen Burdett, on Flickr

Edited by TheSignalEngineer
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Saturday too my Dad and SHMBO to Ulverston Dickensian Christmas fair by packed trains. Journey home was carefully planned so we would catch the 4 coach 37 hauled service in the hope of getting a seat, however a 153 turned up instead. Everyone just managed to get on, but good atmosphere on the train. Highlight of the day was popping into the model shop on Carnforth Station and getting some bits I’ve been after for ages.


Sunday, working, but a little bit of modelling tonight.

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Rugby union weekend for me, and I'm a football fan!

Spain v Brazil this afternoon, then beloved SUFC v BCFC on the telly now.

La Vila home game tomorrow.

Oh, and the minor detail of 1500 miles or thereabouts.




Mixed weekend, one win, one draw and one loss, in that order!

Spain 67 Brazil 28.


La Vila 19 Cisneros 22.



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  • RMweb Gold

I find Warley just too big. I can't possibly get round all of it and study the layouts for any length of time.


This year, there were several exhibits that were really tempting me to go and the possibility, quite rare, to get Saturday off. But then SWMBO arranged for us to visit some friends at their new house near Basingstoke on Sunday - a visit that we had hoped to do last weekend.


So my antidote to Warley was a very nice walk along the Basingstoke Canal followed by a really cracking lunch (partridge casserole) in the Fox and Geese PH. Highly recommended.

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  • RMweb Gold

I find Warley just too big. I can't possibly get round all of it and study the layouts for any length of time.


This year, there were several exhibits that were really tempting me to go and the possibility, quite rare, to get Saturday off. But then SWMBO arranged for us to visit some friends at their new house near Basingstoke on Sunday - a visit that we had hoped to do last weekend.


So my antidote to Warley was a very nice walk along the Basingstoke Canal followed by a really cracking lunch (partridge casserole) in the Fox and Geese PH. Highly recommended.


Was there any shot in the partridge?  That can be a problem when eating game birds and spoil an otherwise delicious meal.

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For this first time in about 10 years I didn't visit Warley. Mainly due to there being not a lot of interested for me, yes I probably could do with a visit to Model Masters or Gaugemaster for my Swiss layout, but this year I just couldn't justify the Admission charge.


So I spent the two days with little Wollastonblue sorting out all his trackmaster trains, and having enormous fun sending a load of engine off a massive jump, we also had my mother round for her birthday.


Maybe next year, when my other projects have started. 

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I find Warley just too big. .....


I was invited to go along in about 2001. Never again. When I saw the crowds I understood what the word "teeming" meant, particularly around the Hornby and Bachmann stands. Years later, I watched a rush hour at Bombay's main railway station on the telly, and reckoned it was still nowhere near as bad as Warley.

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Not all model shops are at Warley, so spent the day running a model railway shop, miles away from Birmingham.


Ah - but you DID contribute to the show. You know that SWS I picked up from you 12 days ago? Well, here she is topping Shap summit in fine style at the head of a lengthy parcels train, most of which is out of sight. She was our 'last hour' special loco; we were otherwise running strictly 1967.


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Here in the US, the Warley weekend coincided with the Thanksgiving holiday. 


Besides a family Thanksgiving gathering, for me that meant lots of American football - both pro and College. Over the course of the four day weekend you could probably watch somewhere in the vicinity of at least 12 broadcast football games (more if you channel hop or record games while you watch one live).


I didn't go Christmas gift shopping on Friday* (the so-called "Black Friday"), but I did go to the movies on Saturday.


* Technically not true, because I did order something online.

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Friday 4 hour drive to Dorchester. Lovely walk round the village in winter sunshine. Nice steak n kidney pudding at Fleur de Lys in Dorchester followed by footy on tv. Saturday at Pendon. Weathering with an airbrush course. Footy on tv. Nice steak in the Fleur de Lys at Dorchester. Sunday at Pendon. Weathering without an airbrush course. 4 hour drive home. Curry for tea

Edited by colin penfold
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Dragged my Dad out to see Tornado, after forgetting then seeing the Europhoenix unit move disappear into the distance.


Just the one steam special this year, I think it was the same weekend three years ago when we chased a Duchess and an A4 and managed to drive past the NEC.

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Used to do Warley regularly when living in the Midlands, but since I moved down to Somerset I haven't been. I was planning on gong this year, but then a chance to do the Brit (Oliver Cromwell) tour to Chester on Saturday was to good to turn down (an excellent tour by the way - a super loco). Ah well, there's always Sunday. Then Cross Country suffers from strike action which makes that option unreliable - so it was a 'no show' from me........


Now where am I?   must catch up with ER........





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.. Oliver Cromwell ... - a super loco ...


... the Brit (Oliver Cromwell) tour to Chester on Saturday was to good to turn down (an excellent tour by the way - a super loco)

I guess it looks better now than it did when it was a regular hauling fish trains from Grimsby Docks in the 1960s ...

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I enjoy visiting Warley vicariously, thanks to the posts of others on this forum, who have been kind enough to post comments and perhaps photos of what's going on up there...

 Another vicarious visitor, and very grateful to those who posted pictures and commentary relating to items of interest. I had completely missed the arrival of the Bulleid diesel from Kernow - which looks very fine - and will be able to mention it to an old mucker this evening. With the fond hope that he might decide on it being suitable to run on his 'Hampshire' layout. Nothing like persuading friends to buy models so one can have an admire...

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As far as Warley is concerned I would love the ability to be in two or more places at once.  There were so many layouts that I did not even get to see, let alone appreciate, and so many people I know that I did not spot in the crowd.  At least I did nearly all of my shopping.



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