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Hroth's CBC entry: Drovers Road


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  • RMweb Gold

Just to put my head over the parapet too....


It'll contain

  • An industrial space
  • Some track
  • A loco
  • Goods wagons
  • Grot
  • Anything else that seems good at the time!

It might even operate, after a fashion, as opposed to being a static diorama!


I've just mocked up the area in 3mm foamboard - its larger than I first imagined so I can probably be more expansive.


Talking of 3mm, my initial concept is to use some Triang TT....


(To be continued...)

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  • RMweb Gold

A brief Planning Department update.


(Lets not rush into things, eh?)


Current thinking is that:


  • A "twin track" railway viaduct runs across the rear of the diorama, with an island platform (Drovers Road Station)
  • A single track goods line issues forth beneath the viaduct into a goods yard
  • To one side is a warehouse
  • In the viaduct arches are small businesses
  • A loco propels a wagon into the scene.


Pictures of the blocked out scene to follow.



As an aside, the diorama is a test piece for a larger layout, to see how it goes...

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  • RMweb Gold

Here we go.....


Some rough-n-ready bodging to see what'll work.




Initial thoughts


  • Raise viaduct by 20mm, it looks a little squat!
  • Drop height of warehouse by about 10mm, it's close to max height.
  • Mock up a plate girder bridge
  • Build some track for the main line and the yard....




I've just had an idea for another cake box.....




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

A week, and nothing much has happened!


Looking at the "to do" list, all I've achieved is the cobbling together of some track for the Triang TT vehicles to run on, consisting of OO copperclad sleepers and code 75 rail soldered thereto.






The diesel shunter is standing on the bridge for gauging purposes, eventually I might put a Brush Type 2 up there, whilst the shunter propels the wagon into the scene below. Oh, and there's a little man standing where the flagman/shunter might be keeping an eye on road traffic as the loco and its wagon emerge from under the bridge.


The rest of the to-do list is still in force. In addition the time will come for some DAS to be applied for scribing into setts around and between the rails.  Latest thinking is that only one side of the Drovers Road island platform on the viaduct will be visible, but there will be a low-relief platform building and some potential passengers hanging about.


Its a good thing that there's bags of time...

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold



Well, some anyhow, though these pics were taken half-way through Bodge 3 so there's more to share during the week.








1 shows the viaduct and girder bridge completely built up and well on its way to a finish.  Although not in the photo, the platform is complete, together with a portion of station building, based on the Hornby Dublo Island Platforn building. Painting and ballasting the track are next with unit detailing to follow.


2 is an eye-level shot of the shunter moving a cattle wagon into the scene.  The warehouse shell has progressed to a foamboard construction and will, in the goodness of time, receive a brick skinning.


The next fun will be the surface of the yard....



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

No pictures at the moment, but the rails are now embedded in DAS, ready to be scribed into setts once dry and shrinkage sorted out.


Its not going to blow away in a breeze!



The warehouse has bricks, doors, a roof and glazing, though that needs removing to have a go at glazing bars.  I also need to address the railings on the viaduct parapet.....

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  • 4 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Bodge 4:


Due to various "things", work on a number of railway projects stalled over the past 6 months.




Just to keep things ticking over, I've started work once more on "Drovers Road", with a box brownie snap of a diesel shunter propelling a cattle wagon into the yard early one morning.




Things accomplished.  A roof, brickwork, windows and doors on the warehouse. Yard surface scribed and painted. Station platform building (on the viaduct).




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Guest ShildonShunter

This is turning out to be an interesting CBC the space is being maximised to its full potential.:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I think would be a nice feature would be to set it in the steam era and place a wagon turntable outside the factory building. A 90deg line could then go inside, or in the opposite direction parallel to the arches.

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  • 3 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Well, here we are....


More or less finished now, I may apply some more strategic weathering powder and if I can find my really fine-pointed paintbrushes, paint a couple of approximately TT scale little people to lurk about in shady corners....






Martin S-C


As you can see from the above pictures, it is "steam era" but the concept was a warehouse rather than a factory.  As Drovers Road is also a test piece for something a little bigger, your suggestion may be taken on board!

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  • RMweb Gold

Last steps to submission, add some people......


So I spent a little time last night putting some paint on "TT" sized figures from ebay.




The bloke on the left will be standing next to the diesel shunter and van, to keep an eye on any members of the public in the yard area.  The other four are platform denizens!


Rather than lose them, I've glued them in place.




Waiting for a train




Shunter keeping watch

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