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Cakebox Challenge Chat

Phil Parker

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All these mind-blowingly amazing and creative entries so far, wonderful to see so much of the communities imagination and skill in one place. :)

I'm still looking forward to making mine, but there is no way I am posting them. I'm far too embarrassed by my total lack of ability to model, especially compared to the ones on here. :D



I have to say by posting on RMWeb, it does help keep you going as well to keep a thread up to date. My modelling is amateur to say the least, but I'm having a go, and hopefully picking up some more skills along the way.

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  • Trade Member

All these mind-blowingly amazing and creative entries so far, wonderful to see so much of the communities imagination and skill in one place. :)

I'm still looking forward to making mine, but there is no way I am posting them. I'm far too embarrassed by my total lack of ability to model, especially compared to the ones on here. :D




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I could imagine some people finding their portable workstation quite useful.


As for paints, brushes, adhesives etc, various items in their range might appeal to different people - as might various items produced under other brands in the same "stable". If they are indeed providing prizes, it would be interesting to see if winners are offered specific items, or vouchers to be exchanged for "anything in the range up to a specified value".


However, I'd be interested in finding out how many people are entering this challenge (or thinking of entering it) for reasons other than any prize(s) on offer - in the hope of getting their entries on display at a show - to compete against some friends on this site - perhaps even just as a personal challenge.






I shall be entering as a personal challenge, although if it's done on time, having the opportunity to have it photographed at Doncaster next year is a bonus.

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  • RMweb Gold

Nothing material to add to my thread, now heading towards the Third Division, but I did get a couple of regulation cake boxes for dimension checking.


X and Y are fine (phew!) and there's a few mm to be trimmed from Z, but that was to be expected, as the warehouse is currently 6" tall, standing on a piece of 3mm foamboard!  Onwards and Downwards, Mes Braves!


Phase 3 bodgery to occur shortly.......


(Those people presenting marvellously constructed pieces in short order are true modellers.  I'm just an approximate modeller...)

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A genuine "Cake Box Cake" for one of those "Special" or "Significant" birthdays, indicative of what my family consider should be my main interest! ....Gardening!!


Despite it being 200mm square,  I can't enter it in the Challenge ... It has no railway item, and we ate it all (sorry, Phil)!!!


Maybe if it had a row of cauliflowers down the middle you could claim an LNWR connection.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've been working on my entry for a few days now. It represents the middle of Totley Tunnel after a steam special has passed.



Dealing with the lighting was a challenge as was the creation of the dissapating exhaust.

What do you think?






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That's up to you but I simply agreed with the post because the competition is essentially simple. Sorry to have disappointed those desperate for hundreds of rules to argue over but the lack of explicit guidance doesn't seem to have put many people off judging by the number of build threads running.


You aren't the only one, or even the first one on this thread (see here),  to suggest opening out the cake box but you are the first to want to storm off in a huff. Calm down and give your unconventional ideas a go. People may like them enough in the voting to allow for something operating in the grey areas. In this competition, only those who enter stand a chance of winning, along with the fame and glory that will go with it.

It's not storming off in a huff. My unusual entry somehow, and I will never understand how, caused one individual to make quite a lengthy post which declared they would not take part due to said entry. There was a degree of agreement with their posting, so it had obviously affected more than just the individual in a negative way.


So I'm only doing what any decent person would, which is stop what I was doing that was causing people to get upset.

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I've just had a real brainwave of an idea for a great display as part of the cake box challenge but knowing my ability and speed of modeling I know I most likely would never get it done. Shame it was a cracking idea.

Tell us what it is, and if more than one person decides to do it you can vote on the one that's closest to what you intended :).

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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe if it had a row of cauliflowers down the middle you could claim an LNWR connection.

And if, as an Experiment, you could have persuaded the Prince of Wales to cut it for you, it might have set a Precedent!

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Here is an idea for all to ponder.


Very simple diorama Just a tunnel mouth and bridge sound and smoke.


Now imagine you look at said tunnel mouth ( through a peephole ) It's not a long tunnel and you can see the silhouette of approaching train, sound on of approaching train time about 5 seconds and smoke appears billowing above tunnel mouth, This could be a tube attached to the underneath of the tunnel mouth, for smoke a simple set up using one of those vapour electric fag simulator things just inhale and blow into tube.


Thats it, just sound and smoke, and a single bit of rail, you could add vehicles on bridge or anything you want, and I would make it so the box is diamond shaped as others have done to give  more depth...


Feel free to use if you want. or shall I get hat coat :)

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Here is an idea for all to ponder.


Very simple diorama Just a tunnel mouth and bridge sound and smoke.


Now imagine you look at said tunnel mouth ( through a peephole ) It's not a long tunnel and you can see the silhouette of approaching train, sound on of approaching train time about 5 seconds and smoke appears billowing above tunnel mouth, This could be a tube attached to the underneath of the tunnel mouth, for smoke a simple set up using one of those vapour electric fag simulator things just inhale and blow into tube.


Thats it, just sound and smoke, and a single bit of rail, you could add vehicles on bridge or anything you want, and I would make it so the box is diamond shaped as others have done to give  more depth...


Feel free to use if you want. or shall I get hat coat :)

Probably a bit late on that one




I know its a bridge not a tunnel but i think it's pretty much what's going on in here




Just waiting for the computer fan to help shift the smoke a bit, then I can start the build proper.



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  • RMweb Gold

If we're going to ponder.....


At the end of the BRMTv preview trailer for the December issue, there is a shot of a sleeping dog. 



Now, this put me in mind of the dogs that were present (both live and stuffed) in some large stations for the purpose of collecting for Railway Widows and Orphans.  I was thinking that a little diorama of one of the dogs (again live, or stuffed in a cabinet) on a station platform with a little lad and his mother/governess/whoever placing a donation in the dogs collecting box might be a bit different.


Now, my figurative skills are naff to non-existent, so I wouldn't even attempt it, but perhaps???

Edited by Hroth
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  • RMweb Gold

Some actual dogs are very small.


Possibly small enough to fit in a cakebox, thereby allowing live action, or taxidermical, diorama.

I take it you've never had to deal with a Chihuahua?  They have a serious attitude problem.


One in a cakebox would make Schrodingers cat, alive or non-alive, look like a picnic!

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Ok, go with the taxidermical version then. I'm guessing that dead dogs are less troublesome.


Seriously, though, your idea does open-up all sorts of possibilities. There used to be millions of rats living in Waterloo station, and probably still are; the mice on the underground are famous; RENFE doubtless has station cockroaches etc etc. Any one (well, two) of these, in a box, would make a fun and educational entry, and clear up any cake crumbs.

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Just managed to get into this thread,so in true naval style I'll jump straight in without reading any previous threads so appologies first then an explanation of my entry to follow before going back through the comments already submitted.


I envisage a layout designed for and dedicated to the management and staff of our modern railway networks and the Southern in particular.


Yes it is aimed at those who are visually impared... but hopefully have a sense of humour. 


It consists of a platform packed with commuters, a section of track.............. but no trains.


I think as its in a cake box I'll call it.... cue drumroll...........




seriously though... please get a grip people... surely the issue is about maintaining the safety of passengers whilst maintaining jobs for drivers and guards alike.. not grinding our transport network into the ground and causing undue stress and hardship to everyone...Passengers, Staff and Management..... remember what happened to the coal industry!!!!!


Anyway enough ramblings from me...... perhaps the next challenge could be using a soap box..... I m,ight have a chance at winning that one.


Happy modelling and look forward to the excellent standard of modelling and comedy scenes i know this will create. :mail:   

Yours Aye,



Political Correctness Statement on behalf of the Common Sense Party: No children , animals or hard feelings were intended to be hurt during the production of this rambling rant and the author has now been sedated and taking his medication again.

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  • RMweb Gold

We're working on it. Launched in November with the intention it will run for a year - this gives Andy Y another 11 months to work out how he's going to handle the voting system...



Should be fun....  :jester:



Just noticed I've fallen into the third division......

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  • RMweb Premium

Late to the party as always (but just in time to see the candles get blown out) I want to enter the competition. Not having modeling time to spare my only idea is to make something for one of my layouts that fits into the cake box challenge requirements.

The question is what?
Those who follow my modeling will expect something scratch built which goes without saying and it will involve some thinking outside of that box (pun fully intended).


So some ideas already in the mix include: A cake factory complete with private siding and PO van (isn't someone else doing that); an "under the arches" scene which could be incorporated into the planned mill town; some battered rolling stock; some sort of accident or possibly all three!. 


No time to waste...



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