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Tyne & Wear Metrocar CAD - 7mm

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,

Thought I'd post this in here, as not everyone might see my 'Marsh Lane' thread.  I've had a long held thought of doing a small metro layout, but being a confirmed 7mm modeller, initially thought I'd build a Tyne & Wear Metro example out of laser cut MDF.  The initial prototype worked well until I got the cab, its all angles!  So I worked with a friend of mine to design the cab in full 3D CAD to be 3D printed (rough, early low quality print proof can be seen on my Marsh Lane thread, Page 33, see link in signature).


It came out so good, that I decided learning CAD was the way to go forward, so with a lot of help from a friend of mine, I'm now designing the whole thing in Autocad Fusion 360, which I have to say seems to have the odd annoying habit, but is wonderful for what I want to do.  This is purely a personal project, having never attempted anything like this before, I welcome any comments/suggestions people may have.  I've worked out how to do the electronics on it, and with a centre motor bogie, and pure pick-up bogies underneath each cab end, it will hopefully run ok.  Should the first one work, my plan is to do four or five of them!


A couple of screenshots of where I'm up to at the moment are attached, some others are on the Marsh Lane thread mentioned.  Hope somebody might find it interesting!  If you've never come across the real thing, this is it courtesy of Flickr!









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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys,

Not sure if anyone is interested in this project, but as a couple of people have 'liked it' and there's 136 people looked in, I'll update it for a bit :)


The doors have now been added, detail on the under frame, front light units, and work the leading bogie, which will be wired for a return for electric current from the overhead wiring.  Any comments/suggestions, as ever are welcomed.  I know the centre connection isn't right, now I've looked at other photos, that needs changing and remodelling.





























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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,

Well some further progress with the CAD.  The Metrocar isn't far off being finished now, still have to work a few things out with the threading of cables, and specifically with mounting the motor to the middle bogie.  All the interior is pretty much complete, and overall I'm very pleased with how its worked out.  Next task will be to get the various parts printed and assembled.


Don't have any screen shots of it, but I've also modified the trailing bogies slightly to take plunger pickups.  My plan is that the OHL will be live (need to deal with that bit yet!) and provide the positive DC feed, with both rails being common negative DC return.  The DCC decoder will be fitted below the floor to the vehicle (hoping to be able to sort some sound out for it) with the DC signal being received by Radio.  A couple of large capacitors mounted between the interior/exterior bodyshell, either size of the centre pivot should provide enough power to maintain a smooth run, and stop the interior lights along with head/tail lights from flickering.


While it may seem a little complicated, it has the advantage that points don't need to be configured for changing polarity, and it gives an opportunity to try radio DCC with the Digitrax system I have.




EDIT: Looking at these, I think the step under the drivers door is too thick. Might need to remodel that one.


















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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Just a quick update, to advise that things are progress, the 3D printed bogies from Shapeways arrived today, very impressed!














So on that basis, I shall now start sorting the main model out ready for printing.  Ahead of that though, I intend to get some wheels and axles in the bogies, test run them, then get the motor fitted up and check that all works, at that point, I'll move forward with the main 3D print.



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Evening all,

Just a quick update, to advise that things are progress, the 3D printed bogies from Shapeways arrived today, very impressed!










So on that basis, I shall now start sorting the main model out ready for printing.  Ahead of that though, I intend to get some wheels and axles in the bogies, test run them, then get the motor fitted up and check that all works, at that point, I'll move forward with the main 3D print.






Can i suggest getting some 5mm perspex sheet cut it the size of your unit with the pivot points in and then use that to test the bogies and drive system on it, also you can add weight to it to find the max that the drive will move.

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  • RMweb Gold



Can i suggest getting some 5mm perspex sheet cut it the size of your unit with the pivot points in and then use that to test the bogies and drive system on it, also you can add weight to it to find the max that the drive will move.



Thanks Pete,

Thats a great idea that I hadn't thought of.  Thanks!



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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Just a quick update - more tomorrow.  A box arrived from Shapeways this afternoon containing the cab end, and outer bodyshell for the unit.  I have to say I'm delighted again!  Works really well, the bodyshell is very firm and the 'marry up' between the body shell and the cab front is lovely and precise.


Pics follow tomorrow!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Well things are proceeding slowly with the Metrocar - I did say I was in no rush with this build!  I've now had the outer bodyshell and cab end printed and they have worked superbly.  As this is really the first multi-part model that I've CAD designed and 3D printed, I'm taking it steady and making sure that all the pieces are right, hopefully avoiding too many mistakes (and expensive ones!)


So this is the cab unit.  You may have seen one that was printed as a test on a home 3D printer by a friend of mine a few months back, this is the Shapeways version in back.  A lot stronger and more precise.






I'd purposely added a lot of detail to the driving desk, just to see what would work and come out and what doesn't. Im totally astounded by how its worked....




The bodyshell has equally worked well....







And again, the detail that has come through is wonderful. Some may need to be added back later with a brass overlay or something, depending on how the painting goes.




Adding the cab unit to the end, it starts to give a good representation of the unit.










So overall, I'm very pleased.   Im now refining the inner bodyshell, which will slide inside this, it will also provide a bigger area to 'lock' the front end too.  Im working on designing the wiring looms for cab light, front end marker/tail lights, inner vehicle lights, pick-ups and pantograph return.  Once I'm happy with those and that they will all fit right, then Im hoping to get the PCB designed (hence the small box mid-way under the vehicle with an open top to the inside, when that goes for printing, the internal bodyshell and seating will as well.



Next move with these is to give them all a coat of grey primer, just need some decent weather.... hmm!!!




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  • RMweb Gold

Well done! I have never got on too well with CAD so very envious of your success with this first project.



Thanks Joseph,


I've tried CAD a couple of times before, but its only with a lot of help from a mate who uses CAD in his day job, the penny dropped and everything just dropped into place.  Rule of the thumb is break things down into little sections, and only concentrate on one face at a time, it slowly comes together then.  Im delighted with this project so far, really delighted.



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  • 1 year later...

How did you get on with this project. I am currently working on a 00 gauge design of track for the new Howdon Satellite Depot and am looking for Metrocars to place within the design. I am a Learning & Development Specialist for Metro and this will be used for training purposes. Could you help in any way?

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5 hours ago, JeffwL&DS said:

How did you get on with this project. I am currently working on a 00 gauge design of track for the new Howdon Satellite Depot and am looking for Metrocars to place within the design. I am a Learning & Development Specialist for Metro and this will be used for training purposes. Could you help in any way?

Alexander Models does a kit in 00 for the Metro, there is a modeller who offers a building service for it as well but the name escapes me at the moment.

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  • 2 years later...

Good morning I am interested in your cad metro cars could you please tell me how you got on with the finished unit as I am a member of the Blyth and Tyne railway club and we have 6 Dave Alexander metro cars and we would love to run a second car with our power cars as the metal units are too heavy to run as a 2 car unit and your cars might be the answer to the problem if you could please let me know how much a unit would cost please thank you 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Hi @D Thompson,

Apologies, I hadn't seen your response to the thread!


Things are progressing, I had some very kind help from a chap who was close to the Metro system and provided some info. The project has been put on a the back burner a little bit, just because of other priorities etc, but I do want to get back to it and finish it!  Overall it worked quite well, where I fell down was in the articulated centre bit and getting the two outer vehicles to connect to the articulated section. That didn't work and needs a redesign, which I had started, but then stopped because I realised I was going to run in to the same problems.


This was 7mm, although a couple of people have asked about sizing it down to 4mm, which in theory should be possible, perhaps with some amendments to the CAD to ensure that minimum thicknesses etc are kept.  



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Hi Richard 


Thank you for your message on the metal kits the 2 half's were attached by 1 arms each part of the car to the articulated part or centre part of the car do you have an approximate weight for the completed car please and thank you for getting back to me 

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  • 5 weeks later...



Is this available to buy at Shapeways in 4mm? 


For 2022 I would be looking to build (as a diorama) a pastiche of Ilford Road Tyne & Wear Metro station, so it would be great if the distinctive Metro style station name signs and buildings (with corrugated concrete walls and corrugated metal roofs) and were also available.



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  • RMweb Gold
Posted (edited)

Wow cannot believe it's over five years since I last did anything with this project.  Well I have been back through and put all the images back in - good job my archiving system and photo management software did its job! Also its handy that the software rmWeb uses does not fully rename files, so I could work out what went where!


@spsmiler Apologies for not responding at the time. No I have never had the CAD on Shapeways. I did a test print using them, which I was impressed with, but they are just too expensive now.  I have been using a couple of UK-based 3D printers for bits and pieces.  


I am hoping to get back on with this project at some point, although as I am not doing 7mm any more, I may scale it down to 4mm and look to get an operational unit.  I would like to get the light bar designed, so that the whole thing could work with a DCC motor decoder. 


The bogies and the cab did get a coat of primer back in 2018.....







All of the images a bit critical of the detail as they were done on my iPhone at the time.  I suspect with the advances in 3D printing a fresh print would be far better.  I have had several enquiries about making these available in 4mm.  To be honest, it was a 7mm project, and it was just for me, I never had any intention of producing it for others.


There was other work done, for example brass pieces on the interior to transfer the power through the unit, but I didnt get over the problem of the articulated centre - I could get it round corners, but the gap between the vehicles was too big, or I could get the gap right, but not much lea-way between the vehicles.  So that is still to be solved. But I would like to get up to Newcastle before the Met-Cams are withdrawn and do some detail shots to help with finishing the project.



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  • 1 month later...
On 30/03/2024 at 01:01, MarshLane said:

But I would like to get up to Newcastle before the Met-Cams are withdrawn and do some detail shots to help with finishing the project.

It wont be long until they are withdrawn now, the new Units are on daytime testing and the old units are practically falling apart now. Luckily there are two which are guaranteed to be preserved, 4001 is going to Stephenson Railway Museum and 4020 is going to Beamish in an un-operational state (In other words, it has been cannibalised for parts to keep the others running) so you can go see them even if you are too late to get photos in service

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