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Sandy Hill layout in Cornwall. BR blue 00 gauge


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  • RMweb Premium

They do creak under the 136 tonnes mate! At least they never slipped on leaves on the line.



BTW Craig


Thanks for a fabulous evening of trains.


One of the highlights of the year.


The layout's great, you've obvously put thousands of hours into it.


Have you thought about continuing a couple of tracks out of the main fiddle yard round by the main garage door and connect it with the 'ramp' line behind the depot to give you a continuous run?


Just a thought....

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A supply of glue gun sticks was purchased which allowed me finish off the embankment behind the viaduct and almost bring the scenery to a close on the layout. I still need to tone down the cliffs and add some finishing touches to this area though. The hanging basket liner needs tamping down as well in between the steep dunes.


Here's 47148 posed for a couple of shots.







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A couple more viaduct pictures and SH81 signal - the final one before the platform ends:


50003 with a stopper & 37238 and some clay hoods pass over the viaduct at Tregrehan -






43055 brings up the rear of the 08.10 from Paddington:




SH81 signal has the dots off for the yard:



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Just been sorting out how many Berko ground signals I need, and which ones I need to light up. They're tiny, but so effective and useful for the many shunt moves around the layout. They are a pig to wire though, the tiny strands from the LED bank suspended under the layout are very fragile. I've sorted out about 5 so far. The wiring is odd. The pivot lamp (Bottom right hand side) remains lit at all times. And the other white and red are the on / off lamps. These are set in the "old days" when they displayed a red and white for on, and two whites for off. Nowadays, the pivot light alternate two red or two white depending on the aspect shown.


I'll upload some pictures - they do look smart but you sometimes have to ask - are they worth the effort? I know they're there I suppose.

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Just been sorting out how many Berko ground signals I need, and which ones I need to light up. They're tiny, but so effective and useful for the many shunt moves around the layout. They are a pig to wire though, the tiny strands from the LED bank suspended under the layout are very fragile. I've sorted out about 5 so far. The wiring is odd. The pivot lamp (Bottom right hand side) remains lit at all times. And the other white and red are the on / off lamps. These are set in the "old days" when they displayed a red and white for on, and two whites for off. Nowadays, the pivot light alternate two red or two white depending on the aspect shown.


I'll upload some pictures - they do look smart but you sometimes have to ask - are they worth the effort? I know they're there I suppose.



Hi Craig,


I'd say they definitely are worth it.


I fitted some to a previous layout( long since dismantled),but the combination of working colour light & ground signals certainly made the difference.


I don't know if they are made the same way now.but I found the 'white' LED'S were more yellow so I replaced them with some super bright white ones.A bit fiddly but the effect was better.I did consider using fibre optic cable & siting the LED's under the baseboard but couldn't find suitable cable.


Look forward to seeing your progress.


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill - I know what you mean about the LEDS. All Components do diddy LEDs and resistors, and some of my signals are 25 years old. They dont like being moved once used do they? I'll do a couple and see how they look. I make up calling up lights for the signals (dots) as shown above in the thread, with grain of rice bulbs, maybe I should make up some GPLs similarly.


The dots arent on for long so there is no chance of them over heating.

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I've had the same with Penhayle Bay cool.gif . The lucky few can see it in person but it's still just a model sitting outside the house and nowhere near Cornwall.


My old favourite was directing tourists to "Porthemmet beach" when I was a kid. We used to send them up to Kernick mica dam! At least there was sand, of sorts. :D

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh the fun we have had. When I was driving in that part of the world I would be asked several times a day "Do you go to the castle in the sea?" "Not zackly my beauty - but I do go to Marazion". Or the prize one : "Is this the Mouse Hole bus?". To which the answer was always "No my lover - I'm the Mowzel one." :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

"Mazaranion" was one of the odder attempts I heard at that one. One of the others that took some beating was a northerner trying to get to Praze-an-Beeble. "Prat Zee-anne Bee-bully" was where he somewhat sheepishly asked for. When we got there I dutifully announced the stop in the same way for him!

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Thanks Chris - I must straighten that lighting pole carrying the fairy lights across the harbour! The power handle from 37298 steals the show of course!


On the topic of 4 x 4s and water, check out what happen at the delightfully named Boobybay this week when the Lifeguard's 4 x 4 got inot a spot of bother... OOPs

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hi Craig,

My Cep and EPB units visit the layout from time to time and sometimes with a class 33/1 at one or other end. There's an idea for you. A suitable headcode, 62, is even thoughtfully supplied in the Heljan "bits bag". That said I don't have much difficulty in splitting and recoupling my units and they (along with most other items) don't stay outside on the layout permanently.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'd like to couple the pipes between the Crompton and the Cep but haven't yet had time and motivation to do so. Strictly speaking I need to paddle up the Cep pick-up shoes off the SR as well ;) . There has never been a compatibility issue with the different motors though making for some lovely smooth running, totally unlike the Bachmann 150/2 + Hornby 153 combo I was trying to run tonight - talk about "push-me-pull-you" :O

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have been busy weathering some of the recent arrivals including the Bachmann 37049 which was far too Ex Works and shiny. Here the result in the yard at Sandy Hill. I've yet to tone down the underside.




And here are 37254 / 049 in the holding sidings looking like Tractors hard at work:



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Have been masking and hand painting and renumbering blue & grey rolling stock. Quite enjoy giving Airfix and Lima stock a refresh, so that look OK next to today's excellent Bachmann products. Here is the refreshed postal set which includes a Dapol special edition postal van.







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