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Ernies 7mm Wagons - 21 ton MDV

The Bigbee Line

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So again thanks to “Hal Nail” for the “door banger” choice.


The end of the door bangs on a longer headstock. 



There is one metal “banger” between the legs of the V hanger. 





A 3/4 view...



Now trying to scribe planks inside as it will run empty. 


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I had a shuffle and put the NB open to the back of the queue. Until my new LNER book arrives. The former Palbrick has been shunted into the shop. One gang is on brake work. The other is painting the body. 



There is gloss where the transfers need to go. Various other patches added. When I was a freight guard in the 80s these were rust all over....




The big train axle guards and boxes are re-used with a bit of tarting up...




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Today I want to get the body painting completed.  I am using B596094 as my model.  By chance I took a picture of the wagon in 1982.  It was ex Betteshanger Colliery and detached after a hot axle box...




Looking at in detail there are remnants of the original bauxite painted area from when the wagon was built using a Palbrick underframe in 1975.  With a picture date of 1982, the original paint was only 7 years old.  It hasn't fared too well, so suspect it was a cheap and cheerful paint job.  Single coat sprayed on (I'm sure a member will clarify).


The darker rusted areas seem to be either general failure of the original paint or from impacts inside the body.


The TOPS data panel seems to be on a more recent patch, with the change to MXV from MCV on another smaller patch of a slightly different colour.


For added detail there are the remains of the yellow 'HMLE' panel.  These were stuck on to show brake force in Heavy, Medium, Light or Empty states and were used when writing a manual train list.  You can also see the rather faded 'Red Card - Hot Axle Box' label after it developed a hot axle box heading north and been detached.




So a varied pallet of colours is the order of the day...

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7 hours ago, The Bigbee Line said:

Just tried a Parkside data panel. It seems overscale....




Maybe a 4mm one might work better. 

I did a “cut and shut” on the existing decal.  Then added numbers and letters. 
I think it could be made a better proportion if starting from scratch. 


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Having established the methodology I’ve made a start with side two. 

For me the number is the key.  I would like to shunt with a shunt list, so a fairly legible number is a plus. 

Dating this wagon to 1982 ties in nicely with the period that I was out on the “iron road” as a guard at Ashford in Kent. 

There are a few wagons that I’d like to model that are out of my Hayling Island pre 64 period. So this date will give me some discipline not to wander to far. Plus a blue 09 will do nicely. 


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Hello Ernie

MXV looking good ill be able to borrow it .

Id leave the tops panel as the pic above, as it looks as if its in the same state as the rest of the wagon and weather it in. It looks good with a bit missing.

thanks Steve

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49 minutes ago, sf315 said:

Hello Ernie

MXV looking good ill be able to borrow it .

Id leave the tops panel as the pic above, as it looks as if its in the same state as the rest of the wagon and weather it in. It looks good with a bit missing.

thanks Steve



Thanks for the feedback. 


This is the easiest conversion from the Big Train model.  Just add a few mm of height at the bottom, extend the stanchions downwards to fill in the missing bits, cut out the old doors that are too narrow and make a new door.  The PALBRICK conversions have no top traders door, so it is simple...  I made a replacement section above the end door, just to try it, looks good, but for running is not essential.  This one has the Big Train underframe re-used, a bit of a work up, but makes it cheap on materials.  I added the luxury of sprung buffers.


I will also add some thin brass brake levers as it will catch the eye and stop it wandering to the axleboxes.


There is lots to do on the weathering, I'm going to try using copydex instead of maskol to make patches, paint over, then peel off the copydex (It only works for a day or two as the copydex will go sticky eventually, I found that out when I tried to use its rubbery properties in 4mm wagon suspension)


I will work out the hire rates for the next show,


Very best regards



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Thanks Ernie 

If you wanted a pitted texture to the wagon paint the wagon base brown colour then cover it with talcum powder shake it off and give it a rust colour paint coat then Maskol or however to get the top coat on. You could try this on the next one. 


Thanks Steve. 

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One side is done. This time from the more normal viewing distance. 

I’ve added a representative “HMLE” yellow sticker (actually a chopped up panel from an HO box car sheet. The nondescript black lettering looks fine). Plus a maintenance panel and the 10’0” wheelbase. On this one I used a decal for the white stripe. 

Now it’s on with the brake work and weathering. 


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Tonight Mathew I’m doing brakes....


In the spirit of make do and mend, I rooted around in my scrap brake parts box.   Finding a couple of handy brake slides. 


The base was filed and the top gently filed to fit nice and snug in the sole bar. 



So after tea I can fab up and fit the brake handles. 


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When having one of my many clear outs I came across a tub of Copydex.  So gave it a try as a 'maskol' substitute.  Here with some Copydex brushed on in a semi random pattern:




The with a coat of bauxite over the top:




Then after a few minutes to dry it peeled off:




Now to add rust streaks and a grime wash.


P.S. could not get pictures the right way up.....

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Could not spell.....
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Well... my stash of lids from drink cups gave me a bonus today....  I wanted a shaped piece for the end of a brake lever...

So here’s the first cut showing the bend...




Then setting up in the end of a Parkside lever....




Then a test run...




It needs a bit more fettling when properly dry...




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I’d forgotten to add the representative spring shoes. So here goes. 



They are the white rectangular blobs 


This is the underside. Shortlist is now: 2 more safety loops, vac pipes and 2 door bangers and the vacuum cylinder...



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I’ve not fitted all safety loops, door bangers.  Thought it was just the brake cylinder, suddenly realised I’d not fitted the tie bar between the axle guards. Searching the odds and ends I came across a fret for some class 40/70 bogie etches. The waste seemed spot on, so a length was cut off. Fixed with Super Glue. 
Here with a first coat of paint. 



Here in brutal close up...



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