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For those that fear coming to Australia!


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  • RMweb Premium

I have just rewatched the video  a few times before I type stuff here in case I embarrass myself,   and I'm not trying to be a thicko, but what you seem to be  saying isi that the black car was in the wrong because he didn;t drive through a red light, but instead waited for it to go green ?


Evem the bloke on the  bike is laughing at him so obviously there is some weird secret Melbourne thing going on that is trapping innocent NSW and overseas travellers in their web of right turn trickery in order to scam our insurance and make Victoria great again. Wolf Creek series 3 could just be shot in Flinders St and the plot would be Miick just watching innocent non Victorians being killed driving through green lights.


Well sir, I for one shall not partake of that plot and when I next visit your admitedly very agreeable and civilised state, it will be by your refreshingly modern (now you've got the gauge right)  railway,


-  and I shall walk to the penguins.

OK, I'll try to clear this up. The black car driver makes a series of mistakes.


1/ He stops beyond the white line. (the bike rider actually leaves a space initially for the black car to reverse back if he wishes to).

2/ When the main light changes to green, but the right turn arrow stays red, the black car driver moves forward, with indicator on.

3/ The bike rider makes a comment that the black car has gone through a red light - which he has. The bike rider still leaves space for the car to reverse back, if desired to 'fix' his mistake.

4/ The car driver is fouling the tram track, the approaching tram starts ringing its bell. The bike rider makes a comment about 'you're about to be hit by a tram'.

5/ Car driver ignores the tram and continues moving forward, looking for a gap in the traffic.

6/ Car driver completes his turn

7/ Tram goes behind the car and continues forward.


I'll stick to my original version and say that if the car driver had waited for the red right turn arrow to go out, he wouldn't have put himself into the path of a tram and not have the bike rider laugh at him. Probably by stopping beyond the white stop line in the first place, may have contributed to poor sighting of the red arrow.


Nothing unique about Melbourne (and trams), if there is a right turn red arrow, you DON'T go forward to do a right hand turn.

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Don't get me started about the minister for everything and the off ramp he built for his pub.


Big Russ Hinze?


Being in NSW we did kind of look at the Queensland situation in a "well what do you expect - it is Queensland" kind of haughtiness, ignoring our own Askin Liberal governemt and the brown paper bag culture of our police force, uncovered by the setting up of ICAC -(independent Commission Against Corruption or something.) in the '90's.


The room holding the hearings had a 'rollover door'  famous because corrupt police who had testified in the morning hearing denying any wrong would get spoken to by investigators over lunch about the secret tapes etc they had incriminating them, and in the afternoon session would enter the room via the rollover door and reveal everything hoping for  lighter treatment.


In a worrying trend our current Liberal Government is scaling ICACs funding back.How could they  think that that is a good look? Especially when you are knocking down 3 perfectly good sporting stadiums including the  one built for the  2000 Olympics and rebuilding them again at a cost of 2.2 billion dollars for no reason at all other than you apparently  want to annoy the 86% of voters who think it is a stupid idea.


But hey its christmas and shroud be cheery  - I was not able to find the hook turn film which had the girl with the big boosies , but I will repost this one, in honour of Sabrina, who was a UK lass..  Sadly she passed away a couple of months ago, not reaching the heights that her assets deserved, but remembered and honoured here in Australia via this Caltex advertisement.


Edited by monkeysarefun
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OK, I'll try to clear this up. The black car driver makes a series of mistakes.


1/ He stops beyond the white line. (the bike rider actually leaves a space initially for the black car to reverse back if he wishes to).

2/ When the main light changes to green, but the right turn arrow stays red, the black car driver moves forward, with indicator on.

3/ The bike rider makes a comment that the black car has gone through a red light - which he has. The bike rider still leaves space for the car to reverse back, if desired to 'fix' his mistake.

4/ The car driver is fouling the tram track, the approaching tram starts ringing its bell. The bike rider makes a comment about 'you're about to be hit by a tram'.

5/ Car driver ignores the tram and continues moving forward, looking for a gap in the traffic.

6/ Car driver completes his turn

7/ Tram goes behind the car and continues forward.


I'll stick to my original version and say that if the car driver had waited for the red right turn arrow to go out, he wouldn't have put himself into the path of a tram and not have the bike rider laugh at him. Probably by stopping beyond the white stop line in the first place, may have contributed to poor sighting of the red arrow.


Nothing unique about Melbourne (and trams), if there is a right turn red arrow, you DON'T go forward to do a right hand turn.



Wow, you have to do way too much thinking when driving in Melbourne! Luckily we in NSW travel every where like this these days..The accents and crappy weather and lack of decent surf and so on on the video might make it seem like it was shot in the  UK but that is just your browser settings probably.



Edited by monkeysarefun
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  • RMweb Premium

Wow, you have to do way too much thinking when driving in Melbourne! Luckily we in NSW travel every where like this these days..

One last try. Forget about the tram, it's irrelevant anyway, other than its path was blocked.


The black car went through a red light, for right hand turns. It's as simple as that. Or does NSW allows turns, when the lights are red?

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  • RMweb Premium

Speaking for anyone who lives anywhere other than Melbourne, that is a little mental to  get your head around. Turn right from the  left hand lane but only after the lights have gone red for you?


I think dad  drove about 500km out of our way to avoid doing one of those turns.

You can also find them in Adelaide, apparently.




Hook Turns were at one time standard in Australia. Here's a news item, stating the change for Victoria in 1954. Other states changed the law earlier, 1939 for Sydney, I believe.



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The black car went through a red light, for right hand turns. It's as simple as that. Or does NSW allows turns, when the lights are red?


Can I just humbly point out that on that how-to-do-a-hook-turn video with the friendly lady talking  that you posted one of the steps you need to do when turning right  at the 57 second mark SEEMS to me to turn right on the red. , I just watched it again hoping for something different  but no, light goes red, Melbourne driver turns right.


I am sure it does all  work, and Victoria is a lovely state, I spent a lovely 2 weeks in Walkerville and Wilsons Prom a couple of years ago and its my favourite part of Australia now, and the drive back through Sale and the High Country is just lovely. But those scary hook turns really freak outmost other people who live in somewhere that is not Melbourne....



I think I am a little bit bitter because I wanted to see Hanging Rock back in our family vacation  Victorian road trip of 1978 but because there was a hook turn and trams or something somewhere on the way dad refused and took us to the Apollo Bay lighthouse or something instead,


Which was very windy.

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  • RMweb Premium

Is it though?


Murdoch-owned media (The Courier Mail). Inveterate racism. Blatant kleptocracy. Elections by a Gerrymandered vote of well under 50% of the electorate.


They didn't call Queensland the 'deep north' for nothing. Where on earth could I find such politics today I wonder?

Right here in the UK, and even more so after Brexit.

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I was trying to find a dimly remembered 1960's  film  showing you how to do a hook turn, involving a young  lady with rather impressive bossoms  but found this instead - a 1960's steam driven Ford Falcon.


How much better would the Hardie Ferodo have been if steam powered cars had taken over?  Especially V8 steam powered cars..


Can't you make a more concentrated effort at finding the lady with the big bosoms mate ? Far prefer tits to steam.



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  • RMweb Premium

Can I just humbly point out that on that how-to-do-a-hook-turn video with the friendly lady talking  that you posted one of the steps you need to do when turning right  at the 57 second mark SEEMS to me to turn right on the red. , I just watched it again hoping for something different  but no, light goes red, Melbourne driver turns right.


I am sure it does all  work, and Victoria is a lovely state, I spent a lovely 2 weeks in Walkerville and Wilsons Prom a couple of years ago and its my favourite part of Australia now, and the drive back through Sale and the High Country is just lovely. But those scary hook turns really freak outmost other people who live in somewhere that is not Melbourne....



I think I am a little bit bitter because I wanted to see Hanging Rock back in our family vacation  Victorian road trip of 1978 but because there was a hook turn and trams or something somewhere on the way dad refused and took us to the Apollo Bay lighthouse or something instead,


Which was very windy.

57 seconds into this video?



If so, it's because the car is in the middle stopping point of the intersection for a hook turn & is completing the turn.

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She gets to keep her driving licence!





He is the friendliest policeman in all the world!


I remember in 1982  being pulled over late one night in my yellow Torana because I overtook a police F100 paddywagon that was going along below the 80kmh speed limit on a dual carriageway and I thought it would  be less suspicious to do that than just slow down and stay behind them.


Police Officer: Do you know what speed you were doing?


18 year old me:  53 miles an hour. (my speedo was in miles an hour and that is what 80kmh converted to if I remember rightly)


Police Officer: Well the speed here is 80kmh, not 53 miles an hour...


Luckily because I hadn't turned right at a red light and claimed I was doing a hook turn, and because it was not Joh's Queensland they let me off without bashing me.

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Its already just about Christmas here due to Australia being more ahead than any other county in the world except New Zealand and probably the Cook Islands.


So here is an Australian Christmas carol, - sure was hard to finfd a version not sung by Rolf Harris though...


Merry Christmas every body!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

That's what happens when, for many years, he appeared to represent Australia's gross national product (even though he lived in Britain).

The irony is that 'gross' is the right word!

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But hey its christmas and shroud be cheery - I was not able to find the hook turn film which had the girl with the big boosies , but I will repost this one, in honour of Sabrina, who was a UK lass.. Sadly she passed away a couple of months ago, not reaching the heights that her assets deserved, but remembered and honoured here in Australia via this Caltex advertisement.



All that material to work with and not one mention of grease nipples. Poor show.


BTW, being from Suffolk, I sound more Aussie than that fella, geez!



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  • RMweb Gold


JANUARY 10 2018

Snake hitches a ride from Eden to Pambula


Snake sightings are an inevitable part of our Australian summer – but you don't expect to see them wrapped around your car's side mirror while you're driving.

However, that is what Nolan's Auto Parts Pambula employee Ted Ogier saw on Wednesday, January 10, when driving along the highway to Pambula from Eden. 

  • 1515613691101.jpgNolan's Auto Parts Pambula employee Ted Ogier didn't expect to see a snake on his car's side mirror when driving along the highway to Pambula from Eden. Photo: Nolan's Auto Parts, Pambula

Mr Ogier was returning from Eden after making deliveries when a red belly black snake dropped down on to his windscreen from the vehicle's roof. 

After failed attempts to enter the vehicle, the excitable reptile then tried to enter the driver's side window after first wrapping itself around the car's side mirror. 

  • 1515613691101.jpgNolan's Auto Parts Pambula employee Ted Ogier didn't expect to see a snake on his car's side mirror when driving along the highway to Pambula from Eden. Photo: Nolan's Auto Parts, Pambula

After travelling with the reptile for some time, Mr Ogier pulled over at Oaklands Event Centre near Pambula  and rang his manager, Kai Pearse, for assistance. 


"What do I do here? I have a snake on my bonnet!" Mr Ogier told Mr Pearse over the phone.


When Mr Pearse arrived at Oaklands he saw the snake on the roof of the vehicle, which he described as being between 2 and 2.5 metres long. After some careful manoeuvring, the snake was ushered away with a broom before it slithered safely into a nearby paddock. 


Photos of the encounter have received a huge response on social media, with some commenting that the car needed to be torched now.

1515613691101.jpgNolan's Auto Parts Pambula employee Ted Ogier didn't expect to see a snake on his car's side mirror when driving along the highway to Pambula from Eden. Photo: Nolan's Auto Parts, Pambula

This is not the first time Nolan's employees have encountered native wildlife. 

Last year, Mr Pearse and his staff witnessed and helped remove a kangaroo that entered their Pambula store.

1515613691101.jpgNolan's Auto Parts Pambula employee Ted Ogier didn't expect to see a snake on his car's side mirror when driving along the highway to Pambula from Eden. Photo: Nolan's Auto Parts, Pambula

"It came bounding up the driveway and came tearing into shop and around the showroom." he said

Reflecting on the auto parts store's animal encounters, Mr Pearse said "2017 was the year of the kangaroo, 2018 is the year of the snake!" 


Edited by ikks
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