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My most depressing station is ...

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  • RMweb Premium

I always wonder if anyone ever says "nice sunny day, lets go to the seaside at Severn Beach"?


Severn Beach?  Famous place, squire. Another contender for the Most Depressing award even gets a gratuitous mention : Pilning Junction ;)


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Probably due to air pollution coming from South Wales!


I think it was actually a reference to one particular stack at Avonmouth during the 70s and possibly into the 80s. I remember it as quite a landmark,  visible from the M5.

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It was wet and dismal the last time I was there..........


Nice view of the Second Severn Crossing from the "beach" though.


I can't remember how long ago it was but when Virgin was still running XC, I revisited the branch (though not Severn Beach) thanks to a weekend engineering diversion.


Quite novel going round in a Voyager, the sort of diversion that only comes along every few decades.

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  • RMweb Premium

I wonder how many faded one horse seaside towns there are in Britain nowadays you could say that about.

True, but Severn Beach has not just faded: it has relinquished any claim to be a leisure resort at all and become entirely residential. There is nothing to do there except walk; there is not even a pub.

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  • RMweb Gold

True, but Severn Beach has not just faded: it has relinquished any claim to be a leisure resort at all and become entirely residential. There is nothing to do there except walk; there is not even a pub.


Yet they closed Portishead where there was plenty to do.  The 60s were strange times...

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True, but Severn Beach has not just faded: it has relinquished any claim to be a leisure resort at all and become entirely residential. There is nothing to do there except walk; there is not even a pub.


Yes, I was sad to discover that the huge and cavernous Severn Salmon (presumably designed to cope with all those thirsty daytrippers) was gone without trace.

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  • RMweb Gold

True, but Severn Beach has not just faded: it has relinquished any claim to be a leisure resort at all and become entirely residential. There is nothing to do there except walk; there is not even a pub.

WHAT? No pub?

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Portishead!!! Plenty to do!!??? No, sorry, retract that, I was thinking Clevedon.


Years and years ago, when truth be told I was still too young to be out drinking (but they didn't have any concept of id in those days), I actually saw Adge Cutler live.


It was near Birmingham so he was rambling on about how, whenever he got the chance, he liked to visit the nearest big city adding, "I'm talking about Clevedon here."

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Platform level at City Thameslink is a pretty uninspiring experience, mainly because the lighting seems very dim compared to stations on the London Underground.


Berrylands (a 'prefab' next to a sewage treatment works) and the stations on the Chessington branch are not up to much but some of the intermediate stations between Wimbledon and Sutton are pretty depressing too. Neither the Chessington branch nor the Wimbledon-Sutton line ever really lived up to expectations although if Crossrail 2 happens the Chessington branch will have its Second Coming.

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  • RMweb Premium

Don't knock Severn Beach: it has an independent bakers and a reasonably clean set of public loos and it's a great place to look for storm-blown seabirds when the conditions are right (i.e. wind in the right direction and both facilities open). I saw a Wilson's petrel there years ago during a particularly blustery south wester and probably ate something sticky afterwards to celebrate (from the bakers, I hasten to add).


The station would indeed make a good small layout, not quite a boxfile, in the period when freight reversed there:



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Most depressing station - London Euston last Friday.


After a great day out in London we arrived at Euston around 8pm for the 9.10 home to Wigan.


Nowhere to sit, hundreds standing in the concourse staring up at the departure screens. Every now and then a London Midland service is announced then a rugby scrum to the platform. One wag had everyone laughing shouting "Don't Panic" in a comical voice !! We walked outside for a bite to eat met by pigeons circling and fighting over a discarded chip !! - no better in Marks & Spencers food outlet - pigeons in there also !!. The new Japanese Sushi shop was nice though, and did half price food half an hour before they closed. 


Back to the concourse and staring skywards. I felt sorry for an Australian family booked to Fort William on the Caledonian Sleeper, Kids, luggage & nowhere to sit. Our train came up at 8.55, at least no scrum as we had reserved seats


What a total shyte station Euston is.


Well our train left bang on time, got us in Wigan 3 mins early too. Well done Virgin. Straight into the car and home. Hope the Aussies were fast asleep as the Cally Sleeper passed my home as I climbed into bed.



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  • RMweb Gold

Pilning has to be top of the list.  Only one stopping train a week on a Saturday (and in one direction).  Imagine being stuck there for a week waiting for your next train  :O  :O  :O


Julian Sprott

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