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I'll probably be using Alan Gibson EM ones. Have you had any problems with these on BGS bridge rail?


I use P4 standards. I just tried a few of my EM wagons on a piece of rail, as I thought there might be a problem. I haven't bought any EM wheels for several decades, so couldn't be sure what is made now. The Hornby wagon is a modern one though!


I know you have reasons for using EM, but it's worth considering P4 to avoid problems.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Baseboard construction has been progressing.




The legs need to be done next. Once track work is down then the rest of the boxing in of the baseboards will take place.


You can see the extruded polystyrene clearly, which forms the main strengths of each baseboard and the framing at the front that will support the sea/harbouring and shipping.

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And most of the mess is not mine. I just hijacked the SHMRC club room to put it together today to avoid little fingers belonging to the children getting glue everywhere. Also Teddy (a precocious 3) doesn't like the noise of Daddy's 'DIY' - he has yet connected this noise with model trains which are a favourite of his!

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  • RMweb Gold

Reference the mess. We were putting Hope under Dinmore up in its new position in one of the club rooms which meant we had to disturb the work benches and their power supplies, which will be repositioned this Thursday.

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The progress has been slight but important - the home for the layout.


I have started building the timber supports which will carry the layout when it is at home rather than out and about.




The club's chop saw made light work of the (rather heavyweights) scrap timber and now, as you can see, the right hand scenic board is in place.


I've now run out of suitable timber and drill battery...

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  • 3 months later...

The first narrow gauge loco for Nampara! No 1384, aquired by the GWR in 1883.




I wish I could claim I built it, but I bought it from an estate sale.


It runs beautifully!


Jobs to do to it:

1. Paint frames wheels and valance etc Indian red.

2. Add fireman.

3. Fit DCC chip (somewhere). If only there was a sound file for Sharp Stewart tanks... I’m sure I could hide a sugar cube speaker on the cab floor between the crews’ legs....


Merry Xmas!



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It’s not an area I know much about, perhaps generic steam sounds will do...


Perhaps someone out there can comment more intelligently than me - on sound files and steam sounds before you say something like ‘any one would say something more intelligent than you’ etc etc

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The start of track laying! Or at least the cutting of sleepers ready for staining....




That’s a pile of about 180 plain sleepers and a slightly blunt chisel blade. Now for the points and diamond crossing.

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And now the diamond crossing and points are ready for the sheep dip...




And yes they will be dipped separately as I have no wish to spend hours working out which timber belongs to which point template!


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Hi Gareth, Happy new year and all that.


I had thought of that as the first stain I got was some sort of acrylic that defied thinning and was designed to be wiped on. However, I managed to find a spirit based stain that thinned nicely and the first batch have been drying since yesterday afternoon and the 2nd lot are in the dip and will come out later today. I’d be interested to see how yours looks.



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