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Nipped into my local Independent news agents yesterday, and get told, we've got that mag back in for you.......result!


So had a quick browse whilst waiting for a haircut.


Even if there's nothing In It for you......it's still a great buy, some wonderful photography and if nothing else, I've picked up on using black cotton on my home made concertina corridor connectors!

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  • RMweb Premium

Newsagent that sells MRJ & does haircuts. Now that's multi-tasking.



Something for the weekend sir?


I thought it was a rather good issue. I particularly liked the Highland Birdcage van, and the use of a lump of perspex for the roof lookout. Having scratchbuilt a SECR birdcage the hard way, that's definitely the way forward. 

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Something for the weekend sir?


A question always asked by our local barber even to a six year old. Whist the innocent kid would ponder this seemingly unfathomable question, he would quickly press a gobstopper into your hand!


Now it's more a question of, "something for the weak end Sir"?



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Really enjoyed the article on the Nettlebridge Valley Railway, the Taff Vale Railmotor and structure modelling in the smaller scales.  This one's definitely a keeper.  (Not that I'm in the habit of chucking out old magazines, just that some magazines for whatever reason get read once, put aside and then not seen again for months afterward.  This issue won't be joining those lost souls).

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Though it's not the first time you've made two completely pointless posts in a row.......


Still, I understand your view, the content is pretty narrow only including articles on a layout, locomotives, wagons, coaches, road vehicles, scenics, structure modelling and workshop techniques in 2mm scale EM, P4, S and 7mm. I will try to get a wider spread of topics for my next issue!


The cover actually has two typos and there is a missing picture in my article which is disappointing but, as Chris says, these things happen.




I find there is always something interesting in every issue, regardless of whether the item is of specific interest to one. Always something to learn from other people's modelling when it is of such a high standard, and always at the leading edge. MRJ is now the only magazine I religiously buy every month and I have every issue going back to 1.


Chris G

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I find there is always something interesting in every issue, regardless of whether the item is of specific interest to one. Always something to learn from other people's modelling when it is of such a high standard, and always at the leading edge. MRJ is now the only magazine I religiously buy every month and I have every issue going back to 1.


Chris G

What's Issue 0 worth...?!

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There was a place in Derby... I kid you not ;)



Chris's Railway Bookshop and Barber. When I lived in Derby, it was just round the corner and I used to get my haircut there and come out with the odd book or two.


I usually peruse magazines including MRJ in the newsagents and decide whether or not to buy depending on the contents. More often than not I purchase MRJ and this issue was an instant buy. Not heard of the Nettlebridge layouts before so the article on those was an instant attraction. Some of the other articles aren't on subjects that hugely appeal to me, but the techniques used to create the models are and often acts as inspiration for my own modeling.


As a long standing Gravett disciple, I'm hoping that the cover photo means that we don't have long to wait for an article on their latest masterpiece.


It's interesting to see mental health being openly discussed, as it's often a taboo subject and mental wellbeing is a fundamental essential in society today. A few years back, after a woman had attempted to end her life by standing in front of the Voyager I was driving, I received some counseling. The one element that the Counseller gave me which has stuck with me is the need to have 'coping strategies', once you recognize you're having issues, it's having an activity or other that can help you overcome and return to a sense of wellbeing. Railway Modelling is an essential part of that for me and many others by the sounds of it.




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  • RMweb Gold

Chris's Railway Bookshop and Barber. When I lived in Derby, it was just round the corner and I used to get my haircut there and come out with the odd book or two.


I usually peruse magazines including MRJ in the newsagents and decide whether or not to buy depending on the contents. More often than not I purchase MRJ and this issue was an instant buy. Not heard of the Nettlebridge layouts before so the article on those was an instant attraction. Some of the other articles aren't on subjects that hugely appeal to me, but the techniques used to create the models are and often acts as inspiration for my own modeling.


As a long standing Gravett disciple, I'm hoping that the cover photo means that we don't have long to wait for an article on their latest masterpiece.


It's interesting to see mental health being openly discussed, as it's often a taboo subject and mental wellbeing is a fundamental essential in society today. A few years back, after a woman had attempted to end her life by standing in front of the Voyager I was driving, I received some counseling. The one element that the Counseller gave me which has stuck with me is the need to have 'coping strategies', once you recognize you're having issues, it's having an activity or other that can help you overcome and return to a sense of wellbeing. Railway Modelling is an essential part of that for me and many others by the sounds of it.





A bit about model railways and mental well-being or otherwise in 'Musings and Misc' under the Mojo thread, started off a bit by me I'm afraid.  There's a lot of it about!  

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  • RMweb Gold

"Colliers (inordinately long pause) heading home"... you've got me doing it now. MRJ is never going to be the same again. Thank you so much...


PS: For the Lord and Lady Whiteadders amongst us, this absolutely a discussion about the contents.


PPS: Check out

I promise your day will be better for it.

Viv Stanshall was a National Treasure.


Handing you a red hot coin for your efforts......

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  • RMweb Premium

I particularly liked Jerry's editorial.


It's good to know I may not alone in having the view that the latest technology isn't always the solution to all the worlds' problems.

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  • RMweb Gold

With technology, obsolescence is a potential issue. Think video cassettes, mini disc players etc. The emergence of better battery technology could render powered track potentially obsolete. My guess is DCC could fall by the wayside.


August's Railway Modeller has an article on MERG's CANBUS based system. Yet another standard to challenge the status quo. As long as we use low voltage d.c. motors, then 2 rail d.c. will be here for a very long time I think. I'm not bothered about sound (noise...?) either plus the cost factor means no DCC here either.

I don't think the current "status quo" of DC/DCC is likely to be overturned any time soon.


DC is well understood, and you don't have to buy controllers off a manufacturer.


With DCC you just need a decoder in the loco, a command station/controller and a psu for the current. All widely available from different suppliers. And you don't have to have sound with DCC either.


Battery operation means you need a battery, receiver AND decoder (similar to a DCC decoder) for each loco. Definitely an added cost factor in excess of that for a DCC setup. Then you need to remember to recharge the locos you're going to use for the running session, or you're back to clockwork days when the loco runs out on the other side of the layout!  The MERG CANBUS implementation is interesting, but not a commercial proposition any time soon.


There's nothing wrong with DC, and DCC adds a degree of extra flexibility and a degree of backward compatibility with DC.  But each to their own, there's no need to be prescriptive. The whole point is that you can do what you like on your own layout!

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  • RMweb Gold

Where could DCC go next?


"Hello, my name is Stephen and I'm calling from DCC Windows Technical Services. We are having large amount of errors from your locos..."

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  • RMweb Gold

Where could DCC go next?


"Hello, my name is Stephen and I'm calling from DCC Windows Technical Services. We are having large amount of errors from your locos..."

I've had a great deal of amusement by offering to go and switch on the offending computer and leaving the handset to its own devices (in an old shoebox, filled with packaging pebbles) for about 20 minutes. They've usually given up by then!

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  • RMweb Gold

I've had a great deal of amusement by offering to go and switch on the offending computer and leaving the handset to its own devices (in an old shoebox, filled with packaging pebbles) for about 20 minutes. They've usually given up by then!

Being quite proficient in IT, I've tormented many of these scammers. They are surprisingly gullible and can be very short-tempered when they realise you are dicking about with them.

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With technology, obsolescence is a potential issue. Think video cassettes, mini disc players etc. The emergence of better battery technology could render powered track potentially obsolete. My guess is DCC could fall by the wayside.


August's Railway Modeller has an article on MERG's CANBUS based system. Yet another standard to challenge the status quo. As long as we use low voltage d.c. motors, then 2 rail d.c. will be here for a very long time I think. I'm not bothered about sound (noise...?) either plus the cost factor means no DCC here either.


I think you are on the wrong topic here, the 'Railway Modeler' site is elsewhere. I am afraid the MRJ is not for you 'Gadget Freaks' but for real modelers.

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I think you are on the wrong topic here, the 'Railway Modeler' site is elsewhere. I am afraid the MRJ is not for you 'Gadget Freaks' but for real modelers.

Really? You could argue that having a radio controlled crane on your layout is the ultimate gadget! And Giles' real Modelling gadgetry is very much at home in MRJ.



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To be honest I haven't brought MRJ for years manly to do with the lack of space for all the magazines, I have however brought a number of the white covered magazine books which Wild Swan have produced over the years.


As my modelling tend to be more of a light railway / narrow guage mix I tend to buy Roy Links magazine the NG&IReview which covers these area's far better than anyone else.




I admit this may not be up everyone's street but it is full of inspriation


If MRJ was to start to include some of this off the beaten track modelling I think everyone would be winners.




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And what is the point of that comment? Are you implying I am not a real modeller then? If so I take exception to your remarks. Comments like that make me wonder why I bother with RMWeb at times, but as others have said, don't let them win by giving up on the forum. If your comments were meant as a joke, then it was very poor IMHO.


I was following up on a comment made about the editorial concerning DCC. The reference to RM, which incidentally I very rarely buy, was to highlight MERG's CBUS as yet another standard for an electronic system for model railways.


Paul, without reference to posts on this and any other thread, I too get despondent when I put up something which I consider might be of interest to readers, only to be criticized by somebody who feels compelled to be a self appointed moderator and nit pic at what you've put up, more often than not in an 'admonishing' tone.
This forum is a superb resource for information on modelling from the train set to finescale. I just wish (forlornly!) that posts/discussions would be kept polite and informative and be devoid of ‘rudeness’, unwarranted criticism and speculation. …with the exception of the Ebay Madness thread which always has been fair game!
I have thought many times “why do I bother?” after being rudely told off but you and I have been on here long enough to shrug our shoulders. For me, life is too short to get so serious with our hobby. For me it is for enjoyment.
Now all of this isn’t anything to do with MRJ……………! :P
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