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You seem to be moving into Col Stephens territory with various tram based rolling stock, would you be interested in the tram locos bodies ( not Jane + Mary ) of the Wantage Tramway ? Might be interested.

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If I can find drawings I can consider any loco. I had noticed someone was doing some Wantage items, so had stayed clear for the time being.

Colonel Stephens railway items are pretty well documented, mainly due to Les Darbyshire initially, but others have done drawings and members of the society have been very helpful.

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Thanks, as a matter of interest do you know who is doing Wantage stuff ? Is this on shapeways ?


How about the Brill Tramways coaches in 7mm ? I've seen you've done the Metropolitan rigid 8w but I'm thinking about the 4W tramway coach and the pair of bogie cars built by Bristol, picture and drawing of the latter in the OPC history.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, as a matter of interest do you know who is doing Wantage stuff ? Is this on shapeways ?



Etches for the two Wantage tram locos - the Hughes and the Mathews - plus the coaches converted from trams, are available from Worsley works. These were, I think, originally produced for a 3mm scale project, but are now available in 4mm and other scales.

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I amcertain I have seen someone here with Wantage stuff, possibly only the steam tram/railcar (?).

Found this on Shapeways


As for the Brill branch, I am planning to do the other Met coaches which I think were modified. I have book with the Bristol  coach drawing. Would love todo the traction engine loco.


Back on Bulleid, I have been adapting my Q1 design to be more like the one in Robin Barnes book. Q2-AS-4-6-4T.jpg

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Backto reality(??) and the Pickering bogie coaches originally used on KESR, but one ended upon EKR and the othe 2 ended up at Longmoor.. The Longmoor coaches ran in original condition but then the all third was converted into a very successful inspection saloon(even conveying royalty!), and the brake third was converted into a tool van, but was then destroyed in an airraid in 1940. Drawings exist for original, and some basic ones for Longmoor. I have done the saloon, but unsure on the tool van as I have not found any photos and the drawing in book only shows one side and inside was well fitted out, blocking some doors.


At 41ft long, not a big coach, even in gauge one, but different, and useful.

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I think if Bulleid had been given the job Riddles took, then he would have done more designs like this. Not sure how well they wuld have run, but the Q1 was a roaring success, only failing being poor rear view when running in reverse.

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I think if Bulleid had been given the job Riddles took, then he would have done more designs like this. Not sure how well they wuld have run, but the Q1 was a roaring success, only failing being poor rear view when running in reverse.

It also suffered with poor braking due to the weight reduction.


If bulleid had been given the job , it'd have been likely he'd have gone with designs closer to the merchant navy, the Q1 really was just a war time solution to a problem with the fact that the southern was predominantly a passenger railway so lacked the locos to haul ear time goods trains.


However, we can never truly know I expect, maybe he'd have continued to work on leader (there's another item you could draw up as only available model is a white metal kit in 4mm) and maybe it might have worked kept closer to his ideas (ie oil fired rather than coal).

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  • RMweb Premium

maybe he'd have continued to work on leader (there's another item you could draw up as only available model is a white metal kit in 4mm) and maybe it might have worked kept closer to his ideas (ie oil fired rather than coal).


There's a resin model in 4mm scale available for many years now from Golden Arrow Models of Hastings.

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There's a resin model in 4mm scale available for many years now from Golden Arrow Models of Hastings.


That is white metal rather than resin. I've spoken with him at shows and he has indicated he might retool it for resin at some point, but a low priority at present.

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Leader would be an option.I have a drawing,and of course it would be available in all of the 6 scales I normallly offer.


The Q1 might have been a war time design, but so were the austerity 2-8-0 and 2-10-0, and the BR standards were relatively simple engines compared to some pre war designs. Materials were in short supply after the war, so something simple, cheap to build could have been built, not just for the UK, but for mainland Europe,. Just an idea.

For me, having grown up in Bulleid territory, but now living only a couple of miles down the road from where Bulleid grew up,I sometimes think there is something in the air round here, resulting in so many novel ideas emanating from engineeers who are from the area.

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Still quite a few electric units I want to do, so got on with a couple of the origins LYR electric baggage cars(their term) nos 3028 and 3029.

Although both built to same diagram D59, there are obvious differences. 3018 has a lowish non clerestory roof, with standard doors, wheras 2029 had a clersetory roof and sliding doors.Both had a compartment withside facing seats for workers, but they were to different sizes, and doors and windows in different places. Fortunately I have a photo of 3028, and an official d%9 drawing(assumed to be 3059). Rush in his book has a slightly differnt design, and he also misqotes width as 9ft 6in, when they were actually 9ft wide.

There was a third unit built , just after merger with LNWR, but have not found any drawings. It hasd an elliptical roof,but is otherwise said to be similar. It had a different diagra number D147, so I need to investigate more. lyr-3028-electric-baggage-car-1a.jpglyr-3029-electric-baggage-car-1a.jpg

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Might do the H&B coaches. I have seen mag, but my copy has not arrived yet( it also hasone of  my letters published!)


I am trying to move round the regions, there just seems to be a lot that interests me up north, especially the electric stock. I do have some southern stock on the list, especially the LSWR electric stock, original and modified, and more Met/LT stock.

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I get the digital version of RM, but I hadn't got to the letters page yet. It's a good letter though, and I can easily agree with many of your points. I'm also one of those younger people who chose not to drive (all right, 'younger' is relative, and a 'proper' young person may laugh at any claim by me to be that young!), so convenient rail connections for events or trips are a must.

LSWR is definitely the region that interests me, although not electric stock unfortunately. I'm modelling around the Bournemouth West area in 1930, so it's steam all the way, and lots of pre-Grouping carriages. I still have hopes of hacking some Farish suburbans into an 'Emigrant Stock' set for 1930, but given the amount of work to achieve something close it might still be better to wait for a decent 3D print to go on a Farish chassis, even if it takes you a year or three to get to it.

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I suppose this counts as yet more nothern stock. But it is a bit classy. Hope I have done it justice. Not something you could scratchbuild easily. I had been putting back these more complex shapes till I felt more confident in my ability. Possibly noy perfect but I think for most people would be OK.


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, as a matter of interest do you know who is doing Wantage stuff ? Is this on shapeways ?


How about the Brill Tramways coaches in 7mm ? I've seen you've done the Metropolitan rigid 8w but I'm thinking about the 4W tramway coach and the pair of bogie cars built by Bristol, picture and drawing of the latter in the OPC history.

The pair of bogie cars can be scratchbuilt using the Ratio bogie bolster kit. The bogies are of the same type and the bogie centres measurement is identical. The overal length of the coaches is only two feet more.

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Fine tuning is essential with complex shapes. It is stillonly meant to be something which can be finished off not the final item.An aid to scratchbuilding.

Getting the tumblehome to change into what is a flatter end by buffers is ticky. Any more curvitiure on edges will have to be done by modeller.


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This thread shows the designs. To give people an idea of what can be built, here is a simple brake van finished off in GCR livery.



Wonky handrail is my doing.

Also have a rail car and dynamometer car going through the works at present. The dynamometer car also won’t set me back 125 quid.


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