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Why I don't Use Facebook

Ian J.

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  • RMweb Premium

 Taking pictures of corn flakes or what you are eating is just puerile rubbish and not what it's about

To you that might well be the case.

To a young lad I know who struggles to cope with life it is a very important task that he needs to do every morning.

You are very lucky that you do not have such a problem.

However please try to have a little more understanding in respect oft hose who have such difficulties in coping with every day tasks.


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Taking pictures of corn flakes or what you are eating is just puerile rubbish and not what it's about


To you that might well be the case.

To a young lad I know who struggles to cope with life it is a very important task that he needs to do every morning.


With the utmost respect to the young lad in question Bernard, it's still not very interesting, is it? That, I think, is part of the problem. Posting a 7 minute video of little Timmy tying his shoelaces may well be monumentally important to little Timmy and a source of pride to his parents but a complete yawn to everybody else.

If there were some way of separating the tosh from the good stuff, FB would be great. That, again, presents a problem. One person's tosh is another's delight. Everybody's different and that's how it should be, I suppose.

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  • RMweb Gold

If people want to use it and find it useful that's fine, I get a bit peeved that just because I don't want to use it, I'm looked at as some kind of old fart or paranoia freak or out of touch.

Looking back to the genesis of this thread it runs both ways.... I'm a user. I don't consider myself out of touch and I don't want to be a considered a social outcast. There are 2 sides to everything. Live and let live I say.


Now let's talk about EM wheels widened to P4 gauge.... or perhaps not ;)



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  • RMweb Premium

With the utmost respect to the young lad in question Bernard, it's still not very interesting, is it? That, I think, is part of the problem. Posting a 7 minute video of little Timmy tying his shoelaces may well be monumentally important to little Timmy and a source of pride to his parents but a complete yawn to everybody else.

If there were some way of separating the tosh from the good stuff, FB would be great. That, again, presents a problem. One person's tosh is another's delight. Everybody's different and that's how it should be, I suppose.

Hi Pete


The only way of sorting out the tosh is to just skim through the new post and stop at ones you know might be of interest. But always remember to click like when little Timmy appears on screen even if you don't spend 7 minutes watching mummy's latest box office smash hit.


I also find keeping the number of friends to a minimum helps.


Last night I informed my facebook friends that I had made up my mind who I was not voting for and could they stop sending me political post.

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I think it's great. My family know what I'm doing. Most stuff I post is about where we are. Mostly as people may find it interesting and maybe want to go themselves.

Through Facebook I have come into contact with people that otherwise I would have never come across.

If I need some information quick it can help.

There is a group related to one of my jobs. It keeps me up to date better than the proper reporting channels.

Finally unless you use no technology; credit cards, debit cards, mobile phone, store cards etc. You are constantly tracked real time. Automatic Numberplate readers track you. Facebook is the least of your worries.

Every post on RMWeb will be scanned by American, Russian and Chinese software. I'm sure the Secret Trump Putin hotline is to discus the latest development on Coachmans new track outside the shed....,,

Edited by The Bigbee Line
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  • RMweb Premium

I wouldn't be without Facebook. I live in New Zealand with my immediate family, whereas all my extended family remain in England. We left the UK when I was just 6, and since Facebook came along, keeping in touch with all the family is a far easier, and cheaper, task than it was.

Similarly, I used to live in Auckland, our biggest city, but now live in a small town in the South Island, and again its a great and much cheaper way to keep in touch with friends.

Yes I agree some people do post a load of , that is so boring it's not even worth writing in the first place to me!, but Facebook does have its uses in the right place.

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  • RMweb Premium

My personal, grumpy view is that Mark Zuckerberg is a sadly dysfunctional person, each F-book user has a lifetime value of $136 apparently, and I have no desire to add to his vast wealth and pile of personal data in any way, so I don't, never have & never will use it!



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  • RMweb Premium

To you that might well be the case.

To a young lad I know who struggles to cope with life it is a very important task that he needs to do every morning.

You are very lucky that you do not have such a problem.

However please try to have a little more understanding in respect oft hose who have such difficulties in coping with every day tasks.


Well said Bernard. I really saddens me that there are seemingly OK people on here (RM W that is), who just can't get their heads around those that are 'different' and that those folk often have very unusual 'ways'.

I don't care if I now get some patronising responses because, after seeing and hearing what people have been doing and saying this last 12 months (not just on RM W), I just can' be ar##d to even get slightly miffed. What worries me most is that I just did not know just how many people don't seem to give a toss about understanding others' 'differences' and call those that do, lefty Liberal tree huggers or some similar demeaning title. Quite a shock as I've always until recently reckoned that almost all people are actually OK, even if they do not demonstrate that overtly. 

Thank you for putting your point across so carefully.


Edited by Mallard60022
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I don't use it but my wife & kids do. They use it (sensibly) to keep in contact with family and friends around the world, along with skype etc. They are fantastic communication tools, when used with a modicum of common sense.



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Well said Bernard.-- Quite a shock as I've always until recently reckoned that almost all people are actually OK, even if they do not demonstrate that overtly. 

Thank you for putting your point across so carefully.


Yep - welcome to the real world, intolerance is on the increase, I wonder why??

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I don't subscribe to Farcebook either, but that's because I think it's a monumental waste of time.

All depends on your point of view, Some might consider 15,000 posts on RMWeb the same, but ...........


It is horses for courses....... see what I did there?


I find it handy for keeping in touch, I've set up an old comrades group, managed to get in touch with long lost pals (and family) and found some 'interesting' groups along the way.


Bit like swimming the channel, not that I want to do it, but do like to dip my toes in from time to time.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have a facebook account with a false identity just to log into the odd site that requires it.

It still manages to suggest 'friends' who are people I do actually know.

I don't use Facebook, but I did anorter similar site. I get emails regularly for friends I might know. The last batch included my sister. Fair enough, but also her former boyfriend who died about 3 years ago! They actually broke up a few months prior.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi folks,


I don't subscribe to FaceBook or anything similar.  I'm not that bothered about the " ... being tracked ... " bit, even though I am part of a group that has just published a paper on surveilance in our society.  The reason I avoid it is that many of my colleagues are on it, and I don't want to be in the awkward position of having to ignore requests to be their 'friends'.  If you met some of my colleagues you would understand why!


Regards (from my hiding place behind the sofa),



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I'm sure Paul Bartlett will be chuffed to bits with that assessment ;)




If it is X rated on Paul Bartlett's site it's dual braked (air and vacuum).



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.....and I don't want to be in the awkward position of having to ignore requests to be their 'friends'.  

Most, if not 99.9% of the 'Friends' request are generated by FB anyway, just ignore them.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've got a FB account but it's been basically dormant for years as I just never got into it. I think concerns about tracking are rather like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted and with respect to the stuff about FB making money from using the data to target marketing etc I don't see the problem, they're providing a service and their use of data is effectively their fee. I'm guessing if they decided to offer a completely clean service with no use of data but charged a monthly fee for its use that subscriber numbers would collapse. My wife uses it all the time, then again I spend far too much time on this site. Personally, I find e-mail works perfectly well for keeping in touch with friends, having an extended family dispersed around the world and friends even more spread out around the world I do appreciate the way that the Internet has transformed communications and shrunk the world but I just can't get into FB at all.

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  • RMweb Premium

A few years ago I was told I should join a couple of FB groups for former employees of certain shipping companies I'd worked for and people waxed lyrical. When I looked at them they were an Internet equivalent of the Bruce Springsteen song Glory Days and those I was truly friendly with (as opposed to board of trade acquintances) I'd kept in touch with anyway. Not for me I'm afraid.

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Perhaps some people confuse FB friends with true friendship, at the age of fifty three I have five close friends and consider myself very lucky to have them. I'm not on FB for any particular reason other than I maintain my friendships by the old fashioned methods of meeting up and talking if that's not practical a phone call/text suffices (I know texts are fairly new). I believe some FB users collect 'friends' like stamps in order to reaffirm the notion of their own affability/popularity. At the extreme end of the spectrum are those individuals who are attracted by the narcissistic nature of constantly updating the world of the miniscule changes in their lives. I fail to see the attraction of being kept aware of such mundane information myself.  But that's just me.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sure Paul Bartlett will be chuffed to bits with that assessment ;)



Paul's site represents a tiny fraction of that fraction of 1% that makes the whole thing bearable (for the likes of us discerning types on here) which is actually massive in absolute terms, it just tends to get buried under all the lowest common denominator stuff.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well said Bernard. I really saddens me that there are seemingly OK people on here (RM W that is), who just can't get their heads around those that are 'different' and that those folk often have very unusual 'ways'.



Thank you.

I have no desire to post pictures of food or indeed of any other activity. I do find it amusing when people post pictures of me on the internet.

My own peculiarity is I am controlled by time. If I am told an event is at a certain time I go ape if it is changed. The other day I was told we would be picked up by a car at 21;30. When we had not left at 21:40 I simply could not cope. Now to many people that sounds daft but believe me it is serious to me. Fortunately my daughter understands the situation. To the extent that when their was a hold up on the railway and I was late in meeting her she was really worried that some thing had happened to me. Ironically my "problem" was a great help in my job in QC as working on an audit I would never let up until I had all figures agreeing.

In general on here the membership is very broadminded and understanding, however we do have the odd .


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  • RMweb Premium

Most, if not 99.9% of the 'Friends' request are generated by FB anyway, just ignore them.

The suggestion of "people you might know", yes, but not friend requests.

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