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  • RMweb Premium



Yes, SWD! It's on a separate function key ISTR. Legomanbiffo does some ''failed'' starts using F1 but I'm not sure about his 47. Kev.



Hours of fun, might not go down too well with the old man tho...


In fact that gives me an idea. Sunday morning at a show, when its a bit slow (sorry when i'm a bit slow) could just leave the layout for couple of hours with the 47 in can't start mode.


ha ha ha

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  • RMweb Premium

Right, I'll get the chain saw out then.


Door progress today......




For those wondering about refs to red stripes (like I was), the prototype photos are in this post. It's also worth scrolling up the page for some pork pie action. 


Thank you darling


Ah, I see Andy Y also needs to add a "Thank you darling" button....

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The doors re looking great with even how the paint has soaked in is all ready giving the grimy bleached sunlight look. unless its just the angle and light condition pic taken in.




I am curious as to why your sticking pop cans on the doors, or are the red stripe cans acting as duel role - door handles and as emergency pastie wash down kit.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Now that was difficult and beyond my ability really. The backs with the 'Z' frames were hideous to do. I'm ok-ish how it's turned out, theres a few over-paints and runs but nothing a scrape and touch-in with yellow wouldn't sort.






Let to dry now.


Next will be the horizontal red stripe at one third hieght.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now, the end of the building we've been shown recently has 3 door ways, each leading to the hidden pits. As you've only done 5 sets of doors, I'm taking a wild guess here that the other end of the building, that nearest the turntable, has only 2 door ways....


Or was Spams correct about your counting (in)ability ?

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  • RMweb Premium

Now, the end of the building we've been shown recently has 3 door ways, each leading to the hidden pits. As you've only done 5 sets of doors, I'm taking a wild guess here that the other end of the building, that nearest the turntable, has only 2 door ways....


Or was Spams correct about your counting (in)ability ?

How do I answer this politely?


Yes one doorway was blocked up. I'm guessing that corner of the shed was used for offices and/or stores ??


Just had an extremely civilised over-nighter in Stamford.


This morning has been spent in Robert Humm's and discovering the remains of Stamford East.


What more could you ask for?

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  • RMweb Premium

Well over a year ago I started my entry for the 2012 scratch build challenge. I started sourcing the materials, got thinking about windows and drawing it up. Then we did something daft and entered (and won) the layout competition that saw us build Black Country Blues in less than a year. The scratch build competition entry was put on hold and Andy Y merged the posts with the DitD thread.


So what was I planning on building?






Now the downside with merging the signal box scratch build thread with the main DitD one is that I'm having a spot of bother finding all the info again! So for my own benefit, here's a few I've now found:




Craig's photos and a few more


Ernie's St B Flickr page


Realising the box isn't normal


It's a Type 7D..... 


Dimension calcs


Edit 25/07/2013

So that I can find everything in this massive thread I've decided to add the progress photos to this post and then post links back to it from 'update posts'.


Anyway, as usual the build started by gathering as much prototype information as possible to supplement the dimensions and photos supplied by our tame Cornish signalman!



These details were converted to some working 'drawings', ok, fag packet sketches and then the sides marked up onto 1.5mm / 60thou thick plasticard:





The door and window openings were cut out whilst the walls were all in 'the flat' and then the sides stuck together into a rigid box using MEK.







Plasticard structures can be prone to warping as the solvent sets so I've therefore braced the lower rear wall early on in the construction. I've glued 5mm wide strips of 1mm / 40 thou sheet on the inside of the wall vertically and then placed another skin of 1.5mm / 60 thou on top of that. This will be done to all the lower walls once the openings are fully finished.



I'm using Southeast Finecast brick plasticard to cover the shell, getting all the tarty brickwork on the box done before the more fragile glazed areas are tackled. I'm using three of SEF's sheets: Flemish bond (FBS403), English bond (FBS402) and their sheet of lintels & arches (FBS411).


I started off by placing a 1mm thick by 2mm wide strip under the lower edge of the glazing opening. Then I started working downwards, using the 2mm strip as a datum, using 8 courses of Flemish bond brickwork. This included a purposeful vertical join above the left hand window opening where the box had been modified. The header courses above the windows were cut out of the (very useful) arches sheet. 






I carried on working down towards the base of the windows using carefully cut sections of more Flemish bond and then built out the lower section of the base with strips of 1mm thick sheet. These were topped off by SEF English bond - this change in bond was reflected on the real box. 






After sorting out the coursing on the corner joins and opening returns my attention then turned the the first floor:





More to follow in a further update, but not tonight!

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