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I sprayed mine with some Tamiya dark red for the bricks (forget the colour name) and then did the sills with a concretey greyinsh beige, the name of which also eludes me now. Followed by wash of the same stuff to do the mortar, and lately some india ink/ IPA wash,

What a waste of IPA :O ,  rather drink mine!!!!!! :stinker:

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The 2 structures have now been 'bedded in'  and I've decided to take a break from structure modelling and concentrate on scenics.


A few weeds have appeared and the baseboard area in the foreground has been painted green prior to adding static grass, weeds etc. I intend to go for an overgrown look. Some greenery has


appeared at the left hand end of the layout and I'll add sea moss trees later to give it more depth.
















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Really taking shape, looking good Mal! Thanks for the updates  :)


I note some excellent work with your newly repaired Noch static grass applicator, have you or anyone else got any recommendations for a more budget version as last time I checked the Noch ones were pricey!!!!





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In reality the peco one is a WWS-made applicator. I have one and I don't regret the purchase at all.

Be aware though that the peco/budget WWS applicator only has one mesh available. If you want a choice of how fine the mesh is or to have a choice of aperture shapes, you need to spend more. I used paper to mask the aperture when I wanted a letterbox shape, and the supplied mesh has been fine for my purposes, but that won't necessarily be the case for everyone.

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It's great to have my Noch Grassmaster back in action. Certainly makes ground cover quick and easy.


 I had a stockpile of static grasses and it's important to choose the right colours and length. Some greens are just too bright and some have red, yellow and blue mixed in!!


I find Silflor/Mininatur have natural looking greens and I use 2mm, 4.5mm and 6.5mm grasses. Polak are also good if you can find them.














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I've returned to structure modelling this week, using a DPM modular kit to produce a second warehouse. It must be almost 20 years since I last built a DPM structure and they are fun to build.


Once again I've simply used Humbrol acrylic spray cans to paint and weather. Later, I'll add a little more weathering and roof details and finally bed in the warehouse.










At the other end of the layout, the Transload track has received an old Walthers horizontal tank , found in my scrapbox. It fits perfectly in the space available and gives me an reason to run


a few tank cars.































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The second warehouse has now been bedded in and a sea moss tree line has been fixed in between the warehouse and the old Korber water tower.


Static grass and grass tufts added below the trees.




















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More static grass and grass tufts added.....





































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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Ray. I have to agree with you, I had also noticed a reduction in postings in recent months. Where have all the US modellers gone?

Personally in between domestic disasters I am shunting an inglenook which after extensive testing will be stuck down and scenic work begun.

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Thanks Ray. I have to agree with you, I had also noticed a reduction in postings in recent months. Where have all the US modellers gone?

I, for one, seem to be going through a "loss of inspiration" patch - not that I haven't made anything - now made 5 so far this year - but on completing track-laying on each, have decided that I do not really find any of them inspiring, and dismantled them again! 

Currently having thoughts about Daniels Piedmont Blues trackplan, but probably under its original title "West Box Street" and in HO.  BTW - speaking of Daniel (Emperor of the Paper Buildings Empire), this may be of interest to modellers -

The Acme Transfer Warehouse  -    https://teamtrackmodels.com/?product=acme-transfer-warehouse

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Thanks Ray. I have to agree with you, I had also noticed a reduction in postings in recent months. Where have all the US modellers gone?


I haven't gone away, just busy modelling!


My failing is not really keeping the forum informed of my progress. It has taken me four years to bring the top deck of my layout to "completed" status and I have now made a start on the lower deck.





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Bloody 'ell Mal, I don't check the thread for a few days and when I come back you're progress has shot up to 11! Nice work, it's looking the business now!



good to see some ones still building and posting on here, we seem to have lost our prolific layout builders to other medias :O , myself included, keep the flag flying Mal :no:





I'm still building Ray, albeit without much to show for it so far - benchwork, tracklaying and electrics aren't exactly exciting. Not that I'm particularly prolific though, either! :D

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Trevor - I really don't know why - but I seem to have missed out on your excellent Kaley Yard weblog - the omission has ben rectified and is now added to "My Favorites"


Missing out would certainly not be an omission on your part!


I started the original Taft Yard layout in 2009 when the internet did not have forums such as RMWEB . My original internet provider gave me web space with an appropriate web address and I used Fotopic to host about 5,000 photographs. A change of provider and the collapse of Fotopic saw me migrate to the Wordpress site, this seemed the best (and cheapest) option at the time. The Wordpress site is not an ideal medium for sharing images and ideas with the modelling community but with so many photographs and text it becomes very difficult to change.



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Thanks Ray. I have to agree with you, I had also noticed a reduction in postings in recent months. Where have all the US modellers gone?

Still here, but hand-spiking a whole oval of O Scale track in the last few months have given me a bit of modelling burn-out recently, and I haven't done much at all in the way of modelling.

Besides, some of us couldn't keep up with the rates of progress some of you guys make even if we had all day, every day to work on our layouts!! I'm not saying you guys do either, of course.

I for one would also make a helluva lot more progress if I was single!!  :scratchhead:  :angel:

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